Enlaces rápidos

Air Ride Balance Bike
e Original Little Red Wagon™ - Since 1917
Radio Flyer Inc. / 6515 West Grand Ave. / Chicago, IL 60707 / U.S.A.
306561/308300 (x1)
100289 (x1)
306556/308298 (x1)
300227 (x1)
© 2020 Radio Flyer Inc.

Resumen de contenidos para Radio Flyer 808

  • Página 1 #808/808P Air Ride Balance Bike www.radioflyer.com/international e Original Little Red Wagon™ - Since 1917 Radio Flyer Inc. / 6515 West Grand Ave. / Chicago, IL 60707 / U.S.A. (x1) 306561/308300 (x1) 306556/308298 (x1) 06560/308290 100289 (x1) 300227 (x1) 808_808P-19_20335 © 2020 Radio Flyer Inc.
  • Página 2 CAUTION: ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. • This package contains small parts which, before assembly, present a choking hazard to children under the age of 3. Care should be taken during unpacking and assembly to insure that all small parts and plastic bags are accounted for and kept out of the reach of children.
  • Página 3 100289 (x1)
  • Página 4 300227 (x1) CAUTION: To avoid stem-to-fork failure and reduce risk of injury, tighten the clamp until two threads protrude from the side of the clamp nut. Do not tighten the clamp beyond this point as thismay damage the bolt threads and reduce clamping strength. UPOZORNENIE: Aby ste predišli poruche predstavca a vidlice a znížili riziko úrazu, svorku uťahujte dovtedy, kým na matici svorky nebudú...
  • Página 5 CAUTION: The tires on your balance bike may have lost some air since being manufactured. If that is the case, please inflate. Manual pump is recommended to prevent over inflation. ATTENTION: Les pneus du vélo peuvent s’étre dégonflés depuis leur fabrication. Una bomba manual es recomendada para prevenir sobre la inflación.
  • Página 6 Insert seat post into frame to, or past the minimum insertion mark shown on the seat post and then tighten the frame clamp until the seat post is secure. Sedadlo vložte do rámu po označenie minimálneho vloženia na sedadle alebo za toto označenie a potom svorku rámu upevnite, kým nebude sedadlo bezpečné.
  • Página 7 경고: 警告: PERINGATAN: AVISO: OSTRZEŻENIE: ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: 위험한 부상을 피하기 위해서는: 重大な事故を避けるために: UNTUK MENGHINDARI CEDERA SERIUS: PARA EVITAR ACIDENTES GRAVES: В ЦЕЛЯХ ПРЕДОТВРАЩЕНИЯ СЕРЬЕЗНЫХ ТРАВМ: ABY UNIKNĄĆ POWAŻNYCH OBRAŻEŃ: • 5세 이상의 어린이에게는 적합하지 • 歳以上のお子様には適していません。 • Bukan untuk anak-anak usia 5 tahun ke atas. •...

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