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  • ESPAÑOL, página 5
SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set
This manual is intended for users of the TRUST 1600P 2.1 SOUNDFORCE. This
speaker set is for use with your computer, but is also suitable for use with your
portable audio equipment, such as an MP3 player, or cassette player.
This speaker set includes a powerful sub-woofer (for the bass tones), perfect
satellites for the higher tones, and a separate amplifier for volume and tone
This product complies with all essential requirements and other relevant
stipulations of the pertinent European directives. The Declaration of Conformity
(DoC) is available on
Remove the power plug from the wall socket before cleaning the speaker
set. Do not use any liquid cleaners or spray cans. Wipe the loudspeaker set
clean with a moist cloth.
Never use the loudspeaker set in the vicinity of water.
Ensure that no objects or furniture stand on the power cord. Do not place
the loudspeaker set where the power cord may become worn.
Never insert any object, of any kind, into any of the openings in the
loudspeaker casings.
Do not attempt to repair the speaker set yourself. The set should only be
maintained by qualified personnel.
Connections (see figure 1)
Connect the audio cable to the "LINE-OUT" (= line) socket or the "SPEAK"
(= loudspeaker) socket of the sound card. (If necessary, consult the
product's manual).
Connect the other end of the audio cable to the "Audio input" of the
Connect the left and right satellite loudspeaker to the sockets "Speaker Out
L" and "Speaker Out R"; connect the sub-woofer to the socket labelled
Connect the power plug of the sub-woofer to the socket "AC IN".
Lastly, plug the power cord into the wall socket.
You may possibly find extra cables/audio adaptors in the box. These cables can
be used to connect your gaming console, for example.
Before you turn the speaker set on, turn the volume control completely to the left,
so that the sound is off. This avoids possible damage to the unit, and your ears.
The Bass and Treble knobs can be set to a neutral (middle) position.
Switch the speaker set on (knob 1, figure 2). The lamp (1, figure 2) will light
Have an audio signal play back from the computer, e.g. by playing an MP3.
Ensure that the audio settings of your computer are correct.
Adjust the sound level using the volume knob (3, figure 2).
By turning the knobs for Bass (low tones) (4, figure 2) and Treble (higher
tones) (5, figure 2) you can regulate the sound as you wish.
All manuals and user guides at
Possible solution
No sound
Audio cables not
Check that the audio cable is correctly
from the
connected to the sound source and the
connected to the
sound card.
Power not
Check that the power connector is
correctly plugged into the "AC IN" socket.
Check that the main power cord is
correctly plugged into the wall socket,
and that the power socket is switched
Volume knob is
Set the Volume harder.
set too soft.
Speaker switched
Turn the loudspeakers on.
Too much or
Sound balance
Adjust the sound to suit using the Bass
too little
by means of bass
and Treble knob.
bass or
(low tones) and
treble in the
treble (high
tones) not set
Problem not
Latest FAQ
Go to for FAQ and
in this list.
update available
other product information.
on internet.
If, after having attempted all these solutions, you still have problems, please
make contact with one of the Trust Customer Care Centers. You should in any
case have the following information ready: the article number (in this case 13733)
and a good description of exactly what is not working, and when.
Conditions of guarantee
- Our products carry a 2-year factory guarantee, starting on the date of
- In case of defect, return the product to your dealer with an explanation of the
defect, proof of purchase and all accessories.
- During the period of guarantee, you will receive back from your dealer a
comparable model, when this is available. Should this not be available, the
product will be repaired.
- For missing components such as manual, software or other parts, please make
contact with our helpdesk.
- The guarantee ceases to apply in the event of tampering with a product,
mechanical damage, misuse, modifications to the product, repair by third
parties, carelessness and using the product for a purpose other than the
- Exclusions to the guarantee
Damage caused by accidents or disasters, such as fire, flood, earthquake,
war, vandalism or theft.
Incompatibility with other hardware or software that are not mentioned in
the minimum system demands.
Accessories such as batteries and fuses (as applicable).
- On no account is the manufacturer responsible for any incidental or
consequential damage, including loss of income or other commercial losses,
arising from the use of this product.
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Trust Sp-3500X 2.1

  • Página 1 If, after having attempted all these solutions, you still have problems, please product’s manual). make contact with one of the Trust Customer Care Centers. You should in any Connect the other end of the audio cable to the “Audio input” of the case have the following information ready: the article number (in this case 13733) amplifier.
  • Página 2: Problemlösungen

    Sollten Sie, nachdem Sie diese Lösungen ausprobiert haben, noch immer Anschluss (siehe Abbildung 1) Probleme haben, wenden Sie sich an eines der Trust Customer Care Centers. Schließen Sie das Audiokabel am "LINE-OUT"-Ausgang (= Folgende Daten sollten Sie auf jeden Fall zur Hand haben: die Artikelnummer (in Ausgangssignal) oder "SPEAK"-Ausgang (= Lautsprecher) der Soundkarte...
  • Página 3 All manuals and user guides at SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set Introduction Localisation de panne Ce manuel est destiné aux utilisateurs du “TRUST 1600P2.1 SOUNDFORCE” Problème Cause Solution possible Cette enceinte est prévue pour une utilisation avec votre ordinateur mais peut Aucun son Le(s) câble(s)
  • Página 4 Centri di Assistenza al Cliente della Trust. Si consiglia di tenere in ogni caso a portata di mano le seguenti Collegare gli altoparlanti satellite sinistro e destro alle prese "Speaker informazioni: il numero di articolo (in questo caso 13733) ed una precisa Out L"...
  • Página 5: Introducción

    Si, una vez realizadas las correcciones oportunas, sigue teniendo problemas, la clavija “SUB”. póngase en contacto con uno de los centros de atención al cliente de Trust. En Conecte la clavija de toma de corriente del subwoofer en la toma “AC IN”.
  • Página 6 Centrum Obsługi Klienta firmy Podłączyć wtyczkę kabla zasilającego sub-woofer do gniazda “AC IN”. Trust. Należy wówczas podać następujące informacje: numer artykułu (w tym Włożyć wtyczkę przewodu zasilającego do gniazdka elektrycznego. przypadku 13733) oraz dokładny opis zaistniałego problemu.
  • Página 7 Mocht u na deze oplossingen geprobeerd te hebben nog problemen hebben, neem dan contact op met één van de Trust Customer Care Centers. U dient de Aansluiting (zie figuur 1) volgende gegevens in ieder geval bij de hand te hebben: het artikelnummer (in Sluit de audiokabel aan op de “LINE-OUT”...
  • Página 8 Se depois de ter tentado estas soluções para resolver os problemas ainda Ligue o cabo de áudio à saída “LINE-OUT” (= linha) ou “SPEAK” (= coluna) existirem problemas, entre em contacto com um dos centros de assistência Trust da placa de som. (Consulte o manual de instruções do produto.) Customer Care Centers.
  • Página 9 All manuals and user guides at SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set Εισαγωγή Αντιµετώπιση προβληµάτων Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό προορίζεται για τους χρήστες του TRUST 1600P 2.1 Πρόβληµα Αιτία Πιθανή λύση SOUNDFORCE. Το σύστηµα ηχείων αυτό προορίζεται για χρήση µε τον ∆εν...
  • Página 10 Hvis du efter at have forsøgt alle disse løsninger stadig har problemer, så kontakt Sæt den anden ende af audiokablet i Audio input” på forstærkeren. venligst et Trust Customer Care Center. Hav altid følgende oplysninger parat: Artikelnummeret (i dette tilfælde 13733) og en god, præcis beskrivelse af, hvad Sæt den venstre og højre satellithøjttaler i soklen “Speaker Out L”...
  • Página 11 All manuals and user guides at SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set Inledning Felsökning Denna bruksanvisning är avsedd för användare av TRUST 1600P 2.1 Problem Orsak Möjlig lösning SOUNDFORCE. Detta högtalarset är avsett för användning i kombination med Högtalarna Ljudkablarna är Kontrollera att ljudkabeln är ansluten på...
  • Página 12 Amennyiben kimerítette a fenti lehetőségeket és a probléma még mindig fennáll, bemenetéhez. kérjük keresse fel a Trust Ügyfélközpontot. Minden esetben szükség lesz az alábbi információkra: a cikkszámra (ebben az esetben: 13733) és annak A bal és a jobb szatellit hangszórót csatlakoztassa a „Speaker Out L” (bal leírására, hogy pontosan mi és milyen körülmények között nem működik.
  • Página 13 Pokud i po vyzkoušení všech těchto řešení jste problém neodstranili, obraťte se Napájecí zástrčku subwooferu zapojte do zásuvky „AC IN“. prosím na jedno ze Středisek péče o zákazníky firmy Trust. V každém případě Nakonec zapojte napájecí kabel do elektrické zásuvky.
  • Página 14: Záručné Podmienky

    Ak aj po vyskúšaní všetkých týchto riešení ste problém neodstránili, obráťte sa Nakoniec zapojte napájací kábel do elektrickej zásuvky. prosím na jedno zo Stredísk starostlivosti o zákazníkov firmy Trust. V každom V škatuli môžete nájsť nadbytočné káble/audio adaptéry. Tieto káble môžete prípade by ste mali mať...
  • Página 15 All manuals and user guides at SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set Johdanto Vianmääritys Tämä ohjekirja on tarkoitettu TRUST 1600P 2.1 SOUNDFORCE -kaiutinsarjan Ongelma Mahdollinen ratkaisu käyttäjille. Kaiutunsarja on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi tietokoneen kanssa, mutta se Kaiuttimista Audiokaapeleita Tarkista, että audiokaapeli on kytketty soveltuu myös kannettaviin audiolaitteisiin, kuten MP3-soittimeen tai...
  • Página 16 All manuals and user guides at SP-3500X 2.1 Speaker Set Introduksjon Problemløsing Denne håndboken er beregnet på brukere av TRUST 1600P 2.1 Problem Årsak Mulig løsning SOUNDFORCE. Høyttalersettet brukes sammen med datamaskinen, men er Ingen lyd fra Audiokabelen er Kontroller at audiokabelen er riktig koplet også...
  • Página 17 Ses kablosunu, ses kartının “LINE-OUT” (=hat çıkışı) ya da “SPEAK” bulabilirsiniz. (=hoparlör) çıkışı soketine bağlayın. (Gerekirse, kullanım kılavuzuna Bu çözümleri denedikten sonra sorun hâlâ devam ediyorsa, lütfen, Trust Müşteri bakın). Destek Merkezleri’nden (Trust Customer Care Centers) biriyle temasa geçin. Ses kablosunun diğer ucunu, amplifikatörün “Ses girişine” (Audio input) Başvuru sırasında aşağıdaki bilgileri hazır bulundurun: ürün numarası...
  • Página 18 выход) или “SPEAK” (= громкоговоритель) звуковой карты. При необходимости просмотрите соответствующее руководство. Если перечисленные выше предложения не позволили решить возникшую проблему, обратитесь в один из сервисных центров компании «Trust». В Подключите второй конец звукового кабеля к гнезду «Audio любом случае имейте наготове следующие сведения: номер изделия (в...

Tabla de contenido