The mower as received from the factory is partially assembled and requires minimum time to complete assembly
and is ready for sale.
This mower is shipped vertically with shipping brackets. These shipping brackets are intended for use in trans-
porting the mower from the factory to dealer.
Assembly will be easier if components are aligned and loosely assembled before tightening hardware. Refer to
bolt torque chart in Maintenance Section. All bolts are grade 5 unless otherwise specified.
DO NOT attempt any assembly while the machine is still attached to theship-
ping brackets and standing in the vertical position.
Serious injury or death could occur fromthe machinefalling over.
Assembly must be performed with the machine placed on a hard levelsurface
with the shipping brackets revoved.
HDTH 7 Finish Mower 06/19
© 2019 Alamo Group Inc.
DO NOT use these brackets to store the unit. DO NOT store mower vertically, the mower
can fall over resulting in serious injury or death. To avoid injury always store mower lying
down on flat ground.
Assembly Section 3-1