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  • ESPAÑOL, página 6

Enlaces rápidos

Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in the user manual before installing and using the mini-pool.
These warnings, instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of water recreation, but they
cannot cover all risks and dangers in all cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when
enjoying any water activity. Retain this information for future use.
Contents: Pool, Instruction Manual, Repair patch.
Non Swimmers safety
-Continuous, active, and vigilant supervision of weak
swimmers and non-swimmers by a competent adult
is required at all times (remembering that children
under five are at the highest risk of drowning).
-Designate a competent adult to supervise the pool
each time it is being used.
-Weak swimmers or non-swimmers should wear
personal protection equipment when using the pool.
-When the mini-pool is not in use, remove all toys
and appealing objects from the water and the coping
to avoid attracting children to the pool
-When the mini-pool is not in use remove all toys or
other objects from its surrounding that could be used
by a child as a device to facilitate the access into the
mini-pool (e.g. chairs, big toys etc.).
Safety devices
-It is recommended to install a barrier (and secure
all doors and windows, where applicable) to prevent
unauthorized access to the mini-pool.
-Personal protective equipment, barriers, pool covers,
pool alarms, or similar safety devices are helpful
aids, but they are not substitutes for continuous and
competent adult supervision.
Safety equipment
-Keep a working phone and a list of emergency
phone numbers near the pool.
Safe use of the pool
-Encourage all users especially children to learn how
to swim.
-Learn Basic Life Support (Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation - CPR) and refresh this knowledge
regularly. This can make a life-saving difference in
the event of an emergency.
-Instruct all pool users, including children, what to do
in case of an emergency.
-Never dive into any shallow body of water. This can
lead to serious injury or death.
-Do not use the mini-pool when using alcohol or
medication that may impair your ability to safely use
the pool.
- W h e n p o o l c o v e r s a r e u s e d , r e m o v e t h e m
completely from the water surface before entering the
pool(if applicable).
-Replace water regularly according to manufacturer
recommendations and, depending on hygienic
conditions, its cleanliness, its clarity, and its odour,
or if any debris or stains are present in the mini-
pool. Use of chemicals in mini-pools without water
circulation may result in direct contact with the
chemicals or in areas of high chemical concentration
resulting in injury to the users.
-If chemicals are occasionally used to reduce the
frequency of water replacement, follow chemicals
manufacturer instructions closely, ensure the
appropriate mixing of chemicals to avoid possible
personal injuries and store chemicals out of reach of
User's Manual
Please read carefully and keep for future reference
-The use and installation of any electrical appliances
around mini-pools shall be in accordance with the
national regulations.
-Where applicable, remove any means of access
from the mini-pool and store it out of reach of children
whenever the mini-pool is not in use.
-Use of accessories not approved by the mini-pool
manufacturer (e.g. ladders, covers, pumps, etc.) may
result in risks of injuries or property damages.
1. Selection of appropriate location to prevent the
hazard of drowning of young children, install the mini-
pool in a place where it is possible for the supervision
to be constant;
2. One person choose a flat ground make sure there
are no stone, gravel, glass, and any other sharp and
edgy objects. Never install the pool on a hard surface
such as concrete or asphalt. Never install the pool
close to trees (falling leaves) and any source of electric
3. Take out the product from package and check if any
parts missing, unfold it on the ground, lay flat, locate
and open inflation valve(s).
4. Slowly inflate all compartments, close and press all
valves tightly after inflation.It is recommended that you
use only a hand or foot pump for inflation.Caution:
Do not use the high-pressure air to inflate! Do not
Regular Maintenance:
In order to keep your pool water cleaning, please
change the water after each use.Never put an empty
swimming pool in the open air.
Emptying it by opening the water drain, once the water
is drained from the pool, deflate the pool wall, let the
pool dry and fold it up carefully.
Storage and Maintain:
Clean the product with clear water, then leave it in
shady and cool place for airing, fold it into original
package and place it indoor for next use.
Store the product in a dark, dry place-out of reach of
In winter, the pool is not allowed to be placed at a
temperature that is below 5 °C, otherwise the plastic
film would be damaged. Suitable to be used in the
open air.
Monitor bolts and screws, splinters or any sharp
edges(if applicable).
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Mizuno MP-20

  • Página 1 MP-20-GB User’s Manual Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in the user manual before installing and using the mini-pool. These warnings, instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of water recreation, but they cannot cover all risks and dangers in all cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when enjoying any water activity.
  • Página 2: Instructions Relatives À La Sécurité

    MP-20-FR Manuel d’instructions piscine Lire attentivement, assimiler et respecter toutes les informations contenues dans la notice d’utilisation avant d’installer et d’utiliser la piscinette. Ces avertissements, instructions et consignes de sécurité portent sur certains des risques usuels associés aux loisirs aquatiques, mais ils ne peuvent pas couvrir la totalité des risques et dangers dans tous les cas.
  • Página 3: Sicherheitshinweise

    Gebrauchsanweisung MP-20-DE Achten Sie darauf, vor Installation und Benutzung des Minipools alle Informationen in der Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig zu lesen, zu verstehen und zu befolgen. Diese Warnungen, Anweisungen und Sicherheitsrichtlinien beziehen sich auf einige allgemeine Gefahren in Verbindung mit wasserbasierten Freizeitaktivitäten, sie können jedoch nicht sämtliche Gefahren und Risiken abdecken.
  • Página 4: Istruzioni Di Sicurezza

    MP-20-IT Manuale di istruzioni Leggere attentamente, comprendere e osservare tutte le informazioni del manuale prima di installare ed utilizzare questa piscina. Queste avvertenze, istruzioni e linee guida di sicurezza affrontano alcuni rischi comuni associati ai giochi acquatici,ma non possono coprire tutti i casi di rischio e pericolo.Quando ci si diverte in acqua, usare sempre cautela e buon senso.
  • Página 5: Veiligheidsinstructies

    MP-20-NL Gebruikershandleidin Zorg dat u alle informatie in de handleiding aandachtig leest, begrijpt en naleeft voordat u het minizwembad installeert en gebruikt. Deze waarschuwingen, instructies en veiligheidsrichtlijnen hebben betrekking op enkele algemene risico's van recreatie in het water, maar kunnen niet alle risico's en gevaren in alle gevallen dekken. Let altijd goed op, gebruik uw gezond verstand en goed oordeel wanneer u geniet van wateractiviteiten.
  • Página 6: Instrucciones De Seguridad

    MP-20-ES Manual del usuario Lea atentamente, comprenda y siga toda la información del manual del usuario antes de instalar y utilizar la minipiscina. Estas advertencias, instrucciones e indicaciones de seguridad tratan sobre algunos riesgos comunes que supone la diversión en el agua, pero no se pueden abarcar todos los riesgos y peligros en todos los casos.
  • Página 7: Instruções De Segurança

    MP-20-PT Manual do utilizador Leia atentamente, compreenda e siga todas as informações apresentadas neste manual do utilizador antes de instalar e utilizar a mini-piscina. Estes avisos, instruções e orientações de segurança dizem respeito a alguns riscos comuns relacionados com a recreação aquática, mas não incluem todos os riscos e perigos em todos os casos.
  • Página 8: Podręcznik Użytkownika

    MP-20-PL Podręcznik użytkownika Przed montażem i użytkowaniem basenu należy uważnie przeczytać, zrozumieć i zastosować się do wszystkich instrukcji w podręczniku użytkownika. Ostrzeżenia, instrukcje i wskazówki dotyczące bezpieczeństwa dotyczą typowych zagrożeń podczas rekreacji w wodzie, ale nie obejmują wszystkich przypadków zagrożeń i niebezpieczeństw.
  • Página 9: Uporabniški Priročnik

    MP-20-SI Uporabniški priročnik Pred namestitvijo in uporabo mini bazena temeljito preberite vse informacije v tem uporabniškem priročniku, se seznanite z njimi in jih upoštevajte. Ta opozorila, navodila in varnostni predpisi ne zajemajo vseh tveganj in nevarnosti, ampak le nekatera splošna tveganja v zvezi z rekreacijo v vodi. Pri vseh dejavnostih v vodi bodite vedno previdni ter uporabljajte zdrav razum in preudarnost.
  • Página 10: Säkerhetsinstruktioner

    MP-20-SE Bruksanvisning Läs noggrant, lär dig och följ all information i denna bruksanvisning innan installation och användning av minipoolen. Dessa varningar, instruktioner och säkerhetsriktlinjer tar upp några vanliga risker vid vattenaktiviteter, men de kan inte täcka alla risker och faror i alla fall. Var alltid försiktig, använd sunt förnuft och gott omdöme när du roar dig med någon vattenaktivitet.
  • Página 11 MP-20-NO Brukerhåndbok Du må lese, forstå og følge all informasjonen i bruksanvisningen før du monterer og bruker mini-bassenget. Disse advarslene, instruksjonene og retningslinjene for sikkerhet tar for seg vanlige risikoer forbundet med vann, men de kan ikke dekke alle risikoer og farer i alle tilfeller. Utvis alltid forsiktighet, sunn fornuft og god dømmekraft i nærheten av vann.
  • Página 12 MP-20-DK Brugervejledning Du bedes omhyggeligt læse, forstå og følge alle oplysninger i denne brugsvejledning, inden minipoolen sættes op og tages i brug. Disse advarsler, instruktioner og sikkerhedsvejledninger dækker over nogle almindelige risici, når du er i vandet, men de kan ikke dække alle risici og farer i alle tilfælde. Vær altid forsigtig, og brug din sunde fornuft og gode dømmekraft under vandaktiviteterne.
  • Página 13 MP-20-FI Käyttöopas Lue ja ymmärrä kaikki käyttöoppaassa olevat tiedot ja noudata niitä huolellisesti ennen minialtaan asentamista ja käyttöä. Näissä varoituksissa, ohjeissa ja turvallisuusohjeissa käsitellään joitain yleisiä vesileikkeihin liittyviä riskejä, mutta ne eivät voi kattaa kaikkia riskejä ja vaaroja. Noudata vesileikeissä aina varovaisuutta ja käytä tervettä järkeä...
  • Página 14: Korisnički Priručnik

    MP-20-HR Korisnički priručnik Prije upotrebe mini-bazena, pažljivo i s razumijevanjem pročitajte i držite se uputa u korisničkom priručniku. Ova upozorenja, upute i smjernice u pogledu sigurnosti odnose se na najčešće rizike vezane uz rekreaciju u vodi, ali one ne mogu obuhvatiti sve rizike i opasnosti u svim slučajevima. Pri svakoj aktivnosti u vodi budite oprezni, vodite se zdravim razumom i dobrim prosudbama.
  • Página 15 MP-20-CS Uputstvo za korišćenje Pažljivo pročitajte, razumite i pratite sve informacije u ovom uputstvu za korišćenje pre instaliranja i korišćenja mini bazena. Ova upozorenja, uputstva i bezbednosne smernice odnose se na neke uobičajene rizike vezane za rekreaciju u vodi, ali ne mogu da pokriju sve rizike i opasnosti u svim slučajevima. Uvek budite oprezni, koristite zdrav razum i dobar sud kada uživate u bilo kojoj aktivnosti u vodi.
  • Página 16 MP-20-1(V3) Item No./Élément Water capacity/ Capacité/ n °/Artikel-Nr./ Wasserkapazität/Dimensioni/ Water Level/Vannivå/ Codice articolo/ Water capaciteit/Capacidad Niveau d'eau/Vandstand/ Itemnr./Nº de Size/ Taille/Größe/Størrelse de agua/Vannkapasitet / Wasserstand/Livello artículo/Item Nº./Nr Dimensioni/Grootte/Koko/Veličina/ Capacidade de água/ dell'acqua/Water niveau/Nivel del agua/Vedenpinnan taso/ elementu/Št. dela/ Dimensiones/Tamanho/Veličina/ Pojemność wody/ Nível de água/Poziom wody/...
  • Página 17 WARNING:Keep children under supervision in the aquatic environment / ATTENTION: Garder les enfants sous surveillance dans l’environnement aquatique / WARNUNG: Kinder im Pool und dessen Umfeld sollten kontinuierlich beaufsichtigt werden / ATTENZIONE: Tenere i bambini sotto sorveglianza in acqua. /WAARSCHUWING: houd kinderen onder toezicht in een omgeving met water.

Tabla de contenido