bebe-jou thermo bath Manual De Instrucciones página 7

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Garantii. Külastage meie veebisaiti, et lugeda lähemalt meie garantiitingimuste kohta. Oidke enda juhendit
ja ostutšekki turvalises kohas.
bébé-jou thermo bath 260 (1) manual. Please read this manual carefully before you start using the baby bath and keep it
somewhere safe in case you want to consult it again at some later stage. Your child's safety can be in danger if you do not
follow these instructions.
Thermo bath. This baby bath stands out both where functionality and design are concerned. You can see the exact tempera-
ture of the bath water at a mere glance and subsequently continue to monitor this carefully. The baby bath also has dispensers
for soap and shampoo, ensuring you have everything to hand during the bathing process. The baby bath meets all applicable
environmental, product and safety requirements.
Instructions for Use. A small child is vulnerable. Therefore make sure you never leave your child alone and always hold him
or her whilst bathing! Always make sure you position the baby bath on a stable surface (A). We recommend using the bébé-jou
bath stand (2). Fill the baby bath with water once it has been stably positioned. Make sure the bath water isn't too hot. The
water should be warm enough if it's between 36 and 38 degrees. The water, including your child, shouldn't exceed a total of
15 cm. The water can maximally go up to your child's waist once he or she is able to sit. You can empty the baby bath with a
supplied drain hose (B) if you are using a bébé-jou bath stand. Secure this to the bath's outlet opening and place, for example,
a bébé-jou nappy bucket (3) underneath the hose. You can subsequently pull the thermo block (the thermometer) up until
you hear a click (C). The baby bath will now empty out. You can push the thermo block down again if the nappy bucket is full,
allowing you to empty the bucket before continuing. It's important for your child's shoulders to also be immersed in the water
during the initial weeks, in order to make sure these can't cool off too much. Don't bathe your child for too long and make sure
you dry him or her thoroughly. Make sure your child stays warm at all times and avoid any major temperature fluctuations.
Matching items. Please visit our website for more information about our complete product assortment.
BEWARE! Never leave your child unattended! An adult always needs to be present to hold and support the child in
order to prevent drowning! Never react to any external influences.
Prevent drowning, always keep your child with arm's reach.
Children can drown very quickly and can do so in very low water (±2 cm).
The baby bath offers no protection against drowning. Children have drowned in baths.
If you have no option but to leave the room, then always take your child with you.
Always make sure the baby bath is positioned on a stable surface (A).
Always check the water's temperature before putting your child in the bath.
Never fill the bath up using the tap whilst your child is in the baby bath.
Make sure your child can't reach the tap whilst bathing.
The baby bath can be used for children with a maximum weight of 20 kg.
Only combine the authentic bébé-jou parts and products. Combining your bébé-jou products with products from another
brand is not safe. For example, make sure you always position a bébé-jou baby bath on top of a bébé-jou bath stand (2).
Cleaning. Clean the baby bath with lukewarm water and mild soap and subsequently dry it with a cloth. Never use chemical
cleaning agents.
Guarantee. Visit our website for more information about our guarantee conditions. Keep your manual and
proof of purchase in a safe place.
Manual de la bañera para bebés Thermobad 260 (1) de bébé-jou. Lea atentamente este manual antes de utilizar el soporte
de bañera y consérvelo para poder consultarlo posteriormente, si fuere necesario. La seguridad de su bebé puede verse
amenazada si no sigue estas instrucciones.
Thermobad. Esta bañera se diferencia por un funcionalidad y diseño. De una mirada puede ver la temperatura exacta del
agua de la bañera y seguir en forma precisa los grados. Además, la bañera para bebés posee un dispensador de jabón y
shampoo, para que tenga todo a mano durante el baño. La bañera para bebés cumple todas las exigencias medioambienta-
les, de producto y seguridad.
Instrucciones de uso. Los bebés son vulnerables. Por eso, no deje nunca solo a su bebé y manténgalo sujeto todo el tiempo
mientras lo baña. Coloque la bañera del bebé siempre sobre una superficie estable (A). Recomendamos utilizar para ello
el soporte para bañeras de bébé-jou (2). Preocúpese de que el agua no esté demasiado caliente. Cuando la bañera esté
estable, llénela con agua. Si el agua está entre los 36 y los 38 grados (99 °F) , está suficientemente caliente. El agua, con su
bebé adentro, no debe tener una altura superior a los 15 cm. Cuando su bebé pueda sentarse, el agua no debe llegar más
arriba que la cintura del bebé (B). Cuando use el soporte para bañeras de bébé-jou, puede vaciar la bañera con la manguera
de desagüe adjunta. Fíjela bajo el agujero de salida de la bañera y ponga, por ejemplo, el contenedor de pañales de bébé-jou
bajo la manguera. A continuación, levante el bloque térmico (el termómetro) hasta que escuche un clic, después de lo cual