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The device should be snug enough that your cat cannot get their jaw or head under it. This guide is just a suggestion by Tractive and to be used at your discretion. Tractive cannot be held liable for injury caused.
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à partir du traceur pas pouvoir passer sa mâchoire vers l'extérieur. ou sa tête dessous. Ce guide n'est qu'une suggestion de la part de Tractive, suivez-le à votre discrétion. Tractive ne peut pas être tenu responsable d'éventuelles blessures. Paso 1...
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The device should be snug enough that your cat cannot get their jaw or head under it. This guide is just a suggestion by Tractive and to be used at your discretion. Tractive cannot be held liable for injury caused.
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čeljust kroz nju. Odbrojite rupice počevši Ovaj vodič je samo naš prijedlog, od one koja je najbliža a način postavljanja uređaja trackeru. ostaje u Vašoj vlastitoj prosudbi. Tractive ne može biti pozvan na odgovornost u slučaju ozljede.
Página 5
The device should be snug enough that your cat cannot get their jaw or head under it. This guide is just a suggestion by Tractive and to be used at your discretion. Tractive cannot be held liable for injury caused.
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Denne guiden er bare et forslag begynne å telle hullet fra Tractive og du kan selv velge nærmest trackeren. om du vil bruke den. Kjøper påtar seg all risiko og ansvar for bruken av enheten.