Instructions | English
Congratulations, by choosing your me-
monizer you have opted for a premium
The memonizerWORKSTATION was
developed to optimise the indoor cli-
mate around an individual workstation.
It is used like a standard multi-socket
plug adapter.
Characteristics & area of application
You can connect up to five electrical
devices of your choice, such as a com-
puter, cordless phone, fax machine,
printer or desk lamp. Do not plug any
more multi-socket adapters into the
memonizerWORKSTATION, only ter-
minal devices.
It builds up its effective field via the
connected devices. Taking the nominal
characteristic values into account, the
memonizerWORKSTATION can be
used in all interiors and is permanently
installed at the workplace.
Avoid unnecessarily and frequently
plugging in and unplugging the me-
monizerWORKSTATION and the con-
nected devices.
The memonizerWORKSTATION should
not be combined with other manufac-
turers' energy-related products. The
memonizer can be reused without
any problems when moving house. It
should not be installed in the immedi-
ate vicinity of strong magnetic fields.
See page 8 for installation