A. O. Smith has obsessively engineered this water softener for you.
To find other systems or components, visit AOSmithAtLowes.com or visit
your local Lowe's store.
If you need help or have a question, we've got you covered.
Give us a call at 855.424.9892.
A. O. Smith diseñó este ablandador de agua
minuciosamente para usted.
Para encontrar otros sistemas o componentes, visite AOSmithAtLowes.com o
visite su tienda Lowe's local.
Si necesita ayuda o tiene alguna consulta, nosotros nos encargamos.
Llámanos al 855.424.9892.
System Tested and Certified by NSF International according to CSA B483.1 and NSF/ANSI
Standard 44 for the reduction of Barium, Radium 226/228 and Hardness Reduction.
Sistema probado y certificado por NSF International conforme a CSA B483.1 y a la norma NSF/ANSI 44 para la
reducción de bario, radio 226/228 y para la reducción de la dureza.
A. O. Smith Corporation | 11270 West Park Place | P. O. Box 245008 | Milwaukee, WI 53224
NEED HELP? GIVE US A CALL 855.424.9892