Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
>What kind of surfaces is the
What kind of surfaces is the
What kind of surfaces is the
What kind of surfaces is the
Almost any smooth or rough surface is suitable if it is firm and able to bear the load in question. The
perfect for high-quality materials that one does not want to damage by drilling.
(tiles), stone, marble, granite, glass, concrete, metal, wood and many plastics. Based on load bearing for grab bars, it is
recommended that you use this only on tile, stone and heavy duty glass. Unsuitable surfaces, on the other hand, include soft
plaster, wallpaper, sheetrock and textiles (such as carpets), which do not provide sufficient firmness and support for surface
attachments. There is no adhesion to polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon). These surfaces are rarely found in tub surrounds or bath enclosures.
Although we have described as many examples as possible, our instructions can cover only some of the many surfaces and
surface treatments that are suitable. The user is therefore advised to make preliminary tests when considering other types
of surface.
Although the system will work on most plastics and fiberglass, the actual load capacity will vary based on
plastic material type, manufacture and wall thickness. For this reason we can not guarantee 250lb load capacity for these
surfaces. We do not offer lifetime guarantee for these surfaces.
>Will the system work on rough surfaces too?
Will the system work on rough surfaces too?
Will the system work on rough surfaces too?
Will the system work on rough surfaces too?
Surface texture is not a factor that affects the bonding strength of the
be flat to match the adapter and should not have any large gaps that would let adhesive escape from underneath the adapter
ring. In fact, a slightly roughened surface affords even better adhesion owing to the improved mechanical contact. To
completely remove the silicone-like adhesive from the gaps and pores of rough surfaces, it is necessary to use a silicone
remover, pure alcohol and a coarse brush.
>Can I use the system outdoors as well?
Can I use the system outdoors as well?
Can I use the system outdoors as well?
Can I use the system outdoors as well?
Yes! The adhesive will not decay, withstands UV radiation, is water-resistant and not damaged by freezing (however, it should
be applied at a temperature between 41 and 104°F (+5 and +40°C).
>Will the system fail over time?
Will the system fail over time?
Will the system fail over time?
Will the system fail over time?
Absolutely not! Once the
ensure a permanent bond. Moreover, it will retain its elasticity and not fray the way many textile adhesive tapes do after only a
few weeks. Moreover, short impact loads will not cause the adhesive surface to crack, as often happens with two-component
adhesives that harden to form a crystalline connection. The
>I followed the instructions carefully, but the adapter still fell from the wall. Why did t
I followed the instructions carefully, but the adapter still fell from the wall. Why did that happen?
I followed the instructions carefully, but the adapter still fell from the wall. Why did t
I followed the instructions carefully, but the adapter still fell from the wall. Why did t
According to our experience, if the
reasons listed below. Each of these reasons is caused by improper conditions for bonding. From the so-called fracture pattern
of the adhesive on the back of the adapter, one can easily determine what the problem is.
Cavities in the adhesive - caused by disturbing (e.g. pressing down) the adapter after inserting adhesive which
causes air pockets and limits the bond.
Insufficient curing time - caused by trying to mount the accessory prior to the suggested curing time of 12 hours
(Grab bars recommend 24 hours).
Separation at surface - caused by not cleaning surface properly prior to installation. Be sure to use rubbing alcohol
only and allow to dry completely to be sure the surface is free of all household cleaners, grease, soap deposits etc.
>Can the adhesive cause damage to surfaces?
Can the adhesive cause damage to surfaces?
Can the adhesive cause damage to surfaces?
Can the adhesive cause damage to surfaces?
No. We know of no load-bearing material that would be harmed by the chemical substances in the
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system suitable for?
system suitable for?
system suitable for?
system suitable for?
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system has been properly attached, its special single-component adhesive will
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nie wieder bohren
nie wieder bohren
system fails to deliver what we promise, it is usually for one of the three
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nie wieder bohren
is suitable with ceramic
adhesive. However, the surface must
system is a totally new experience in bonding
hat happen?
hat happen?
hat happen?
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system is