Important Information About Your IntelliRoute
520 LM
: Some features of this device require wireless connectivity, which requires a supporting feature (such as a smartphone
with tethering) and data plan from your wireless service provider. As the user, you are responsible for all data charges. Please
contact your wireless service provider to make sure you do not exceed the limits of your data plan.
Rand Mcnally dock: Keep your device up to date by downloading the Rand McNally Dock for your home computer
at and connecting your device with the USB cable provided.
leaRn MoRe: Access Tutorial & Tips under Preferences > General on your device for more information, or visit to download the user manual.
PoWeR BUTTon: Press and hold the orange power button to turn the device on or off. The power button can also
be used for quick access to certain features while the device is running. See Preferences > General > Quick Power Press
for options. A red light indicates the battery is charging; a green light indicates the battery is fully charged.
ReseT: Use the reset button on the back of the device to restart. This will cancel the current route, but preferences,
address book, and other personal data will be saved.
Some screens include help tips. Tap this button to access.