Bticino H4585 Manual De Instrucciones página 4

• Ritorno in modalità configurazione di fabbrica (in caso di cambio della lampada)
• Return to factory configuration mode (when changing lamp)
• Retour en mode configuration usine (si changement de lampe)
• Zurück zum Werkseinstellungsmodus (bei Austausch der Leuchte)
• Regresar al modo de configuración de fábrica (en caso de cambio de lámpara)
• Terugkeer naar de fabrieksconfiguratiemodus (bij veranderen van lamp)
• Regresso ao modo de configuração de fábrica (se mudança de lâmpada)
Istruzioni di sicurezza
Prima di qualsiasi intervento, interrompere l'alimentazione.
Rispettare scrupolosamente le condizioni d'installazione e uso.
Safety instructions
Make sure the power supply is disconnected before any intervention.
Strictly comply with instructions for installation and use.
Consignes de sécurité
Avant toute intervention, couper le courant.
Respecter strictement les conditions d'installation et d'utilisation.
Vor jeglichem Eingriff die Spannungsfreiheit sicherstellen.
Einbau- und Gebrauchsanleitungen sind genau zu beachten.
We declare that the products satisfy the provisions of :
The directive 1999/5/CE of the european parliament
and of the council of March 9th, 1999
On condition that they are used in the manner intented and/or in accordance with the current installation
standards and/or with the manufacturers recommandations
Channel availability depends on local country regulations. Wireless LAN system administrator must choose
correct country of operation. Channels are then automatically con gured to comply with speci ed
country's regulations.
These provisions are ensured for directive 1999/5/CEE by conformity to the following standards :
> 2 s
EN 301 489
EN 300 328
EN 60669-2-1
Consignas de seguridad
Antes de realizar cualquier intervención, cortar la corriente eléctrica.
Respetar estrictamente las condiciones de instalación y uso.
Onderbreek voor enige ingreep de stroom.
Neem de installatie- en gebruiksvoorwaarden nauwgezet in acht.
Instruções de segurança
Antes de qualquer intervenção, desligar a corrente.
Respeitar rigorosamente as condições de instalação e de utilização.
< 0,1 s

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