
Since 1997, this model has been used as the official mixer at the World DJ Championships, an event sponsored by DMC held annually that
brings together professional disc jockeys from all over the world. It is a top-of-the-line audio mixer with the kind of outstanding design, functions,
and sound quality that suits the requirements of disc jockeys accustomed to giving scratch-mixing performances in a variety of ways.
Operating ease
•This audio mixer is the same height as the SL-1200 series for oper-
ating ease.
•By providing adequate space in the panel layout around the chan-
nel faders and cross fader and by eliminating protruding parts, full
rein can be given to individual technique which exactly reflects the
mood of the moment even when it comes to high-powered scratch-
•The model comes with both high and low equalizers so that all man-
ner of sound sources can be accommodated to generate a highly
creative style of sound. A wide margin of creativity in producing sound
is provided since the attenuation is set to a high –24 dB (12 dB/oct).
Equalization characteristics
•The model is equipped with [TRIM] controls (±10 dB) which com-
pensate for differences in the source level.
•The life of the cross fader has been dramatically increased by using
a photocoupler cross fader circult.
•By reversing the input channel of the cross fader with the new cross
fader switch, you can reverse the operation of the fader.
•By adding a pre-fader monitor, the channels selected by [MONITOR
CUE] controls can be monitored regardless of the positions of the
It is also possible to mix and monitor the line-out sources.
•The model comes with line-out connectors for monitoring so that
sound can be monitored not only with headphones but through the
speakers inside the booth.
•The line-out source L and R levels as well as the monitor source
levels can be checked out on the 12-point, 3-column level meter.
•An [AUX IN] connector is provided to enable a sampler, keyboard,
etc. to become part of the disc jockey scene.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Construction and materials
•New 45 mm stroke faders with excellent durability and smooth op-
erating touch have been developed for this model.
•A spare channel fader has been provided on the bottom panel just
in case, and it is designed to enable easy replacement.
•Lever switches are employed for the input selector controls (LINE,
PHONO) and, by providing adequate space around them, they can
also be used for operations involving transformer scratching.
What is DMC?
Web site (http://www.dmcworld.com)
DMC is the world's largest disc jockey organization whose mem-
bers include the world's top disc jockeys, musicians and pro-
ducers. Its objective is to contribute to improvements in the cre-
ation of music by its members. With main offices in England
(London) and the United States (New York), it has branches in
32 countries throughout the world. Through its many activities
which include the publication of "MIX MAG", the world's best-
selling dance music trade magazine, DMC has sponsored the
World DJ Championships since 1987 with the support of
. At this venue, disc jockeys from 32 nations around
the globe who have won top honors in the Championships held
in their respective countries put on their most impressive shows
and compete to determine who will be crowned as world cham-