BLUCHER BWC Serie Instrucciones De Instalación

Canal de ducha waterline
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Installation Instructions
BWC Waterline Shower Channel
1) Install Drain Body in Subfloor, Make Piping
Cut or core an approx. 5" dia. hole in the subfloor. Remove
the collar from the drain body, and position the body with
the flange resting on the subfloor. Make the 2" pipe con-
2) Create Primary Mortar Bed
Before applying mortar, plug the drain opening to prevent
debris from entering the drain. Apply mortar over the sub-
floor, sloping ¼" per foot from the top of the drain flange to
the wall framing. Take care not to let mortar rest or harden
on top of the drain flange.
3) Install Shower Pan Liner
When the primary mortar bed has cured, install a water-
proof shower pan liner in accordance with the pan liner
manufacturer's recommendations. Carefully cut out the
liner over the drain opening, leaving approx. ¼" of liner
overlapping the opening. Cut small holes in the liner at the
4 bolt holes to allow installation of the clamping collar.
4) Install Clamping Collar
The clamping collar is reversible, and may be positioned
facing down or up, depending on the desired thickness of
the secondary mortar bed & tile. Install the clamping collar
and tighten the 4 bolts, making sure the liner is flat, and
firmly sealed between the collar and the drain body. Adhe-
sive is not required.
5) Test Liner
Once the liner installation is complete in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations, test the liner by tem-
porarily plugging the drain, and filling the shower floor with
water. Remove the drain plug and drain the shower once
the test is complete.
6) Install Channel
Note: If wheelchair or other heavy traffic is anticipated, infill
the underside of the channel flange with tile adhesive. This
will increase the strength and durability of the channel.
Push the outlet of the channel into the clamping collar, and
adjust it to the desired finished height by sliding it along the
O-rings. Once the channel is positioned at proper height
above the drain, bend the flexible tabs to level the entire
channel. Apply the secondary mortar bed, keeping the
channel level and in proper position. Mortar first around the
flexible tabs to secure the channel. Take care to maintain
the ¼" per foot slope with the secondary mortar bed.
7) Install Tile
Install the tile adhesive and shower tile in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations. Leave a joint space
around the Channel edge, and finish with a flexible joint
8) Install Channel Grating
Remove the protective film, and lock the channel grating
under the crossbar at the outlet end.

Resumen de contenidos para BLUCHER BWC Serie

  • Página 1 IS-B-BWC Installation Instructions BWC Waterline Shower Channel 1) Install Drain Body in Subfloor, Make Piping 7) Install Tile Connection Install the tile adhesive and shower tile in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Leave a joint space Cut or core an approx. 5” dia. hole in the subfloor. Remove around the Channel edge, and finish with a flexible joint the collar from the drain body, and position the body with sealant.
  • Página 2 Instrucciones de Instalación Canal de Ducha BWC Waterline 1) Instalar el cuerpo de desagüe en el alrededor de las lengüetas flexibles para proteger el canal. Tenga cuidado de mantener el ¼” por pie inclinado con la subsuelo, conectar de la tubería segunda capa de mortero.
  • Página 3 Instructions d’installation Caniveau de Douche BWC Waterline 1) Installer le corps d'écoulement en sous- et dans la bonne position. Appliquez le mortier première- ment autour des pattes flexibles pour protéger le caniveau. plancher, faire le raccordement de la tuyauterie Veiller à maintenir une pente de ¼” par pied avec le lit de Découpez ou dénoyautez un trou d'un diamètre d’environ mortier secondaire.
  • Página 4 Notes A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: Tel: (828) 248-3995 • Fax: (828) 248-3929 • Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • IS-B-BWC 1310 © 2013 BLÜCHER...