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Thank you for choosing the VuePoint F170 monitor mount. The F170
maximum weight capacity is 59 kg (130 lbs.). The F170 is adjustable, allowing
+11˚ -10˚ of tilt, and will extend 23 cm (9 in.) from the wall.
frame walls only! The wall must be capable of supporting up to fi ve times the
weight of the monitor and mount combined. If you have any doubts about
the ability of the wall to support the monitor, contact Customer Service, or a
qualifi ed contractor.
not explicitly specifi ed by VuePoint. Improper installation may cause property
damage or personal injury. If you do not understand these directions, or have
doubts about the safety of the installation, contact Customer Service or call a
qualifi ed contractor. VuePoint is not responsible for damage or injury caused
by incorrect mounting, assembly, or use.
could be a choking hazard if swallowed. Keep these items away from young
Milestone AV Technologies 2221 Hwy 36 West, Saint Paul, MN 55113 USA
Americas: 888-333-9952 • 952-277-3958 • [email protected] • www.vuepointav.com
Europe, Middle East, and Africa: 31 (0) 40 26 68 619 • [email protected] • www.vuepointav.com
Asia Pacifi c: 86 755 8996 9226 • 800 999 6688 (mainland China only) • [email protected] • www.vuepointav.com
©2008 Milestone AV Technologies. All rights reserved. VuePoint is a Milestone brand. All other brand names or marks
are used for identifi cation purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners.
This product is designed for use in wood
Do not use this product for any purpose
This product contains small items that
(6902-170111 <00>)
Merci d'avoir choisi le support de moniteur VuePoint F170. Le support F170 et
a une capacité de poids maximale de 59 kg. Le F170 est ajustable à +11˚ -10˚
de pivotement et doté d'une extension de 23 cm à partir du mur.
les murs à chevrons en bois! Le mur doit pouvoir supporter jusqu'à cinq fois
le poids de l'ensemble moniteur et support. En cas de doute sur les capacités
du mur à supporter le moniteur, prenez contact avec le service clientèle ou un
artisan qualifi é.
non spécifi ée expressément par VuePoint. Une installation incorrecte peut
entraîner des préjudices corporels ou des dommages matériels. Si vous ne
comprenez pas ces instructions ou si vous avez des doutes quant à la sécurité
de l'installation, veuillez contacter le service clientèle ou un installateur
qualifi é. VuePoint n'est pas responsable des dommages ou des préjudices
causés par un montage, un assemblage ou une utilisation incorrects.
des composants de petite taille susceptibles de provoquer un étouff ement eu
cas d'ingestion. Éloignez ces composants d'enfants en bas âge !
Ce produit n'est conçu que pour
N'utilisez pas ce produit à une fi n
Ce produit contient

Resumen de contenidos para SANUS VuePoint F170

  • Página 1 +11˚ -10˚ of tilt, and will extend 23 cm (9 in.) from the wall. a une capacité de poids maximale de 59 kg. Le F170 est ajustable à +11˚ -10˚ de pivotement et doté d’une extension de 23 cm à partir du mur.
  • Página 2 Grazie per aver scelto il supporto per schermi VuePoint F170. Il supporto F170 monitor, póngase en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente de VuePoint può sostenere monitor con peso fi no a 59 kg (130 libbre.). Il supporto F170 è System o consulte a un técnico cualifi cado.
  • Página 3 Tak, fordi du valgte skærmholderen VuePoint F170. F170 kan bære skærme VuePoint. Неправильная установка может привести к повреждению på op til 59 kg,. F170 er justerbar og kan vippes +11˚ -10˚. Den kan desuden имущества и травме. Если не понимаете данных инструкций или...
  • Página 4 VuePoint F170 monitör taşıma düzeneğini seçtiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz. F170 Dziękujemy za wybranie uchwytu VuePoint F170 do montażu monitora. W 59 kg (130 lbs) . F170 ayarlanabilir; +11˚ -10˚ eğebilir ve duvardan 23 cm (9 inç) uchwycie F170 można mocować monitory o ciężarze maksymalnym 59kg (130 dışa uzatabilirsiniz.
  • Página 5 3/16 in. Supplied Parts and Hardware Parti ed elementi di montaggio in dotazione Before starting assembly, verify all parts are included and undamaged. If any Prima di procedere al montaggio verifi care che siano presenti tutti i parts are missing or damaged, do not return the item to your dealer; contact componenti e che gli stessi non siano danneggiati.
  • Página 6 同梱部品および金具 Dostarczone części i osprzęt 組み立てを始める前に、部品がすべてそろっており、破損していないこ Przed rozpoczęciem montażu sprawdź kompletność i stan wszystkich części. W とを確認してください。足りない部品または破損している部品がある場 razie braków lub uszkodzenia, nie zwracaj towaru do sprzedawcy; skontaktuj 合は、販売店に製品を返品されるのではなく、カスタマーサービスまで się z obsługą klienta fi rmy. Nigdy nie używaj uszkodzonych części! ご連絡ください。破損した部品は絶対にご使用にならないでください Zestaw zawiera osprzęt i procedury montażowe dla różnych konfi guracji.
  • Página 7 [07] x 4 [08] x 4 M4 x 12mm M6 x 12mm M5 x 12mm M6 x 20mm M8 x 16mm [09] x 4 [10] x 4 [11] x 4 [12] x 4 [13] x 4 M4 x 30mm M5 x 30mm M6 x 35mm [14] x 4 [15] x 4...
  • Página 8 3/16 in. Wood Stud Mounting Installazione su muro con intelaiatura in legno NOTE Use awl to verify stud location. NOTA usare un punteruolo per verifi care la posizione del montante. CAUTION: PRECAUZIONE: Do not over-tighten the lag bolts [07]. Non serrare eccessivamente Tighten the lag bolts [07] only until the washers [08] are pulled against the wall le viti [07].
  • Página 9 Montaż na ścianie o szkielecie drewnianym DİKKAT: UWAGA Użyć szydła w celu weryfi kacji położenia kołka. Cıvataları gereğinden fazla sıkmayın [07]. Cıvataları [07] yalnızca pullar [08] duvar plakasına [01] çekilene kadar sıkıştırın. UWAGA: Wkrętów montażowych [07] nie należy DİKKAT: dokręcać za mocno. Śruby [07] należy dokręcać tylko do momentu dociśnięcia Duvarın kaplaması...
  • Página 10 TV with fl at back TV med rett bakside Determine the diameter of the screw your TV requires by hand threading them Fastslå hvilken diameter det skal være på boltene til din TV ved å skru dem for into the threaded insert on the back of the TV. Verify that there are adequate hånd i hullene med gjenger på...
  • Página 11 [05] [05] [06] [06] [23] [23] [19] [20] [09] [10] [05] [05] [06] [06] [24] [24] [22] [21] [11] [13] [12] 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 12 TV with curved back or obstruction near threaded insert TV con dorso curvo od ostruzione Determine the diameter of the screw your TV requires by hand threading them Determinare il diametro bullone necessario per la TV inserendo i bulloni into the threaded insert on the back of the TV. Verify that there are adequate nell’inserto fi lettato presente sul dorso della TV.
  • Página 13 背面に丸みがあるモニターやその他の凹凸があるモニター Televizor, jehož zadní strana je zakřivená nebo obsahuje まず、テレビの背面にあるねじ込みインサートに各種ボルトを手で差し překážky 込んでみて、ご使用のテレビに合う直径のボルトを選定します。モニタ Zjistěte průměr šroubů, které je potřeba u vašeho televizoru použít, tak, že ーをブラケットで固定できる、十分な長さのネジかどうか確認します。 je rukou zašroubujete do závitové vložky na zadní straně televizoru. Zkon- 長すぎるネジは使用しないでください。モニター内部の構成部品を損傷 trolujte, zda jsou pro zajištění konzol k monitoru k dispozici vyhovující závity. する恐れがあります。どれを使用していいのか分からない場合、カスタ...
  • Página 14 [05] [05] [06] [06] [23] [23] [19] [20] [25] [25] [23] [23] [14] [15] [05] [05] [06] [06] [24] [24] [21] [22] [26] [26] [17] [16] [18] 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 15 [03] [05] [06] [04] [03] [04] [28] [03] [04] [28] 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 16 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 17 [03] [02] [02] [27] [04] 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 18 [32] CAUTION: FORSIKTIG: Avoid potential injuries or prop- Unngå potensiell skade på erty damage! Ensure the safety bolts [29] are secure. Periodic tightening may person eller materiell! Pass på at sikkerhetsboltene [29] sitter godt. Periodisk be required. tiltrekking kan være påkrevd. ATTENTION: FORSIGTIGHED: Évitez de possibles bles-...
  • Página 19 [29] [32] 6902-170111 <00>...
  • Página 20 NOTE: Be sure to leave enough slack in the cables to allow the MERK Sørg for at det blir nok slakk i kablene til at skjermen kan bev- monitor to move freely. Use the cable ties [31] and wire clips [30] to secure the ege seg fritt.
  • Página 21 [32] [33] A: Adjust left/right swivel tension. B: Adjust up/down tilt tension. C: A: Juster spenningen for regulering venstre/høyre. B: Juster spen- Adjust arm extend/retract tension. ningen for regulering helling opp/ned. C: Juster spenningen for regulering ut/ inn. A : Réglez la tension de pivotement à gauche/droite. B : Réglez la tension d’inclinaison vers le haut/bas.
  • Página 22 Milestone AV Technologies and its affi liated corporations and subsidiaries (collectively, Milestone AV Technologies og dets associerede selskaber og datterselskaber (samlet, “Milestone”), intend to make this manual accurate and complete. However, Milestone makes no claim “Milestone”), har til hensigt at gøre denne manual nøjagtig og fuldstændig. Dog hævder Milestone ikke that the information contained herein covers all details, conditions, or variations.