R&S SLG Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Putting the Instrument into Operation ..........4 Explanation of the Front Panel ................... 4 Explanation of the Rear Panel ..................5 Preparing for Operation ....................6 1.3.1 Unpacking the Instrument ....................6 1.3.2 Standalone Operation or Installation in a 19”...
Basic Safety Instructions Always read through and comply with the following safety instructions! All plants and locations of the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies make every effort to keep the safety standards of our products up to date and to offer our customers the highest possible degree of safety. Our products and the auxiliary equipment they require are designed, built and tested in accordance with the safety standards that apply in each case.
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Basic Safety Instructions Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Warning! Hot surface Alternating current (AC) Protective conductor terminal Direct/alternating current (DC/AC) Ground Device fully protected by double (reinforced) insulation Ground terminal EU labeling for batteries and accumulators For additional information, see section "Waste disposal/Environmental protection", item 1.
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Basic Safety Instructions Operating states and operating positions The product may be operated only under the operating conditions and in the positions specified by the manufacturer, without the product's ventilation being obstructed. If the manufacturer's specifications are not observed, this can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury or death. Applicable local or national safety regulations and rules for the prevention of accidents must be observed in all work performed.
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Basic Safety Instructions 6. The product may be operated only from TN/TT supply networks fuse-protected with max. 16 A (higher fuse only after consulting with the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies). 7. Do not insert the plug into sockets that are dusty or dirty. Insert the plug firmly and all the way into the socket provided for this purpose.
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Basic Safety Instructions 2. Before you move or transport the product, read and observe the section titled "Transport". 3. As with all industrially manufactured goods, the use of substances that induce an allergic reaction (allergens) such as nickel cannot be generally excluded. If you develop an allergic reaction (such as a skin rash, frequent sneezing, red eyes or respiratory difficulties) when using a Rohde &...
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Basic Safety Instructions 2. Adjustments, replacement of parts, maintenance and repair may be performed only by electrical experts authorized by Rohde & Schwarz. Only original parts may be used for replacing parts relevant to safety (e.g. power switches, power transformers, fuses). A safety test must always be performed after parts relevant to safety have been replaced (visual inspection, protective conductor test, insulation resistance measurement, leakage current measurement, functional test).
Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Waste disposal/Environmental protection 1. Specially marked equipment has a battery or accumulator that must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, but must be collected separately. It may only be disposed of at a suitable collection point or via a Rohde &...
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Se parte del uso correcto del producto para los fines definidos si el producto es utilizado conforme a las indicaciones de la correspondiente documentación del producto y dentro del margen de rendimiento definido (ver hoja de datos, documentación, informaciones de seguridad que siguen). El uso del producto hace necesarios conocimientos técnicos y ciertos conocimientos del idioma inglés.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Símbolo Significado Símbolo Significado Aviso: Cuidado en el manejo de dispositivos Distintivo de la UE para la eliminación por sensibles a la electrostática (ESD) separado de dispositivos eléctricos y electrónicos Más información en la sección "Eliminación/protección del medio ambiente", punto 2.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 1. Si no se convino de otra manera, es para los productos Rohde & Schwarz válido lo que sigue: como posición de funcionamiento se define por principio la posición con el suelo de la caja para abajo, modo de protección IP 2X, uso solamente en estancias interiores, utilización hasta 2000 m sobre el nivel del mar, transporte hasta 4500 m sobre el nivel del mar.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 6. Solamente está permitido el funcionamiento en redes de alimentación TN/TT aseguradas con fusibles de 16 A como máximo (utilización de fusibles de mayor amperaje solo previa consulta con el grupo de empresas Rohde & Schwarz). 7.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Funcionamiento 1. El uso del producto requiere instrucciones especiales y una alta concentración durante el manejo. Debe asegurarse que las personas que manejen el producto estén a la altura de los requerimientos necesarios en cuanto a aptitudes físicas, psíquicas y emocionales, ya que de otra manera no se pueden excluir lesiones o daños de objetos.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Reparación y mantenimiento 1. El producto solamente debe ser abierto por personal especializado con autorización para ello. Antes de manipular el producto o abrirlo, es obligatorio desconectarlo de la tensión de alimentación, para evitar toda posibilidad de choque eléctrico. 2.
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Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 2. Las asas instaladas en los productos sirven solamente de ayuda para el transporte del producto por personas. Por eso no está permitido utilizar las asas para la sujeción en o sobre medios de transporte como p. ej. grúas, carretillas elevadoras de horquilla, carros etc. Es responsabilidad suya fijar los productos de manera segura a los medios de transporte o elevación.
Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Lesen und beachten Sie unbedingt die nachfolgenden Anweisungen und Sicherheitshinweise! Alle Werke und Standorte der Rohde & Schwarz Firmengruppe sind ständig bemüht, den Sicherheitsstandard unserer Produkte auf dem aktuellsten Stand zu halten und unseren Kunden ein höchstmögliches Maß an Sicherheit zu bieten. Unsere Produkte und die dafür erforderlichen Zusatzgeräte werden entsprechend der jeweils gültigen Sicherheitsvorschriften gebaut und geprüft.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Symbol Bedeutung Symbol Bedeutung Vorsicht beim Umgang mit Geräten mit hohem Stand-by-Anzeige Gewicht Gefahr vor elektrischem Schlag Gleichstrom (DC) Warnung vor heißer Oberfläche Wechselstrom (AC) Schutzleiteranschluss Gleichstrom/Wechselstrom (DC/AC) Erdungsanschluss Gerät durchgehend durch doppelte (verstärkte) Isolierung geschützt Masseanschluss EU-Kennzeichnung für Batterien und Akkumulatoren Weitere Informationen in Abschnitt "Entsorgung / Umweltschutz", Punkt 1.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Diese Signalworte entsprechen der im europäischen Wirtschaftsraum üblichen Definition für zivile Anwendungen. Neben dieser Definition können in anderen Wirtschaftsräumen oder bei militärischen Anwendungen abweichende Definitionen existieren. Es ist daher darauf zu achten, dass die hier beschriebenen Signalworte stets nur in Verbindung mit der zugehörigen Produktdokumentation und nur in Verbindung mit dem zugehörigen Produkt verwendet werden.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 4. Sofern das Produkt nicht mit einem Netzschalter zur Netztrennung ausgerüstet ist, beziehungsweise der vorhandene Netzschalter zu Netztrennung nicht geeignet ist, so ist der Stecker des Anschlusskabels als Trennvorrichtung anzusehen. Die Trennvorrichtung muss jederzeit leicht erreichbar und gut zugänglich sein. Ist z.B. der Netzstecker die Trennvorrichtung, darf die Länge des Anschlusskabels 3 m nicht überschreiten.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 16. Sofern nicht anders spezifiziert, sind Produkte nicht gegen das Eindringen von Flüssigkeiten geschützt, siehe auch Abschnitt "Betriebszustände und Betriebslagen", Punkt 1. Daher müssen die Geräte vor Eindringen von Flüssigkeiten geschützt werden. Wird dies nicht beachtet, besteht Gefahr durch elektrischen Schlag für den Benutzer oder Beschädigung des Produkts, was ebenfalls zur Gefährdung von Personen führen kann.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 8. EMV Klassen (nach EN 55011 / CISPR 11; sinngemäß EN 55022 / CISPR 22, EN 55032 / CISPR 32) Gerät der Klasse A: Ein Gerät, das sich für den Gebrauch in allen anderen Bereichen außer dem Wohnbereich und solchen Bereichen eignet, die direkt an ein Niederspannungs-Versorgungsnetz angeschlossen sind, das Wohngebäude versorgt.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 6. Werden Zellen oder Batterien, die alkalische Elektrolyte enthalten (z.B. Lithiumzellen), unsachgemäß ausgewechselt oder geladen, besteht Explosionsgefahr. Zellen oder Batterien nur durch den ent- sprechenden R&S-Typ ersetzen (siehe Ersatzteilliste), um die Sicherheit des Produkts zu erhalten. 7. Zellen oder Batterien müssen wiederverwertet werden und dürfen nicht in den Restmüll gelangen. Akkumulatoren oder Batterien, die Blei, Quecksilber oder Cadmium enthalten, sind Sonderabfall.
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Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 4. Falls beim Umgang mit dem Produkt Gefahren- oder Betriebsstoffe entstehen, die speziell zu entsorgen sind, z.B. regelmäßig zu wechselnde Kühlmittel oder Motorenöle, sind die Sicherheitshinweise des Herstellers dieser Gefahren- oder Betriebsstoffe und die regional gültigen Entsorgungsvorschriften einzuhalten. Beachten Sie ggf. auch die zugehörigen speziellen Sicherheitshinweise in der Produktdokumentation.
Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Lisez et respectez impérativement les instructions et consignes de sécurité suivantes Dans un souci constant de garantir à nos clients le plus haut niveau de sécurité possible, l’ensemble des usines et des sites du groupe Rohde & Schwarz s’efforce de maintenir les produits du groupe en conformité...
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Symbole Signification Symbole Signification Attention lors de la manipulation d’appareils Indicateur de veille ayant un poids élevé Risque de choc électrique Courant continu (CC) Avertissement, surface chaude Courant alternatif (CA) Connexion du conducteur de protection Courant continu/alternatif (CC/CA) Point de mise à...
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Ces mots de signalisation correspondent à la définition habituelle utilisée dans l’espace économique européen pour des applications civiles. Des définitions divergentes peuvent cependant exister dans d’autres espaces économiques ou dans le cadre d’applications militaires. Il faut donc veiller à ce que les mots de signalisation décrits ici ne soient utilisés qu’en relation avec la documentation produit correspondante et seulement avec le produit correspondant.
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 4. Si l’appareil n’est pas doté d’un interrupteur secteur pour le couper du secteur ou si l’interrupteur secteur disponible n’est pas approprié pour couper l’appareil du secteur, le connecteur mâle du câble de raccordement est à considérer comme interrupteur. L’interrupteur doit être à...
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 16. Sauf spécification contraire, les produits ne sont pas protégés contre l’infiltration de liquides, voir aussi le paragraphe "Etats et positions de fonctionnement", point 1. Il faut donc protéger les appareils contre l’infiltration de liquides. La non-observation de cette consigne entraînera le risque de choc électrique pour l’utilisateur ou d’endommagement du produit, ce qui peut également mettre les personnes en danger.
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 8. Classes CEM (selon EN 55011 / CISPR 11 ; selon EN 55022 / CISPR 22, EN 55032 / CISPR 32 par analogie) Appareil de la classe A : Appareil approprié à un usage dans tous les environnements autres que l’environnement résidentiel et les environnements raccordés directement à...
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 6. Il y a danger d’explosion en cas de remplacement ou chargement incorrect des cellules, piles ou batteries qui contiennent des électrolytes alcalins (par exemple cellules de lithium). Remplacer les cellules, piles ou batteries uniquement par le type Rohde & Schwarz correspondant (voir la liste des pièces de rechange) pour maintenir la sécurité...
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Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 4. Si, en cas d’utilisation du produit, des matières dangereuses ou des combustibles sont dégagés qui exigent une élimination spéciale, comme par exemple liquides de refroidissement ou huiles moteurs qui sont à changer régulièrement, les consignes de sécurité du fabricant de ces matières combustibles ou dangereuses ainsi que les directives d’élimination des déchets en vigueur au niveau régional doivent être respectées.
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Safety Instructions - Informaciones de seguridad Safety Instructions for Stacking Instruments Danger of injury Instruments may slip if they are stacked on top of each other. Place the instrument on a stable, even surface. Stack the instruments according to their size, with the largest instrument on the bottom. Do not stack more than three in-struments directly on top of each other.
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Safety Instructions - Informaciones de seguridad Informaciones de seguridad para el amontonamiento de aparatos Peligro de heridas Los aparatos pueden desplazarse al ser amontonados. Posicionar los aparatos sobre una superficie estable y lisa. Amontonar los aparatos por orden de su tamaño. No amontonar nunca más de tres aparatos uno sobre el otro.
Customer Support Technical support – where and when you need it For quick, expert help with any Rohde & Schwarz equipment, contact one of our Customer Support Centers. A team of highly qualified engineers provides telephone support and will work with you to find a solution to your query on any aspect of the operation, programming or applications of Rohde &...
CE Declaration of Conformity This is to certify that: Rohde & Schwarz 2116.9193.02/2116.9193.03 Satellite Load Generator (SLG) SED Systems 131066-1 Satellite Load Generator (SLG) complies with the provisions of the Directive of the Council of the European Union on the approximation of laws of the Member States Relating to electrical equipment for use within defined voltage limits (2006/95/EC) Relating to electromagnetic compatibility (2004/108/EC)
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RoHS/WEEE Certificate This is to certify that: Rohde & Schwarz 2116.9193.02/2116.9193.03 Satellite Load Generator (SLG) SED Systems 131066-1 Satellite Load Generator (SLG) complies with the provisions of the Directive of the Council of the European Union on the approximation of laws of the Member States Relating to the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) (2011/65/EU)
R&S SLG Documentation Overview Documentation Overview Getting Started The printed Getting Started is delivered with the R&S SLG. On CD-ROM, Getting Started is provided in PDF format. It contains the following information: ● Chapter 1 This chapter describes unpacking the instrument, the front and rear panels and getting it ready for operation.
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R&S SLG Documentation Overview CD-ROM Each unit is delivered with a CD-ROM that contains a copy of both the Getting Started and User Manual in PDF format. Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
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R&S SLG Conventions Used in the Documentation Conventions Used in the Documentation The following conventions are used throughout the R&S SLG Getting Started. Typographical conventions Description Convention All names of graphical user interface elements both on the screen “Graphical user interface elements” and on the front and rear panels, such as dialog boxes, softkeys, menus, options, buttons, etc., are enclosed by quotation marks.
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Explanation of the Front Panel 1 Putting the Instrument into Operation 1.1 Explanation of the Front Panel This section provides an overview of the connector and LEDs on the front panel. Figure 1-1 SLG Front Panel Connector –...
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Explanation of the Rear Panel 1.2 Explanation of the Rear Panel This section provides an overview of the connectors on the rear panel. Specifications for the connectors are contained in the data sheet. Figure 1-2 SLG Rear Panel AC power connector The instrument is equipped with a universal power supply that accepts an AC voltage...
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Preparing for Operation ASI INPUT A/B Input for MPEG-2 transport stream. ASI OUTPUT Output for MPEG-2 transport stream. 10 MHz IN Input for an external 10 MHz frequency reference. L-BAND OUT The 50 Ω SMA connector is the main RF output that covers a range of 250 to 3000 MHz.
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Preparing for Operation Risk of material damage Make sure that the following conditions are met at the operation site: ● The ambient temperature does not exceed the range specified in the data sheet. ●...
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Preparing for Operation Protective Measures against Electrostatic Discharge Damage to the equipment under test due to electrostatic discharge In order to avoid damage to the electronic components of the equipment under test due to electrostatic discharge when touched, we recommend that you use the appropriate protective equipment.
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Preparing for Operation 1.3.5 AC Power fuses Before changing the fuses, switch off the instrument and disconnect it from the power supply. The instrument is equipped with one fuse (see section 7.5 of the User Manual). The fuse is located beside the AC power switch (in the AC inlet) on the rear panel of the instrument.
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Preparing for Operation 1.3.9 Presets When the user clicks the “Preset” menu item the unit is set back to factory presets after the user confirms this action in a pop-up window (below). Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Notes on the Operating System and Firmware 1.4 Notes on the Operating System and Firmware The instrument uses a Linux operating system. Access is not provided to the operating system but rather to a webserver through which a user can configure the instrument’s network settings.
Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Connecting the Instrument to a Network (LAN) 1.5 Connecting the Instrument to a Network (LAN) The instrument is equipped with a network connection and can be connected to an Ethernet LAN (local area network). The instrument can also be remote-controlled and manually operated in the network.
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Putting the Instrument into Operation R&S SLG Connecting the Instrument to a Network (LAN) Networks that assign fixed (static) IP In networks that assign static IP addresses, the network administrator usually handles this process. The fixed IP address must be entered into the unit using an IP connection and a web browser, see point-to-point connection below or using a zeroconf address.
Brief Introduction R&S SLG Features 2 Brief Introduction 2.1 Features The R&S SLG has a frequency range from 250 to 3000 MHz, covering all satellite IF frequency bands used worldwide. The SLG can simultaneously generate up to 32 digital satellite TV transponders in line with DVB-S/S2 and ISDB-S/S2, or a transponder in line with DVB-S2 wideband.
Brief Introduction R&S SLG Basic Instrument Concept 2.2 Basic Instrument Concept The SLG simulates an uplink or downlink. It has six modes: DVB 1, DVB 8, DVB 32, Turbo 32, ISDB-S 32, and ISDB-S2 32. All modes are very similar in their functionality but there are some differences as depicted in the following block diagrams.
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Brief Introduction R&S SLG Basic Instrument Concept The following is a block diagram of DVB 8 mode, which supports up to 8 DVB-S/DVB- DSNG/DVB-S2 carriers from 5 to 72 Msps. It can support 8 data, load, or AWG carriers and the data carriers can be DVB-S, DVB-DSNG, or DVB-S2. Block Diagram for DVB 8 Mode The following is a block diagram of DVB 32 mode, which supports up to 32 carriers from 0.1 to 30 Msps.
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Brief Introduction R&S SLG Basic Instrument Concept The following is a block diagram of Turbo 32 mode, which supports up to 32 carriers from 1 to 30 Msps. All of them can be load or AWG carriers, but only 16 of them can be DVB-S, DVB-DSNG, or Turbo data carriers, and only 4 of them can be DVB-S2 data carriers.
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Brief Introduction R&S SLG Basic Instrument Concept The following is a block diagram of ISDB-S2 32 mode, which supports up to 14 ISDB- S2 data carriers from 0.1 to 32.5941 Msps. One of these data carriers can have up to 8 input channels.
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Brief Introduction R&S SLG Basic Instrument Concept ● In 8 carrier mode: The user is limited to 2 simultaneous ARB file playouts. ARB playout is limited to a maximum sample rate of 144 Msps and this limits carrier bandwidth to 97 MHz. ●...
Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept 3 Operating the Unit 3.1 Operating Concept Getting Started Modulator cable connections checklist: ● AC power ● L-BAND OUT connected to test equipment (e.g., spectrum analyzer, receiver, video analyzer) ● Control LAN connector connected to computer or network ●...
Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept 3.1.1 Operation from a PC Using the Web GUI With a conventional web browser, access the SLG web GUI by: ● Entering its IP address in the URL field (refer to section 1.5). ●...
Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Left Pane The left pane of the GUI is always visible and it: ● Displays SLG transmit mode: DVB 1, DVB 8, DVB 32, Turbo 32, or ISDB 32. ● Displays command mode (entity in control of SLG): Web GUI, SCPI, or SNMP. ●...
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Menu for Right Pane Information The user uses the menu in the left pane to change the information displayed in the right pane. Each menu item selection is discussed in the next section. Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Right Pane The parameters displayed in each of the right pane windows and related buttons are described in detail in chapter 2 of the User Manual. Unit Information When the user clicks the “Home” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below.
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Input Stream Settings When the user clicks the “Inputs” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below. Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Output Channel Settings When the user clicks the “Outputs” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below. Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept DiSEqC™ Interface When the user clicks the “DiSEqC” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below. The SLG implements the slave transmitter/receiver function of the DiSEqC Bus Specification. Getting Started 2116.9035.02 - 07...
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept User Files When the user clicks the “User Files” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below. Licences When the user clicks the “Licence” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below.
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Network When the user clicks the “Network” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below. Slave Configuration The SLG has the capability to support a network of up to 6 slaves. This menu item is available only on a master SLG unit.
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Operating the Unit R&S SLG Operating Concept Preset When the user clicks the “Preset” menu item, the unit gets set back to factory presets after the user confirms this action in a pop-up window (below). Error Queue When the user clicks the “Error Queue” menu item, the right pane changes to the screenshot shown below.