d - CONFigurATiON
2.4 - eXample: programming an email
alert to Be sent When motion is detected
To program an alert to be sent when motion is
detected, you need 2 email addresses: the address
of the sender which will be used by the camera,
and the address which will receive the alerts. The
camera uses the username and password of the
sender address to connect and send the email.
Configuration depends on the chosen email
provider's settings.
Note: The 2 email addresses can be the same (you
will simply be sending an email to yourself).
In our example, we use www.gmail.com:
addresses need to have been created beforehand.
First of all, go into "Email" under the "Alerte [Alert]"
2 3 4 5
IMPORTANT: When you have finished
configuring the device, do not forget to click
on "Save" at the top of the screen to confirm
the entries you have made.
2 Sender: Name that you must enter to
connect to the mailbox that will send out
the alerts. In our example using Gmail, this is
3 Password: The password used to log into
Note: it does not matter who the email provider of
the addressee or addressees is as it is the email
provider of the sender which dictates what needs
to be entered. However, you must ensure you check
that the alerts are not treated as spam by any of the
When you have finished configuring your camera,
it will be able to send emails. You must now tell it
when to send them by clicking on "Alerte [Alert]",
"Action sur alerte [Alert action]":
6 7 8
720P HD WiFi iP camera
4 SMTP server: varies with the email provider
sending the alert. In
our example using Gmail, smtp.gmail.com
5 SMTP Port: varies with email provider
of address sending the alert. In
o ur example using Gmail, 587
6 SMTP Test: allows you to simulate sending
an email and ensure that your camera is
properly configured.
7 Addressee: Here, enter the email address
that will receive the alerts. In our example:
8 Type of encryption: connection security
setting, varies with email provider. In our
example using Gmail, SMARTTLS
2 3
IMPORTANT: When you have finished
configuring the device, do not forget to click
on "Save" at the top of the screen to confirm the
entries you have made.
2 Check the box "Sending an image via email
alert" to activate email alerts.
3 Number of photos: Here, indicate how many
photos you wish to receive as an attachment
when an email alert is triggered.