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Category III Personal Protective Equipment 8W0.030 "BETA" is:
- a full body harness for connection to fall arrest systems, fitted with a dorsal
attachment point identified with (A) and with a sternal attachment point
consisting of two attachment elements identified with (A/2);
- suitable to be dressed by users which height is between 150cm and 200;
- part of a system protecting against impact caused by fall from a height;
- certified according to standards EN 361:2002.
Fig. 1 – Donning – To fit the harness correctly:
- loosen the buckles (D),
- unthread the sling (E) from its buckle;
- holding the harness by the dorsal attachment point (A) spread out the
shoulder straps (B);
- slip your legs through thigh loops (C);
- slip your arms into the shoulder straps (B);
- thread the sternal sling (E) through its buckle;
- adjust the harness tightening the buckles (D) and check the attachment
elements (dorsal and sternal) position;
- position the exceeding slings in the elastic loops at the thighs (C).
Fig. 2 –Attachment points – The dorsal attachment point (A) and the
attachment elements (A/2) are suitable to be used in fall arrest systems.
Compatibility – This device has been designed to be used with:
- belts according to EN358;
- connectors according to EN362;
- energy absorbers according to EN355;
- rope adjustment devices according to EN12841 type A;
- guided fall arresters according to EN353-1 o EN353-2.
Check before and after use - Before and after use, make sure that the device
is in an efficient condition and that it is working properly, in particular, check
- it is suitable for the intended use;
- has not been mechanically deformed;
- does not show cracks, wear, corrosion and oxidation;
- stitching are intact, and there are no cut or loose threads;
- buckles (D) function correctly (locking, adjusting and locking);
- textile parts do not have cuts, burns, chemical residues, excessive hair, wear,
in particular check the areas in contact with metal components (buckles,
attachment point, etc..);
- markings are legible.
Before use and in a position that is completely safe, on each occasion check
that the device holds correctly by putting your weight on it. The device must feel
comfortable and the adjustment elements shall always be in the correct range.
- the use of improper combinations of PPEs may affect or interfere with their
safe function;
- PPEs composing the fall prevention/protection system must properly be
selected according to the weight of the user and the condition of application,
paying specially attention to energy absorbing elements;
- this device is only a part of a system preventing/protecting against impact
caused by fall from a height and therefore it shall be connected to other
devices (i.e. shock absorber, ropes, etc.) in order to obtain a fall arrest system
suitable to the situation and conform to current regulations;
- during use regularly check:
- the fastening of the buckles (D);
- if the device is undamaged.
- do not connect one only attachment element, they shall be used as a pair: the
sternal attachment (A/2) consists of two attachment elements;
- prolonged suspension on the harness, especially in motionless conditions,
may cause harness hang syndrome (or suspension trauma) that can lead to
loss of consciousness and even death.
EN: (A) Dorsal attachment point, (A/2) Sternal attachment elements, (B) Shoulder
straps, (C) Thigh loops, (D) Adjustment buckles, (E) Sternal sling and buckle.
Material of tapes: PolyEster.
Material of stitching: PolyAmide, HMPE (sternal ones).
Material of metallic part: coated carbon steel.
IT:(A) Punto di attacco dorsale, (A/2) Elementi di attacco sternale, (B) Spallacci, (C)
Cosciali, (D) Fibbie di regolazione, (E) Imbracatura e fibbia sternale.
Materiale delle fettucce: Poliestere.
Materiale della cucitura: Poliammide, HMPE (solo sternali).
Materiale della parte metallica: acciaio al carbonio rivestito.
FR: (A) Point d'attache dorsal, (A/2) éléments d'attache sternaux, (B) sangles
d'épaule, (C) boucles de cuisses, (D) boucles d'ajustement, (E) anneau de sangle
et boucle sternales.
Matériau des bandes : PolyEster.
Matériau des coutures : PolyAmide, HMPE (sternal).
Matériau de la partie métallique : acier au carbone revêtu.
DE: (A) Dorsaler Befestigungspunkt, (A/2) Vordere Befestigungselemente, (B)
Schultergurte, (C) Oberschenkelschlaufen, (D) Verstellbare Schnallen, (E) Vordere
Schlaufe und Schnalle.
Material der Bänder: Polyester.
Material der Nähte: Polyamide, HMPE (vorne).
Material des Metallteils: beschichteter Kohlenstoffstahl.
ES: (A) Punto de fijación dorsal, (A/2) Elementos de fijación esternal, (B) Correas de
los hombros, (C) Pernera con hebilla, (D) Hebillas de ajuste, (E) Correa esternal y
hebilla, Indicadores de carga.
Material de cintas: Poliéster.
Material de costura: Poliamida, HMPE (esternales).
Material de la parte metálica: acero de carbono revestido
Master text

Resumen de contenidos para KONG Italy BETA

  • Página 1 8 - SPECIFIC INFORMATION Master text Category III Personal Protective Equipment 8W0.030 “BETA” is: Before use and in a position that is completely safe, on each occasion check - a full body harness for connection to fall arrest systems, fitted with a dorsal that the device holds correctly by putting your weight on it.
  • Página 2 8 – INFORMATIONS SPÉCIFIQUES 8 – SPEZIFISCHE ANGABEN 8 - INFORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA Il dispositivo di protezione individuale di Categoria III 8W0.030 “BETA” è: L’équipement de protection individuelle de catégorie III 8W0.030 « BETA » Die persönliche Schutzausrüstung der Kategorie III 8W0.030 „BETA“ ist: El equipo de protección individual de categoría III 8W0.030 “BETA”...

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