F1.1 Measuring Range
Selectable parameters: 3~200000 (default value: 6)
F1.2 Decimal Places
Selectable parameters: 0 ---- no decimal point
0.0 ---- 1 decimal place
0.00 ---- 2 decimal places
0.000 ---- 3 decimal places (default value)
0.0000 ---- 4 decimal places
F1.3 Number of Divisions
Selectable parameters: 1 (default value), 2, 5, 10, 20, 50
F1.4 Calibration Unit
Selectable parameters: 0 ---- kg (default value)
1 ---- lb
F1.5 Gravitational Acceleration
Selectable parameters: 9.70000~9.99999. Default value = 9.79455.
F1.6 Null-point Calibration
[E- CL] Keeping empty the scale
Remove the weights on the weighing platform to guarantee the scale is in the empty state. Press the
[0 cal]. The displayed digits will reduce slowly until the meter displays [00 cal ]. In the end it will display [End] for one second, which
indicates the end of null-point calibration.
F1.7 Load-point Calibration
[LOAd] Loading weights
Load weights on the weighing platform to ensure that 10% of full-scale value ≤ weight of weights ≤ full-scale value, and then press the
key to start the next step.
[000000] Entering the same weight value as that of the loaded weights.
Entering the same weight value as that of the loaded weights, please press the
will display [ ]. After that, the displayed digits will reduce slowly until the meter displays [ ]. In the end it will display [ ] for one second,
which indicates the end of null-point calibration.
F1.8 Automatic Null Tracking
Selectable parameters: OFF, 1 d, 2 d, 3 d (default value)
F1.9 Automatic Reset Range at Startup
Selectable parameters: OFF, 2 %, 10 %, 20 % (default value)
F1.10 Button Reset Range
Selectable parameters: OFF, 2 %, 10 % (default value), 20 %
F1.11 Digital Filter
Selectable parameters: 0 ---- Mild Filtering
1 ---- Moderate Filtering (default value)
2 ---- Severe Filtering
F1.12 Steady Range
Selectable parameters: 1 d, 2 d, 3 d (default value)
key and the meter will display
key after the scale becomes stable, and the meter