Programing The Remote Control
The re are two ways to program the re mote control ; Automatic Code Se arch or Dire ct Entry
Using Automatic Code Search
1. Turn on the compone nt you want to control (TV, AUX or DVD).
2. Pre ss and hold the compone nt ke y you want to program.
until the LED on the re mote control turns on, the n re le ase the ke y.
3. Point the re mote at the compone nt, pre ss and re le ase the UP ( ▲ ) button, the n wait thre e
se conds or until the LED stops flashing. At this point the re mote control is se arching for
the corre ct code to program. If, afte r thre e se conds, the compone nt you want to control doe s
not turn off, pre ss and re le ase UP ( ▲ ) button again to te ll the re mote to se arch the ne xt se t of
code s.
4. If the compone nt you want to control doe s turn off; Pre ss and re le ase OK button , the n the LED
blinks thre e time s.
Using Direct Entry Method
1. Turn on the compone nt you want to control (TV, AUX or DVD)
2. Locate the e nclose d Code List. Find your brand of the compone nt you want to control.
3. Pre ss and hold the compone nt ke y you want to program. Holding the compone nt ke y
until the LED on the re mote control turns on, the n re le ase the ke y.
4. Ente r 3-digit code from the code list, the n the LED blinks thre e time s.
5. If you ge t no re sponse , re pe at the se ste ps using the ne xt code liste d for your brand
until the compone nt re sponds to the re mote control command.
Changing Volume Lock
Locking the volume controls to a single de vice make s it e asie r to control volume , without having to
gue ss whe the r the volume will change . If you lock the re mote 's volume controls to the TV , you will
always be able to change the volume to the le ve l you want, without having to adjust it on multiple
de vice s.
If you want to lock the volume for the STB compone nt ;
1. Pre ss and hold the STB compone nt ke y until the LED on the re mote control turns on.
2. Ente r 3-digit code , 9 9 9 .
3. Pre ss and re le ase the STB compone nt ke y, the n the LED blinks thre e time s.
Unlocking volume control ;
If you want to unlock the volume for the STB compone nt ;
1. Pre ss and hold the STB compone nt ke y until the LED on the re mote control turns on.
2. Ente r 3-digit code , 9 9 9 .
3. Pre ss and re le ase the STB compone nt ke y, the n the LED blinks thre e time s.
STB Power Macro
It re alize use rs to switch on/off both STB & TV simultane ously, to re lie ve e xtra e fforts
with adjusting de vice ke y on the RCU.
If you want to lock the powe r macro function ;
1. Pre ss and hold the STB compone nt ke y until the LED on the re mote control turns on.
2. Ente r 3-digit code , 8 8 8 .
3. Pre ss and re le ase the STB compone nt ke y, the n the LED blinks thre e time s.
Unlocking powe r macro function ;
If you want to unlock the powe r macro function ;
1. Pre ss and hold the STB compone nt ke y until the LED on the re mote control turns on.
2. Ente r 3-digit code , 8 8 8 .
3. Pre ss and re le ase the STB compone nt ke y, the n the LED blinks thre e time s.
Holding the compone nt ke y