What's in the Box:
• Slash 4X4, Ready-To-Race
model with Traxxas Velineon 3500 motor
• VXL-3s Waterproof Electronic Speed Control
• 7-cell Traxxas Power Cell battery
• Charger
• Quick Start Guide
• Accessory pinion gear
• TQi
2.4GHz radio system
• High quality maintenance tools
Included Battery Pack:
7-Cell (8.4V) 3000mAh
Traxxas Power Cell
Pack with High-Current
Free Charger Included
TQi 2.4GHz Intelligent Radio System
This model is equipped with the TQi,
the world's most advanced
radio system. It is engineered to be precise,
comfortable, powerful, and reliable. Long-range, high-output,
App Marketing and Identity
2.4GHz signal combines with proven Traxxas reliability for
rock-solid performance.
Guidelines for Developers
Traxxas Link
simplifies organizing your collection of vehicles.
No need to remember which model in memory needs to be
selected. Simply choose a model and any previously bound
transmitter, power them up, and start having fun! Patent
Pending Traxxas Link recognizes the model automatically.
Up to 30 vehicles can be permanently stored.
Skill Level = Myriad Semi Bold
Upgrade to the TQi Docking Base Compatible
Available on the
iOS Developer Program members must follow these guidelines when promoting
with iPhone and iPod touch (Sold Separately).
an a∑liation with the App Store on websites, advertising, and other marketing
Available on the App Store badge
• Traxxas Link
Model Memory for up to 30 models
• Endpoint adjustment
The App Store badge must be used to
Requirements for using the badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
promote your a∑liation with the App Store.
• 5-Channel Receiver with 3 Telemetry ports
The Available on the App Store badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
• Built in failsafe
On web pages the badge must provide a
link to your application on the App Store.
shown in these guidelines are for use only by iOS Developer Program members
bluehighway font
• Two-button programming interface
1 2 3 3+ 4 5
• Internal antenna
who have agreed to the App Marketing Artwork License Agreement. The license
Available on the
• Steering/throttle Sensitivity
agreement is available to download from the Marketing Resources page of the
• Direct sequence spread
App Store Resource Center. Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use
• Steering/braking Percentage
spectrum technology (DSSS)
the App Store badge or Apple product images anytime their use is inconsistent with
• Servo reversing
these guidelines or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by Apple.
• Uses only 4 AA batteries
What You'll Need to
Available on the App Store Badge
Available on the
No previous experience with radio
Run Your Model:
The Available on the App Store badge has unique letterforms and proportions. Only
controlled models is required.
the badge shown here is approved by Apple. Always use the badge artwork provided
by Apple in accordance with these guidelines. Do not alter the artwork in any way.
Model requires a minimum of setup,
Sold separately at your hobby dealer.
Never use graphics or images from Apple's website or the App Store.
maintenance, or support equipment.
The badge can be used only on communications promoting an application o∂ered on
Badge artwork placed on backgrounds
4 AA Alkaline Batteries
The Available on the App Store badge always
the App Store. Do not use it on your general company communications. When placed
appears in black and white as shown here.
on web pages, the badge is used to direct audiences to download your application
Available on the
The white rule surrounding the badge is part
from the App Store or to download iTunes software so they can access the App Store.
of the badge artwork and must be included
Traxxas Toll Free Customer Service (Toll-free in the U.S. only.)
when the badge is placed on any background
color in printed or online communications;
Minimum Clear Space and Minimum Size
This model is backed with Traxxas Total Support. You won't find it anywhere else. Whether it's a question about
see "Background colors" on page 2.
For Expert Drivers
the motor, radio, replacement parts, or performance upgrades, 1-888-TRAXXAS is your toll-free link to fast
The minimum clear space is equal to
one-quarter the height of the badge.
Available on the
Outside the U.S., call +1-972-265-8000.
40 px
Do not place photos, typography, or other
graphic elements inside the minimum clear
space. The minimum size is 10 mm for use
in printed materials and 40 pixels for use
onscreen. Use the badge at a larger size
whenever possible, selecting a size that is
12 px
App Store
clearly legible.
6808_Mark_Jenkins_box-4lang.indb 6
La boîte contient :
• Modèle Ready-to-Race
Slash 4X4 avec moteur Traxxas Velineon 3500
• Commande de vitesse électronique imperméable VXL-3s
• Pile Traxxas Power Cell à 7 éléments
• Chargeur
• Instructions de démarrage rapide
• Accessoire engrenage à pignons
• Système radio TQi
de 2,4GHz
• Outils d'entretien de grande qualité
Pile incluse :
Pack Traxxas Power
Cell à 7 éléments (8,4V)
3000mAh avec raccord
à hauteintensité
Chargeur Gratuit
Système Radio Intelligent TQi 2,4GHz
Ce modèle est équipé de TQi,
le système radio Ready-to-Race
avancé du monde. Il est précis, commode, puissant et fiable. Le signal
de 2,4GHz longue portée, à haut niveau de sortie épouse la fiabilité
démontrée de Traxxas, assurant un rendement impressionnant.
App Marketing and Identity
Traxxas Link
rend plus simple l'organisation de votre collection
Guidelines for Developers
de véhicules. Plus besoin de se rappeler quel modèle enregistré dans
la mémoire il faut choisir. Vous n'avez qu'à choisir un modèle et un
transmetteur antérieurement monté, mettez-les en marche
et amusez-vous ! Traxxas Link, au brevet déposé, identifie le
modèle automatiquement. On peut enregistrer 30 véhicules
dans la mémoire permanente.
Skill Level = Myriad Semi Bold
Passez à la base d'arrimage TQi Compatible
Available on the
iOS Developer Program members must follow these guidelines when promoting
avec iPhone et iPod touch (vendu séparément)
an a∑liation with the App Store on websites, advertising, and other marketing
Available on the App Store badge
• Mémoire Traxxas Link
pour 30 modèles
• Ajustement de la limite
The App Store badge must be used to
Requirements for using the badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
promote your a∑liation with the App Store.
• Récepteur à 5 canaux avec 3 ports de télémétrie
• Dispositif de sécurité intégré
The Available on the App Store badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
On web pages the badge must provide a
link to your application on the App Store.
• Interface de programmation à deux boutons
shown in these guidelines are for use only by iOS Developer Program members
• Antenne interne
bluehighway font
1 2 3 3+ 4 5
who have agreed to the App Marketing Artwork License Agreement. The license
Available on the
• Sensibilité direction/accélération
• Technologie de spectre étalé
agreement is available to download from the Marketing Resources page of the
App Store Resource Center. Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use
• Pourcentage direction/frein
en séquence directe (DSSS)
the App Store badge or Apple product images anytime their use is inconsistent with
• Marche-arrière servo
• Utilise 4 piles AA
these guidelines or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by Apple.
Pour faire fonctionner le
Available on the App Store Badge
Available on the
Aucune expérience antérieure avec des
modele, il faudra prévoir :
The Available on the App Store badge has unique letterforms and proportions. Only
modèles téléguidés n'est nécessaire. Le modèle
the badge shown here is approved by Apple. Always use the badge artwork provided
(en vente chez votre
by Apple in accordance with these guidelines. Do not alter the artwork in any way.
a besoin de très peu d'opérations d'installation,
Never use graphics or images from Apple's website or the App Store.
marchand d'agrément.)
d'entretien, ou d'équipement de soutien.
The badge can be used only on communications promoting an application o∂ered on
Badge artwork placed on backgrounds
4 piles alcalines AA
The Available on the App Store badge always
the App Store. Do not use it on your general company communications. When placed
appears in black and white as shown here.
on web pages, the badge is used to direct audiences to download your application
Available on the
The white rule surrounding the badge is part
from the App Store or to download iTunes software so they can access the App Store.
Numéro gratuit du service à la client`le de Traxxas
of the badge artwork and must be included
(numéro gratuit uniquement aux États-Unis.)
when the badge is placed on any background
color in printed or online communications;
Minimum Clear Space and Minimum Size
Ce modèle est protégé par le Soutien total de Traxxas. Vous ne le trouverez nulle part ailleurs. Si vous avez des questions
see "Background colors" on page 2.
sur le moteur, la radio, les pièces de rechange ou les mises à niveau, 1-888-TRAXXAS est votre lien gratuit vers des solutions
For Expert Drivers
The minimum clear space is equal to
rapides et amicales. Communiquez avec nous à tout moment à l'adresse de courriel :
[email protected].
one-quarter the height of the badge.
Available on the
40 px
Do not place photos, typography, or other
En dehors des Etats, appelez +1-972-265-8000.
graphic elements inside the minimum clear
space. The minimum size is 10 mm for use
in printed materials and 40 pixels for use
onscreen. Use the badge at a larger size
whenever possible, selecting a size that is
12 px
App Store
clearly legible.
Qué hay en la caja:
• Modelo Slash 4X4 listo para competir con motor Traxxas Velineon 3500
• Control electrónico de velocidad a prueba de agua VXL-3s
• Batería Traxxas de 7 celdas
• Cargador
• Instrucciones para el inicio rápido
• Accesorio de engranaje de piñón
• Sistema de radio TQi™ de 2.4GHz
• Caja de herramientas de calidad
Baterías incluidas:
Paquete de baterías
de 7 celdas (8.4 V) de
3000mAh con conector
de alta tensión
Sistema de Radio Inteligente TQi 2.4GHz
le plus
El sistema de radio más avanzado del mundo Este modelo está equipado
con el sistema de radio Ready-To-Race
Está diseñado para ser preciso, cómodo, poderoso y confiable. La señal
de largo alcance y alta calidad de 2.4GHz se combina con la fiabilidad
App Marketing and Identity
comprobada de Traxxas para un rendimiento sólido.
Guidelines for Developers
Traxxas Link
simplifica la organización de su colección de vehículos.
No es necesario recordar qué modelo es necesario seleccionar en la
memoria. Simplemente elija un modelo y cualquier transmisor vinculado
anteriormente, las enciende y ¡comienza la diversión! El Traxxas Link con
patente en trámite reconoce el modelo de forma automática. Se pueden
almacenar de forma permanente hasta 30 vehículos.
Skill Level = Myriad Semi Bold
Modernícese a la Base de acoplamiento TQi Compatible
Available on the
iOS Developer Program members must follow these guidelines when promoting
con iPhone y iPod touch (Se vende por separado)
an a∑liation with the App Store on websites, advertising, and other marketing
Available on the App Store badge
• Memoria modelo Traxxas Link
para hasta 30 modelos
• Ajuste de extremos
The App Store badge must be used to
Requirements for using the badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
promote your a∑liation with the App Store.
• 5 receptores de canal con 3 puertos de telemetría
• Mecanismo de seguridad incorporado
The Available on the App Store badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
On web pages the badge must provide a
link to your application on the App Store.
shown in these guidelines are for use only by iOS Developer Program members
bluehighway font
• Interfaz de programación de dos botones
• Antena interna
1 2 3 3+ 4 5
who have agreed to the App Marketing Artwork License Agreement. The license
Available on the
• Sensibilidad al acelerador/dirección
agreement is available to download from the Marketing Resources page of the
• Tecnología de Espectro propagado
App Store Resource Center. Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use
• Porcentaje de dirección/freno
de secuencia directa (DSSS)
the App Store badge or Apple product images anytime their use is inconsistent with
• Reversa del servo
these guidelines or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by Apple.
• Utiliza solo 4 baterías AA
Lo que necesitará para
Available on the App Store Badge
Available on the
No se requiere experiencia previa con
poner en marcha su modelo:
The Available on the App Store badge has unique letterforms and proportions. Only
modelos a control remoto. El modelo
the badge shown here is approved by Apple. Always use the badge artwork provided
(Se vende por separado
by Apple in accordance with these guidelines. Do not alter the artwork in any way.
requiere una configuración, mantenimiento
Never use graphics or images from Apple's website or the App Store.
en su distribuidor).
o equipo de soporte mínimos.
The badge can be used only on communications promoting an application o∂ered on
Badge artwork placed on backgrounds
4 Baterías AA alcalinas
The Available on the App Store badge always
the App Store. Do not use it on your general company communications. When placed
appears in black and white as shown here.
on web pages, the badge is used to direct audiences to download your application
Available on the
The white rule surrounding the badge is part
from the App Store or to download iTunes software so they can access the App Store.
Servicio de Atención al Cliente Gratuito de Traxxas
of the badge artwork and must be included
(Línea gratuita solo en los EE. UU.)
when the badge is placed on any background
color in printed or online communications;
Minimum Clear Space and Minimum Size
Este modelo está respaldado por el Soporte Total de Traxxas. No lo encontrará en otro lugar. Si tiene una pregunta sobre el
see "Background colors" on page 2.
motor, la radio, las piezas de repuesto o actualizaciones de rendimiento, 1-888-TRAXXAS es su enlace gratuito para obtener
The minimum clear space is equal to
one-quarter the height of the badge.
Available on the
Fuera de los EE.UU., llame +1-972-265-8000.
40 px
Do not place photos, typography, or other
graphic elements inside the minimum clear
space. The minimum size is 10 mm for use
in printed materials and 40 pixels for use
onscreen. Use the badge at a larger size
whenever possible, selecting a size that is
12 px
App Store
clearly legible.
• Slash 4X4 fahrbereites Renn-Modell Traxxas mit Velineon 3500 Motor
• VXL-3s Wasserdichter elektronischer Geschwindigkeitsregler
• Traxxas-Batterie mit 7 Hochleistungszellen
• Ladegerät
• Schnellstart-anleitung
• Zubehör Ritzel
• TQi™ 2,4 GHz Funksystem
• Werkzeug hoher Qualität für Wartungsarbeiten
Batterie im Lieferumfang enthalten:
3.000 mAh Traxxas
Power Cell Pack mit
Cargador Gratis Incluido
TQi 2,4 GHz Intelligentes Funksystem
Dieses Modell ist mit TQi ,
más avanzado del mundo TQi,
Race®) Funksystem der Welt ausgestattet. Es ist für Präzision, Komfort,
Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit entwickelt. Große Reichweite, hohe
Leistung, 2,4 GHz kombiniert mit bewährter Traxxas-Zuverlässigkeit für
App Marketing and Identity
solide Performance.
Guidelines for Developers
Traxxas Link
Sie müssen sich nicht merken, welches Modell im Speicher ausgewählt
werden muss. Wählen Sie einfach ein Modell und einen beliebigen
zuvor verbundenen Sender, schalten Sie sie ein und der Spaß kann
beginnen! Der zum Patent angemeldete Traxxas Link erkennt das Modell
automatisch. Bis zu 30 Fahrzeuge können permanent gespeichert werden.
Upgrade auf die TQi Docking-Station Kompatibel
Available on the
iOS Developer Program members must follow these guidelines when promoting
an a∑liation with the App Store on websites, advertising, and other marketing
Available on the App Store badge
• Traxxas Link™ Modellspeicher für bis zu 30 Modelle
The App Store badge must be used to
Requirements for using the badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
promote your a∑liation with the App Store.
• 5-Kanal-Empfänger mit drei Telemetrie-Ports
The Available on the App Store badge and the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch images
On web pages the badge must provide a
link to your application on the App Store.
shown in these guidelines are for use only by iOS Developer Program members
• Programmierinterface mit Zwei-Tasten Bedienung
who have agreed to the App Marketing Artwork License Agreement. The license
Available on the
• Empfindlichkeit für Lenken/Bremsen
agreement is available to download from the Marketing Resources page of the
App Store Resource Center. Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use
• Prozentualer Anteil Lenken/Bremsen
the App Store badge or Apple product images anytime their use is inconsistent with
• Servo-Umkehrung
these guidelines or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by Apple.
Was Sie benötigen, um mit
Available on the App Store Badge
Available on the
Ihrem modell zu fahren:
The Available on the App Store badge has unique letterforms and proportions. Only
the badge shown here is approved by Apple. Always use the badge artwork provided
by Apple in accordance with these guidelines. Do not alter the artwork in any way.
(Separat oder bei Ihrem Händler zu erwerben.)
Never use graphics or images from Apple's website or the App Store.
4 AA Alkaline Batterien
The badge can be used only on communications promoting an application o∂ered on
Badge artwork placed on backgrounds
The Available on the App Store badge always
the App Store. Do not use it on your general company communications. When placed
appears in black and white as shown here.
on web pages, the badge is used to direct audiences to download your application
Available on the
The white rule surrounding the badge is part
from the App Store or to download iTunes software so they can access the App Store.
of the badge artwork and must be included
when the badge is placed on any background
color in printed or online communications;
Minimum Clear Space and Minimum Size
Für dieses Modell gilt der Traxxas Total Support. Support, wie Sie ihn nirgendwo anders finden werden. Egal, ob Sie
see "Background colors" on page 2.
For Expert Drivers
eine Frage zu Ersatzteilen für Motor oder Funksystem oder zu einem Leistungs-Upgrade haben. 1-888-TRAXXAS ist Ihre
gebührenfreie Verbindung mit schnellen und freundlichen Lösungen. Sie können uns zu jeder Zeit per E-Mail erreichen:
Available on the
40 px
FAußerhalb der USA rufen +1-972-265-8000.
12 px
App Store
7 Zellen (8,4 V)
Ladegerät inbegriffen
dem modernsten fahrbereiten (Ready-To-
vereinfacht die Organisation Ihre Fahrzeugsammlung.
Skill Level = Myriad Semi Bold
mit iPhone und iPod touch (separat verkauft)
• Endpunkteinstellung
• Eingebaute Ausfallsicherung
bluehighway font
• Interne Antenne
1 2 3 3+ 4 5
• Direkt-Sequenz-Spread
Spektrum-Technologie (DSSS)
• Nur 4 AA Batterien
Keine Erfahrung mit ferngesteuerten
Modellen erforderlich. Das Modell
erfordert nur minimalen Einstellungs-,
Wartungs- oder Supportaufwand.
Die gebührenfreie Rufnummer des Kundensupports von Traxxas
(nur in den USA gebührenfrei.)
For Expert Drivers
The minimum clear space is equal to
one-quarter the height of the badge.
Do not place photos, typography, or other
graphic elements inside the minimum clear
space. The minimum size is 10 mm for use
in printed materials and 40 pixels for use
onscreen. Use the badge at a larger size
whenever possible, selecting a size that is
clearly legible.
6/6/13 5:30 PM