Čištění A Údržba - Domo DO607ED Manual De Instrucciones

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 30
During "Body and feet mode", use "Mode" button to select three mode:"Body mode", "Feet mode" and
"Body and feet mode"
Teplota nahřívání lze nastavit tlačítkem TEMP. Volit můžete z 8 stupňů od 20°C až do 50°C.
Body mode
5.3 Select setting:
· Stiskem tlačítka TEMP se na displeji rozbliká hodnota teploty a vy ji tak můžete nastavovat.
In any turn on condition, press【TEMP】Button,the temperature icon will blink,then
press【+】button,heating setting will increase, the highest is 8; press【-】button
· Tlačítkem +/- teplotu navyšujete nebo snižujete.
will decline Temperature setting until reach 0, 0 setting does't heating , LCD
display "Stand BY".
· Pokud tlačítko nestisknete, tak bude displej blikat a dečka hřát na blikající teplotu.
· Pokud je teplota nastavena na „0", tak hřát nebude.
press "TEMP" "5" setting blink
Při stisknutí tohoto tlačítka QUICK se dečka rozehřeje na maximum (stupeň 8)
a po dobu 30 minut.
Takto můžete dečku zapnout kdykoli a při jakémkoli nastavení. Pří zvolení
funkce QUICK nezáleží na tom, co jste měli předtím zvoleno a vždy bude hřát
naplno. Po uplynutí těchto 30 minut se automaticky zpět nastaví původní
New blenket item develop plan
n condition, press【TIMER】button,the time icon will blink(fist set hour,then
Pokud není nastaven časovač, tak dečka bude hřát do té doby, dokud ji nevypnete.
then press【+】button,increase
Tlačítkem TIMER lze časovač nastavit až na 12 hodin. Po uplynutí nastaveného času se dečka
ton, time will decline until 0 minute. 0 minute mean machine is non-fixed time
automaticky vypne.
· Stiskem tlačítka TIMER se na displeji rozbliká hodnota minut. Pomocí +/- nastavte minuty.,
nestisknete-li nic, tak budou platné právě blikající minuty.
press "+"increase time
time icon blink
· Hodiny lze nastavit i tlačítkem + a pokračovat dále, ale snažší a rychlejší je nastavit je
samostatně. Opětovným stiskem tlačítka TIMER se rozbliká hodnota hodin a tlačítkem +/-
ating function
n condition,press【QUICK】button,machine into "quick heating mode" works
je můžete nastavit. Není-li stisknuto žádné tlačítko, bude zvolen čas.
setting and 30 minutes, in time will back to initial setting.
· Před každým čištěním vždy vytáhněte zástrčku ze zásuvky.
· Menší skvrny lze vyčistit hadříkem nebo vlhkou houbičkou. V případě
potřeby lze čistit i tekutým pracím prostředkem.
· Pozor: tuto dečku nečistěte pomocí chemie.
n on condition,when key part is broken, CPU will exzmine the reason,the machine
nfo on LCD and open backlight, meantime all button are no function.Thyristor close
· Pokud je deka velmi znečištěná, může být vyprána v pračce při 30 °C. Při praní vždy
short circuit will output) blanket off power.
používejte tekutý prací prostředek.
During "Body and feet mode", use "Mode" button to select three mode:"Body mode", "Feet mode" and
"Body and feet mode"
3. Control panel looks
Body mode
Feet mode
Body and feet mode
5.3 Select setting:
In any turn on condition, press【TEMP】Button,the temperature icon will blink,then
press【+】button,heating setting will increase, the highest is 8; press【-】button
will decline Temperature setting until reach 0, 0 setting does't heating , LCD
display "Stand BY".
4. Switch and button define and function
【ON/OFF】Button:For comply energe standard, use mechanical switch.Turn off machine, the ratting is 0
W,turn on machine then LCD display all icon 1 s, CUP check itselft.If all fuction is ok,machine will automatic
work with 5 heating setting and fixed time 8 hours
press "+" incease settings
press "TEMP" "5" setting blink
press "-"
decline settings
】Button:Set function mode-body heatingn mode;feet heating mode,body and feet mode
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【QUICK】Button:Press it into quick heating function, machine will work with 8 heating setting and
30 minutes and then automaticly back to the initail setting
【TEMP】Button: press it then press 【+】and【-】could set heatting setting.
【TIMER】Button: press it then press【+】and【-】set heating setting
【+】Button: press it to increase temperature.
【-】Button: press it to decline time
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3. Control panel looks
5.4 Selection time
In any turn on condition, press【TIMER】button,the time icon will blink(fist set hour,then
set minute)then press【+】button,increase
press【-】button, time will decline until 0 minute. 0 minute mean machine is non-fixed time
press " - " decline time
Press "TIMER" time icon blink
5.5 Quick heating function
4. Switch and button define and function
【ON/OFF】Button:For comply energe standard, use mechanical switch.Turn off machine, the ratting is 0
In any turn on condition,press【QUICK】button,machine into "quick heating mode" works
W,turn on machine then LCD display all icon 1 s, CUP check itselft.If all fuction is ok,machine will automatic
work with 5 heating setting and fixed time 8 hours
with 8 heating setting and 30 minutes, in time will back to initial setting.
】Button:Set function mode-body heatingn mode;feet heating mode,body and feet mode
【QUICK】Button:Press it into quick heating function, machine will work with 8 heating setting and
30 minutes and then automaticly back to the initail setting
【TEMP】Button: press it then press 【+】and【-】could set heatting setting.
【TIMER】Button: press it then press【+】and【-】set heating setting
【+】Button: press it to increase temperature.
【-】Button: press it to decline time
5.6 In any turn on condition,when key part is broken, CPU will exzmine the reason,the machine
display error info on LCD and open backlight, meantime all button are no function.Thyristor close
output(Switch short circuit will output) blanket off power.
New blenket item develop plan
5.4 Selection time
In any turn on condition, press【TIMER】button,the time icon will
set minute)then press【+】button,increase
press【-】button, time will decline until 0 minute. 0 minute mean m
Feet mode
Press "TIMER" time icon blink
5.5 Quick heating function
press "+" incease settings
press "-"
In any turn on condition,press【QUICK】button,machine into "quic
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with 8 heating setting and 30 minutes, in time will back to initial se
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- -
5.6 In any turn on condition,when key part is broken, CPU will exzmi
display error info on LCD and open backlight, meantime all button are
New blenket item develop plan
output(Switch short circuit will output) blanket off power.
press "+"increase time
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- -
New blenket item develop
Body and feet mode
press "+"increase time
decline settings
4 page of 4 pages
press " - " decline time
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