The following points must be connected on the relay (Figure 7). Consequently, it is always enabled
when it receives power through the USB.
[VCC] – [K1ON]
[GND] – [K2ON]
[GND] – [IN1] – [IN2] – [IN3] – [IN4]
Figure 7 - 4 Channel Relay low level trigger
Everything is ready. When the CHA is connected to another system through the new USB port, two
gamepads are detected. So, it is completely functional with PC, Mister FPGA, Raspberry Pi, etc.
Once the case is cut to fit the new USB port, which I suggest putting it over the USB port of the
mainboard, it is time to assemble everything. I advise fitting the relay in between the mainboard and
top part of the CHA, so it also holds the USB port, and it does not move when pushing the USB cable.
Those pieces can be held with hot glue, isolated with duct tape, and the holes filled with putty.