Guide 6608 Instrucciones Para Usar página 6

Guantes protectores
Απορρίπτετε τα χρησιμοποιημένα γάντια σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς
κάθε χώρας και/ή περιοχής.
Καθαρισμός/πλύσιμο: Η εγγύηση των αποτελεσμάτων των δοκιμών
αφορά σε καινούργια γάντια που δεν έχουν πλυθεί ακόμα. Η επίδραση
του πλυσίματος στις προστατευτικές ιδιότητες των γαντιών δεν έχει
ελεγχθεί, εκτός αν ορίζεται κάτι διαφορετικό.
Οδηγίες πλυσίματος: Ακολουθήστε τις αναφερόμενες οδηγίες
πλυσίματος. Εάν δεν έχουν καθοριστεί οδηγίες πλυσίματος, ξεπλύνετε με
νερό και στεγνώστε στον αέρα.
Ιστότοπος: Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στις
Instruction of use for GUIDE's protective gloves and arm guards for
general use
CE category 2, protection when there is a medium risk of serious injury
The gloves shall not be worn when there is a risk of entanglement with
moving parts of machines
We recommend that the gloves are tested and checked for damages
before use.
It is the employer's responsibility together with the user to analyze if each
glove protects against the risks that can appear in any given work
Basic demands
All GUIDE gloves corresponds to the PPE regluation (EU) 2016/425 and
the standard EN 420:2003+A1:2009.
Declaration of Conformity for this product can be found at our website:
The gloves are designed to protect against the following risks:
EN 388:2016 - Protective gloves against mechanical risks
The characters next to the pictogram, four numbers and one or two
letters, indicates the protection level of the glove. The higher value the
better result. Example 1234AB.
1) Abrasion resistance: performance level 0 to 4
2) Cut protection, coup test: performance level 1 to 5.
3) Tear resistance: performance level 1 to 4.
4) Puncture resistance: performance level 1 to 4.
A) Cut protection, TDM test EN ISO 13997:1999, performance level A to
F. This test shall be performed if the material dulls the blade during the
coup test. The letter becomes the reference performance result.
B) Impact protection: is specified by a P
For gloves with two or more layers the overall classification does not
necessarily reflect the performance of the outermost layer.
If X = Test not assessed
Cut resistance gloves
For dulling during the cut resistance test (6.2), the coupe test results are
only indicative while the TDM cut resistance test (6.3) is the reference
performance result.
Impact protection at back of hand only
Warning: the impact protection does not apply to the fingers
EN 407:2004 – protection against heat
The figures next to the pictogram for this EN standard indicate what result
the glove has attained in each test.
The higher the figure is the better result is achieved. The figures show as
Fig 1 indicates the burning behaviour of the material (performance level 1-
Fig 2 indicates the protection level against contact heat (performance
level 1- 4)
Fig 3 indicates the protection level against convective heat (performance
level 1- 4)
Fig 4 indicates the protection level against radiant heat (performance level
1- 4)
Fig 5 indicates the protection level against drops of molten metal
(performance level 1- 4)
Fig 6 indicates the protection level against molten metal (performance
level 1- 4)
The glove must not come in contact with a naked flame if the glove only
has a performance level of 1 or 2 in burning behaviour.
IEC 61340-5-1:2016 - protection of electronic devices from
electrostatic phenomena, ESD
All electronic equipment and ESD tools must be connected to earth
through the operator. This means that the gloves used by the operator
must be electrostatic dissipative. The gloves are tested for resistance and
electrostatic fields. The lower the value, the better the conductivity.
To meet the standard, the resistance to earth should be lower than 1
Gigaohm (10
Ω) – tested according to ANSI/ESD SP15.1.
The electrostatic fields to be lower than 5000V/m – tested according to SP
method 2472.
For ESD gloves to fulfill its purpose, the user must be properly grounded
e.g. by using suitable shoes. Must be used in conjunction with other ESD
protection on EPA (Electrostatic Protected Area).
This model is tested and approved for contact with all kind of food
Testing is carried out on the palm of the glove, unless other is specified.
If not specified the glove doesn´t contain any known substances that can
cause allergic reactions.
This model contains metal fibres which can cause allergic reactions.
Glove marking
Test results for each model are marked on the glove and/or at its
packaging, in our catalogue and on our web pages.
Store the gloves in a dark, cool and dry place in their original packaging.
The mechanical properties of the glove will not be affected when stored
properly. The shelf life cannot be determined and is dependent on the
intended use and storage conditions.
Dispose the used gloves in accordance with the requirements of each
country and/or region.
Achieved test results are guaranteed for new and unwashed gloves. The
effect of washing on the gloves' protective properties has not been tested
unless specified.
Washing instructions: Follow the specified washing instructions. If no
washing instructions are specified, rinse with water and air dry.
Website: Further information can be obtained at
Instrucciones para usar los guantes protectores y las protecciones
para brazos GUIDE de uso universal
Categoría CE 2, protección cuando existe un riesgo medio de lesiones
Instrucciones de uso
Los guantes no deben utilizarse cuando existe el riesgo de enredarse con
las piezas móviles de la maquinaria
Recomendamos probar y controlar los guantes, en busca de
posibles daños, antes del uso.
El empleador, junto con el usuario, es responsable de analizar si cada
guante protege contra los riesgos que pueden surgir en cada situación
Requisitos básicos
Todos los guantes GUIDE se ajustan al reglamento en materia de EPP
(UE) 2016/425 y a la norma EN 420:2003+A1:2009.
Puede consultar la Declaración de conformidad de este producto en
nuestro sitio web:
Los guantes están diseñados para proteger de los siguientes
EN 388:2016 | Guantes protectores contra riesgos mecánicos
Los caracteres que se encuentran junto al pictograma (cuatro números y
una o dos letras) indican el nivel de protección de los guantes. Cuanto
más alto es el nivel, mejor es el resultado. Ejemplo 1234AB.
1) Resistencia a la abrasión: nivel de rendimiento de 0 a 4
2) Resistencia al corte, prueba de éxito: nivel de rendimiento de 1 a 5.

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