Evercraft Air Tools 776-3758 Manual Del Usuario página 2

Pistola pulverizadora hvlp de alimentación por gravedad y vaso con regulador de presión de aire
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reAd tHis iNstructioN MANuAl cArefully
ANd uNderstANd All iNforMAtioN before
oPerAtiNg tHis tool. KeeP for future use.
• It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure all personnel
read this manual prior to using this air tool. It is also the
responsibility of the air tool owner to keep this manual intact and
in a convenient location for all to see and read. If the manual or
product labels are lost or not legible, contact Balkamp for
replacements. If the operator is not fluent in English, the product
and safety instructions shall be read to and discussed with the
operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/
owner or his designee, making sure that the operator
comprehends its contents.
• Always operate, inspect and maintain this spray gun in
accordance with American National Standards Institute Safety Code
of Portable Air Tools (ANSI B186.1) and any other applicable safety
codes and regulations.
• During use and while cleaning and flushing
spray gun sol v ents can be expelled. Some
solvents can cause eye injury. Always wear
eye protection (users and bystanders).
• Be sure all in the area are wearing im p act-
resistant eye and face protection (users and
by standers). Even small projectiles can in j ure
eyes and cause blind n ess.
• High sound levels can cause per m a n ent hear i ng
loss. Protect your s elf from noise. Noise levels
vary with work sur f ace. Wear ear pro t ec t ion
(users and bystanders).
• Repetitive work motions, awk w ard po s i t ions and
ex p o s ure to vibration can be harm f ul to hands
and arms.
• Air under pressure can cause severe injury.
Al w ays shut off air supply, drain hose of air
pres s ure and dis c on n ect tool from air supply
when not in use, be f ore chang i ng ac ces so ries
or when mak i ng re p airs. Nev e r di r ect air at
your s elf or anyone else. Whip p ing hos e s can
cause serious injury. Al w ays check for damaged
or loose hoses and fit t ings. Never use quick
change cou p lings at tool. They add weight and
could fail due to vi b ra t ion. In s tead, add a hose
whip and con n ect cou p ling be t ween air sup p ly
and hose whip, or be t ween hose whip and
leader hose. do not ex ceed max i mum air inlet
pres sure of 43 psig.
• Always use spray gun at a safe distance from other peo p le
in work area.
• Maintain spray gun with care. Keep tools clean and oiled for best
and safest performance. Follow in s truc t ions for lu b ri c at i ng
and chang i ng ac c es s o r ies. Wiping or clean i ng rags and other
flam m a b le waste materials must be placed in a tight l y closed
metal con t ain e r and disposed of later in the prop e r fash i on.
• Do not wear loose or ill-fit t ing clothing; re m ove watch e s and rings.
• When possible, secure work with clamps or vise so both hands
are free to op er ate tool.
must never be allowed in the spray area. Fire extinguishing
equipment must be present in the paint spray area.
reaction caused by these solvents reacting with aluminum can
become violent and lead to an equipment explosion. Guns with
stainless steel internal passageways may be used with these
solvents. However, aluminum is widely used in other spray
application equipment. Check all equipment items before use and
make sure they can also be used safely with these solvents. Read
the label or data sheet for the material you intend to spray. If in
doubt as to whether or not a coating or cleaning material is
compatible, contact your material supplier.
• Spray gun operators should be given adequate training in the
safe use and maintenance of the equipment. Users must comply
with all local and national codes of practice and insurance
company requirements governing ventilation, fire precautions,
operation, maintenance, and housekeeping. These are OSHA
Sections 1910.94 and 1910.107 and NFPA-33.
• Use of spray guns may cause cumulative trauma disorders
(CTD's). CTD's, when using spray guns, tend to affect the upper
extremities. Factors which may increase the risk of developing a
CTD include:
1. High frequency of the activity.
2. Excessive force, such as gripping, pinching, or pressing with
the hands and fingers.
• Do not over reach. Keep prop e r footing and
bal a nce at all times. Slip p ing, trip p ing and
falling can be a ma j or cause of se r i o us in j u r y
or death. Be aware of excess hose left on the
walk i ng or work sur f ace.
• Do not abuse hoses or con n ec t ors. Never
carry spray gun by the hose or yank hose to
dis c on n ect from air sup p ly. Keep hoses from
heat, oil and sharp edg e s. Check hoses for
weak or worn condition before each use,
mak i ng cer t ain that all con n ec t ions are se c ure.
• Solvent and paint coatings can be highly
flammable when sprayed. Adequate ventilation
exhaust must be provided to keep air free of
accumulations of flammable materials. Smoking
• Certain painting solvent materials may be
harmful if inhaled, or if there is contact with
the skin. Always follow the requirements of the
Material Safety Data Sheet supplied by your
coating material manufacturer. Adequate
exhaust ventilation must be provided to keep
the air free of accumulations of toxic materials.
Always use a mask or respirator whenever
there is a chance of inhaling sprayed materials.
The mask must be compatible with the
material being sprayed and its concentration.
Respirator equipment must be NIOSH approved.
• Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents -
for example: methylene chloride and
1,1,1,-Trichlorethene are not chemically
compatible with the aluminum that might be
used in spray gun components. The chemical
Rev. 07/21/14
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