Operation (Diverter Control cont'd.)
4) Turn handle to position 4 to share
5) Turn handle to position 5 to divert
6) Turn handle to position 6 to share
functions 2 and 3.
to function 2.
functions 1 and 2.
Troubleshooting Chart
Clean finished trim area with a soft
Elements in water supply may cause
cloth using mild soap and water or a
Finish is spotting.
water staining on finish.
non-abrasive cleaner and then quickly
rinse with water.
Symmons Industries, Inc.
31 Brooks Drive
Braintree, MA 02184
Phone: (800) 796-6667
Fax: (800) 961-9621
Copyright © 2015 Symmons Industries, Inc.
ZV-3145 REV A