Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

LED indicator
Flashing blue/green alternately
Slow flashing blue
When you are speaking
Fast flashing blue
Fast flashing green
Low battery
Fast flashing green 5 times
Light up red while charging and turn off
when fully charged
Full battery
The LED turns off when fully charged
NOTE: Battery capacity can be displayed (available in
certain systems only).
How to translate
Step 1
Go to to download the
mobile phone app (iOS or Android version as required).
Then, turn on the speaker and pair the speaker with the
mobile phone with the app installed. About how to pair
the two, refer to "How to pair a speaker".
Use mobile phone to scan QR code
to download APP
About translation and language:
Currently, only online translation is supported. Therefore, the mobile phone needs to be
connected to the Internet.
Step 2
Step 3
Start the app on the mobile phone and wait until
Press the left/right translation button on the speaker.
successfully paired. Then, select languages. The
When a prompt tone is generated, you can speak out
language on the left corresponds to the left translation
what you want to translate. When a prompt tone is
button on the device, and that on the right to the right
generated again, the translation result will be output.
translation button.
Quick guide
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Travis Blue

  • Página 1 Step 2 Step 3 Flashing blue/green alternately Go to to download the Start the app on the mobile phone and wait until Press the left/right translation button on the speaker. mobile phone app (iOS or Android version as required).
  • Página 2: Limitation Of Liability

    Spanish are previous/next song alternately. supported. Ports Go to the Bluetooth setup page on the mobile phone and find “Travis Blue”. After the two are IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY Translation button Power input: Micro USB Limitation of Liability...
  • Página 3: Indicador Led

    Paso 2 Paso 3 Parpadeo alternativamente en azul/verde Vaya a para descargar la Inicie la aplicación en el móvil y espere hasta que el Presione el botón de traducción izquierda/derecha en el aplicación del teléfono móvil (versión de iOS o Android emparejamiento finalice.
  • Página 4: Limitación De Responsabilidad

    Inglés, Chino y Español. Puertos Vaya a la página de configuración de Bluetooth en ACEPTADO POR ESCRITO POR EL AUTOR O el teléfono móvil y busque "Travis Blue". Después Apariencia Botón de traducción CUALQUIER OTRA PARTE QUE MODIFIQUE Entrada de potencia: Micro USB de emparejar los dos con éxito, se genera un tono...
  • Página 5 指示灯 如何翻译 配对时 第一步 第二步 第三步 蓝绿灯交替闪 请前往 下载iOS 开启手机端的应用程序,待手机应用连接成功后, 单击音箱上的翻译左键或者翻译右键,听到提示音 或者安卓手机应用到你的手机中。开启音箱,然后 在主界面选择语言。左边语言对应设备中的翻译左 后,开始讲需要翻译的内容。提示音再次响起时, 配对成功 将此音箱与你的手机通过蓝牙匹配连接。 键,右边语言对应设备中的翻译右键。 即为等待翻译结果输出。 蓝灯慢闪 开始语音输入 蓝色指示灯快闪 按下 翻译中 绿色指示灯快闪 低电量 使用手机扫描二维码下载APP 绿色指示灯快闪5次 充电时 提示音 说话 红色指示灯长亮 充满电 红色指示灯熄灭 关于翻译和语言: 目前仅支持在线翻译,所以使用中需要手机保持联网状态。在不同地区使用,对应的翻译语言 注: 电池电量显示功能,并非所有系统都兼容显示。 会有所不同。 翻译...
  • Página 6 初次配对 音乐键 额定功率: 控制来设置App/Apk的左 88dB 信噪比: 1.短按一下:音量加减 (+/-) 右两个语言。暂时只支持英 长按电源键4秒进入蓝牙搜索状态,此时有提示音发 4Ω 额定阻抗: 文,中文和西班牙语的语言 2.长按:上一曲/下一曲 出并伴有蓝绿灯交替闪。 识别。 责任限制条款 在任何情况下,除非适用法律的要求或者版权所有 在手机设备的蓝牙设置页面找到“Travis Blue”进 者明确的书面同意,否则,任何版权所有者修改和 接口 行配对。配对成功后有提示音并伴有蓝灯慢闪。 (或)传输上述软件或硬件的任何其他方,均不对您 外观图示 翻译键 Micro USB 电源输入: 由于该软件和(或)硬件的使用或无法使用而导致 Micro USB 1. 短按一下:开始或手动 充电时间: 有线充电2.5小时 的损害承担责任;包括任何一般、特殊、间接或后 结束语音输入 规格参数 无线充电3.5小时...
  • Página 7 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

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