Dear Customer,
Points to consider within this manual are indicated under the headings WARNING, CAUTION, NOTE
These headings are defined according to the degree of importance and we kindly request you to
read each of them carefully.
The information stated under headings WARNING, CAUTION, NOTE and SUGGESTION in this opera-
ting manual applies for all stages during the period of use of your product, including transportation
and installation.
Contains information for preventing serious damages, which may lead the pro-
duct out of use, to injury, loss of life and property while the product is in use
Contains information for preventing the errors, which may decrease the efficiency
of your product or failures while the product is in use.
Contains explanatory information while the product is in use.
Contains information that may be useful while the product is in use.
In case of any failure, please contact to our Call Centre, nearest Authorized Uğur
Service or Customer Care Centre for obtaining information. Our Customer Care
Center hotline is available at last page of the operating manual.
It is at the discretion of the consumer to take action related to the food inside your
cooler in case of any failure. Our company is not responsible from the deterioration
of your foodstuff due to any failure or usage error.
Our products are manufactured for cooling foodstuff and beverages. Our com-
pany is not responsible for any damage that may occur in the products, which are
used for another purpose.