Absortech exclusively focuses on products and services that help our
customers avoid moisture damage. Since 1996, we have developed a
range of desiccants called AbsorRange™ and offer innovative technology
for moisture protection in containers, in-boxes and the home.
We maintain control end-to-end in the chain from product
development, manufacturing and delivery of the right product at the
right place. We have a variety of solutions and high-performance
desiccants for preventing moisture damage during transport.
We call it Peace of Moisture Mind
container shipping productivity and protect their brand.
Nordics & Headquaters
Absortech International AB
Absortech Inc.
Tryckerivägen 4, SE-311 44
Phone: +1 (847) 867 4158
Falkenberg, Sweden
Phone: +46 346 420 70
Since 2017 Absortech has been committed to the UN Global Compact
corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of
human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption .
which helps customers increase their
Absortech Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Absortech Europe GmbH
Phone: +65 6423 9271
Phone: +49 171 2689223
Greater China
Absortech Desiccant
Absortech India Pvt ltd
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Phone:+91 7823949103
Phone: +86 21 6768 1621