Prepare the motherboard: AMD 754, 770, 939, 940, AM2,
AM3, FM1
Remove the motherboard plastic frame surrounding the socket.
Préparez la carte-mère : AMD 754, 770, 939, 940, AM2,
AM3, FM1
Démontez le cadre en plastique qui entoure le microprocesseur.
Prepare la placa base: AMD 754, 770, 939, 940, AM2,
Desmontar el marco en plástico que rodea el microprocesador.
AMD socket AM2, AM3, FM1 installation
For this installation, you will be keeping the existing
motherboard back-plate.
This installation should take place with the motherboard sitting
First deposit 4 of the black spacers over each of the back-
plate mounting posts.
Then place the waterblock on the CPU;
Slip on a washer, black nylon spacer and spring onto each of
the 6-32 x 1 ½" button screws as shown above,
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Prepare the CPU
Clean the CPU with a degreaser (preferably formulated for electronics)
then apply the supplied grease to the center of the CPU.
Préparez le microprocesseur
Nettoyez le CPU avec un dégraissant (de préférence spécialement
conçu pour les composants électroniques), puis appliquez la pâte
thermique fournie au centre du CPU.
Prepare el microprocesador
Limpie el CPU con un desengrasante (preferentemente especialmente
diseñado para los componentes electrónicos), y aplique la pasta
térmica incluida en el kit en el centro del CPU.
AMD socket 754, 939, 940 installation
For this installation, you will be keeping the existing
motherboard back-plate.
This installation should take place with the motherboard
sitting flat.
First deposit 2 of the black spacers over each of the back-
plate mounting posts.
Then place the waterblock on the CPU;
Slip on a washer, black nylon spacer and spring onto each of
the 6-32 x 1 ½" button screws as shown above,