ABLE2 PR15342 Guia De Inicio Rapido página 2

Pedalier con pantalla electrónica
Tension knob
Foot strap
assembly instruction
Swivel shaft
Tension knob
Digital Display
Footrest pad
Footrest plate
1. Remove contents from box.
2. Pull legs in opposite direction
until locking button "snaps"
into locking receiver. (see
figure A).
1. Remove contents from box.
3. Attach digital display to the
figure A
peddler by sliding the loop
2. Pull legs in opposite direction until locking button "snaps" into locking receiver. (see figure A)
over the tension knob recep-
figure B
tacle located on the clasp
3. Attach electronic display to the pedal exerciser by sliding the loop over the tension knob around
on the back of the display
attaches to the peddler fra-
the frame (see figure B)
me. (see fig. B)
Attention: Only at-
tach the multi-fun-
Attention: Only attach the multi function display to this adhesive label!
ction display to this
figure C
adhesive label!
4. Insert tension knob on top of pedal exerciser and turn clockwise to tighten. The tension knob will
4. Insert tension knob on top of
peddler and turn clockwise
increase/decrease the amount of tension on the pedal exerciser. Tighten/loosen to a level that
to tighten. The tension knob
will increase/decrease the
feels comfortable.
amount of tension on the
Attention: Do not stand
peddler. Tighten/loosen to a
on the pedal trainer! Do
5. You can set the width of the foot strap through the 2 adjustment holes. (see figure C)
level that feels of tension on
not put too much weight
on the pedals, otherwise
the peddler. Tighten/loosen
the pedal trainer may be
to a level that feels.
To fold, depress push pin and fold leg inward. Repeat for second
leg. (see figure D).
1. MODE (Red Button): this control allows you to select a particular function.
To Start, press and hold the Red Button for 4 seconds. The LED will display the different
functions. If you do not select a function, the unit will automatically shut off.
2. To select a function, wait until the 4 seconds set up is complete. Push the Red Button and the
arrow will move through the functions. When the desired function is selected, simply use the
pedal exerciser and the unit will analyse the exercise.
3. COUNT (CNT): counts the number of steps.
4. TIME: indicates duration of training.
5. CALORIE (CAL): indicates the amount of calories burned.
6. REPS PER MINUTE (RPM): automatically calculates the number of repetitions per minute.
SCAN: automatically reviews the results of all functions.
To reset the display to zero, press the Red Button (RESET) 3 seconds.
Aids to daily living
Footrest plate
1. Remove contents from box.
2. Pull legs in opposite direction
until locking button "snaps"
Electronic display
into locking receiver. (see
figure A).
3. Attach digital display to the
peddler by sliding the loop
over the tension knob recep-
tacle located on the clasp
on the back of the display
attaches to the peddler fra-
Push pin
me. (see fig. B)
Attention: Only at-
tach the multi-fun-
ction display to this
adhesive label!
4. Insert tension knob on top of
peddler and turn clockwise
to tighten. The tension knob
will increase/decrease the
amount of tension on the
Attention: Do not stand
Attention: Do not
peddler. Tighten/loosen to a
on the pedal trainer! Do
stand on the pedal
not put too much weight
level that feels of tension on
on the pedals, otherwise
exerciser! Do not put
the peddler. Tighten/loosen
the pedal trainer may be
too much weight on the
to a level that feels.
pedals, otherwise the
pedal exerciser may be
figure D
If the display does not come on
or reads incorrectly, the battery
requires replacement. To replace
the battery slide the lid on the back
of the display down, replace the
underlying battery and set the
display back on.
figure A
figure A
figure B
figure B
assembly instruction
Swivel shaft
Tension knob
Digital Display
Footrest pad
Footrest plate
figure C
figure C
1. Remove contents from box.
2. Pull legs in opposite direction
until locking button "snaps"
into locking receiver. (see
figure A).
3. Attach digital display to the
peddler by sliding the loop
1. Haal het apparaat uit de verpakking.
over the tension knob recep-
2. Klap de pootjes naar buiten open tot deze in de vergrendeling ‚vastklikken'. (zie afbeelding A)
tacle located on the clasp
on the back of the display
3. Bevestig het elektronische display met de lus om de stelknop. (zie afbeelding B)
attaches to the peddler fra-
me. (see fig. B)
Attention: Only at-
Let op: Klem het multifunctionele display alleen op deze sticker!
tach the multi-fun-
ction display to this
adhesive label!
4. Om de trapweerstand in te stellen, gebruikt u de stelknop aan de bovenzijde van de fietstrainer
4. Insert tension knob on top of
peddler and turn clockwise
die u langzaam met de wijzers van de klok meedraait. Draai de stelknop strakker aan of losser
to tighten. The tension knob
will increase/decrease the
totdat u een prettige weerstand hebt ingesteld.
amount of tension on the
Attention: Do not stand
5. U kunt de breedte van de voetband verstellen aan de hand van de 2 afstelgaten.
peddler. Tighten/loosen to a
on the pedal trainer! Do
level that feels of tension on
not put too much weight
on the pedals, otherwise
(zie afbeelding C)
the peddler. Tighten/loosen
the pedal trainer may be
to a level that feels.
Om de fietstrainer in te klappen, drukt u de vergrendelingsknop
in en klapt u de pootjes naar binnen. Doet dit aan beide zijden
van de fietstrainer. (zie afbeelding D)
1. MODE (rode knop): met deze knop selecteert u een bepaalde functie. Houd de rode knop 4
seconden ingedrukt. Op het LED display verschijnen de verschillende functies. Als u na
activering geen keuze maakt, wordt de eenheid automatisch uitgeschakeld.
2. Wacht 4 seconden tot de set up gereed is en selecteer een functie. Door het indrukken van de
rode knop, loopt de pijl langs de verschillende functies. Nadat u de gewenste functie hebt
geselecteerd, begint u met uw training. De fietstrainer analyseert automatisch de traininig.
3. TELLER (CNT): telt het aantal trapbewegingen.
4. TIJD (TIME): geeft de trainingsduur weer.
5. CALORIEËN (CAL): geeft het totaal aantal verbrande calorieën weer.
6. OMWENTELINGEN PER MINUUT (RPM): berekent automatisch het aantal herhalingen per minuut.
SCAN: geeft automatisch de resultaten van alle functies weer.
Om de display weer op nul te zetten, drukt u 3 seconden op de rode knop (RESET).
Aids to daily living
1. Remove contents from box.
2. Pull legs in opposite direction
until locking button "snaps"
Elektronisch display
into locking receiver. (see
figure A).
3. Attach digital display to the
peddler by sliding the loop
over the tension knob recep-
tacle located on the clasp
on the back of the display
attaches to the peddler fra-
me. (see fig. B)
Attention: Only at-
tach the multi-fun-
ction display to this
adhesive label!
4. Insert tension knob on top of
peddler and turn clockwise
figure A
to tighten. The tension knob
figure B
will increase/decrease the
amount of tension on the
peddler. Tighten/loosen to a
level that feels of tension on
the peddler. Tighten/loosen
figure C
to a level that feels.
Footrest plate
afbeelding A
figure A
afbeelding B
figure B
afbeelding C
figure C
Attention: Do not stand
Let op: Niet op de
on the pedal trainer! Do
fietstrainer staan.
not put too much weight
on the pedals, otherwise
Vermijd schade: belast
the pedal trainer may be
de pedalen niet met
een te hoog gewicht.
afbeelding D
Wanneer het display niet meer goed
werkt of verkeerde gegevens toont, moet
de batterij worden vervangen. Als u de
batterij wilt vervangen, schuift u het klepje
aan de achterkant van het display naar
beneden. Vervang de batterij en zet het
display weer aan.