Product Illustra�on Caps Lock Power On/Off 352 mm 37 mm 135 mm LED indicators Caps Lock Caps Lock on Caps Lock off Power on (wired) Power off (wired) Indicator lights up only 30 seconds Power On/Off Power on (wireless) Power off (wireless) Indicator lights up only 1 second Low ba�ery (flashing red light)
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How do you connect PERIBOARD-734? Wired mode Caps Lock Power On/Off...
= BT3 = BT4 Start ->Se�ngs -> Devices -> Bluetooth & other devices PERIBOARD-734 PERIBOARD-734 If there’s no PERIBOARD-734 on the list, please press the chosen Bluetooth channel for 10 seconds. = BT1 10 seconds = BT2 = BT3 = BT4...
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= BT3 = BT4 Apple Menu ->System Preferences -> Bluetooth PERIBOARD-734 PERIBOARD-734 Connected PERIBOARD-734 PERIBOARD-734 If there’s no PERIBOARD-734 on the list, please press the chosen Bluetooth channel for 10 seconds. = BT1 10 seconds = BT2 = BT3 = BT4...
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If the Bluetooth pairing fails, please remove PERIBOARD-734 from the list of paired devices and redo it from Step-1. Wenn die Bluetoothkopplung scheitert, en�ernen Sie bi�e PERIBOARD-734 aus der Liste der gekoppelten Geräte und wiederholen Sie den Kopplungsprozess ab Schri� 1.
Página 7
How do you switch between BT1, BT2, BT3 and BT4? Unplug the charging cable Press the Bluetooth channel that you want to use = Bluetooth Device 1 (BT1) 2 seconds = Bluetooth Device 2 (BT2) = Bluetooth Device 3 (BT3) = Bluetooth Device 4 (BT4) How do you switch between three different opera�ng systems? Android opera�ng system...
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English(US/UK) FCC Warning This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera�on is subject to the following two condi�ons: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired opera�on. NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Página 9
• All brand names, trademarks and logos are the proper�es of their respec�ve owners. Please Note: Long-term repe��ve use of any keyboard and mouse could cause injury to the user. Perixx recommends users avoid excessive use of this or any keyboard and mouse.
Página 10
English(US/UK) Specifica�on Interface USB Type-A Opera�ng System Requirements Win 7 or later BT5.1 MacOS Monterey (Version 12.0.1) or later Size 352*135*37mm Number of keys 84 keys Weight 740±10g Type of keyboard Mechanical Input Current 3.7V/150mA Actua�on distance 1.2±0.5mm Cable Length 1800mm Total travel distance 2.4±0.5mm...
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• Offene Flammenquellen wie Kerzen dürfen nicht auf dieses Produkt gestellt werden • Verwenden Sie zur Reinigung dieses Produkts nur ein trockenes Tuch oder eine weiche Bürste. Perixx bietet 1 Jahr beschränkte Garan�e, ein weiteres Jahr kann op�onal verlängert werden. Dies beeinträch�gt nicht die gesetzliche Gewährleistung.
Deutsch (DE) Technische Daten Schni�stelle USB Typ A Betriebssystem Win 7 oder höher BT5.1 MacOS Monterey (Version 12.0.1) oder höher Abmessungen 352*135*37mm Tastenanzahl 84 Tasten Gewicht 740±10g Tastentyp Mechanisch Eingangsstrom 3.7V/150mA Tastendrucksignal 1.2±0.5mm Kabellänge 1800mm GesamterTastenhub 2.4±0.5mm Material Lebensdauer 50 Millionen Tastenanschläge Mul�media-Tasten (Windows, iOS und Android) Erhöhen der Verringern der...
Página 13
• Todos los nombres de marcas, marcas comerciales y logo�pos son propiedad de Perixx. El uso excesivo a largo plazo de cualquier teclado y el ratón puede causar lesiones. Perixx recomienda evitar el uso excesivo de cualquier teclado y ratón.
ESPAÑOL (ES) Caracterís�cas Interfaz USB Tipo A Sistema opera�vo requerido Win 7 o posterior BT5.1 MacOS Monterey (Version 12.0.1) o posterior 84 teclas Tamaño 352*135*37mm Numero de teclas Peso 740±10g Tipo de tecla Mecánicas Corriente de entrada 3.7V/150mA Distancia de actuación 1.2±0.5mm Largo del cable 1800mm...
Página 15
• Tous les noms de marque, marques et logos sont la propriété de leurs propriétaires respec�fs. S'il vous plaît noter: L'u�lisa�on répé��ve à long terme d'un clavier et une souris pourrait causer des blessures à l'u�lisateur. Perixx recommande aux u�lisateurs d'éviter l'u�lisa�on excessive de clavier et de souris.
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FRANÇAIS (FR) Spécifica�ons techniques Interface USB Type-A Exigence du système Win 7 ou version ultérieure BT5.1 d'exploita�on MacOS Monterey (Version 12.0.1) ou version ultérieure Taille 352*135*37mm Nombre de touches 84 Touches Poids 740±10g Type de Touches Mécaniques Courant d’entrée 3.7V/150mA Distance d’ac�va�on 1.2±0.5mm Longueur de câble...
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• Tu�e le e�che�e, i marchi e loghi sono di proprietà dei rispe�vi �tolari. Nota: A lungo termine l'uso ripe��vo di qualsiasi tas�era e mouse potrebbe causare lesioni all'utente. Perixx consiglia agli uten� di evitare l'uso eccessivo di questa o di qualsiasi altra tas�era o mouse.
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ITALIANO (IT) Specifiche Interfaccia USB Tipo A Requisi� del sistema Win 7 o versioni successive BT5.1 opera�vo MacOS Monterey (Version 12.0.1) o versioni successive Dimensioni 352*135*37mm Numero di tas� 84 tas� Peso 740±10g Tipo di tas�era Meccanici Corrente in entrata 3.7V/150mA Raggio di azione 1.2±0.5mm...