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Bode 100
Quick Start Guide
+ Multilingual Safety Instructions
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Resumen de contenidos para Omicron Lab Bode 100

  • Página 1 Bode 100 Quick Start Guide + Multilingual Safety Instructions...
  • Página 2 The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. OMICRON Lab and Smart Measurement Solutions are registered trademarks of OMICRON electronics.
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Connectors ......................... 15 Getting started ......................... 17 Installing the Bode Analyzer Suite ..................17 Powering the Bode 100 ...................... 17 Connecting Bode 100 to a computer ................. 17 Performing your first measurement ................... 18 Using external probes ......................21 Troubleshooting ......................22 Multilingual Safety Instructions ..................
  • Página 4 Bode 100 Quick Start Guide Deutsch ‒ Sicherheitshinweise, bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung und Qualifikation des Bedienpersonals ..........................Ελληνικά ‒ Οδηγίες ασφαλείας, προβλεπόμενη χρήση και προσόντα χειριστών ......Español ‒ Instrucciones de seguridad, aplicación prevista y cualifi cación del operador ....Eesti keel ‒ Ohutusjuhised, kasutusotstarve ja kasutaja kvalifi katsioon ...........
  • Página 5 OMICRON Lab...
  • Página 6: About This Quick Start Guide

    This Bode 100 Quick Start Guide provides you short information on how to install the Bode Analyzer Suite and how to connect the Bode 100 to your PC. It is intended as an aid for you to take the Bode 100 into operation quickly and easily. Thus, this Quick Start Guide only provides a small subset of information available for Bode 100.
  • Página 7: Safety Instructions

    • Do not open Bode 100 or remove any of its housing components. • The Bode 100 does not contain any serviceable parts. Do not open the Bode 100 or carry out any modifications, extensions, or adaptations. • Use Bode 100 in observance of all existing safety requirements from national and international standards for accident prevention and environmental protection.
  • Página 8: Designated Use

    The advisory procedures and information contained within this document have been compiled as a guide to the safe and effective operation of Bode 100. It has been prepared in conjunction with application engineers and the collective experience of the manufacturer. The in-service conditions for the use of Bode 100 may vary between customers and end-users.
  • Página 9: Compliance Statements And Recycling

    EMC directive. Information for disposal and recycling Bode 100 and all of its accessories are not intended for household use. At the end of its service life, do not dispose of the test set with household waste! For customers in EU countries (incl.
  • Página 10: Bode 100 And Accessories

    BNC adapters (straight, T, Short, Bode 100 Quick Start Guide Load 50 Ω) The delivered items may vary a bit from the look shown above. Please refer to the packing list received with the Bode 100 for further information OMICRON Lab...
  • Página 11: Optional Accessories

    B-LFT 100 order number: OL000169 PML-111O 10:1 Passive Probe PML-111O is a passive 10:1 probe designed for the input stage of Bode 100. It is manufactured by PMK in Germany and fits perfectly to the Bode 100. Order number: OL000110 B-WIC &...
  • Página 12: Technical Data

    Bode 100 Quick Start Guide Technical data In this section you can find the most important technical data for the Bode 100 Revision 2. Technical data can change without notice. You can download a detailed technical data sheet for Bode 100 from the OMICRON Lab website
  • Página 13: Bode 100 Specifications

    USB type B socket DC Power requirements Supply voltage range +9 ... 24 V Minimum DC supply power 10 W Connector Coaxial power socket (2.5 mm / 5.5mm) We strongly recommend to use the power supply delivered with Bode 100. OMICRON Lab...
  • Página 14: System Requirements

    Graphics card DirectX 11 with Direct2D support USB interface USB 2.0 or higher Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Software Bode 100 Revision 2 requires Bode Analyzer Suite 3.00 or newer. Environmental requirements Table 5-4: Environmental requirements Characteristic Condition Rating Temperature Storage -35 ...
  • Página 15: Device Overview

    Device overview Device overview Bode 100 is a USB controlled vector network analyzer. The system consists of the Bode 100 hardware and the Bode Analyzer Suite software. In the following the Bode 100 hardware is described in detail. To learn more about the Bode Analyzer Suite, please check out 7.4 Performing your first measurement...
  • Página 16 Bode 100 Quick Start Guide Bode 100 provides the following three connectors at the rear panel: • DC power input: input for DC voltages from 9 V to 24 V (5.5 mm coaxial plug with 2.5 mm pin) • USB: data interface (USB type B port) •...
  • Página 17: Getting Started

    Plug the adapter’s DC output connector into the Bode 100 DC power input on the rear panel and the mains input plug into the power outlet. Connecting Bode 100 to a computer The Bode 100 communicates with the computer via USB.
  • Página 18: Performing Your First Measurement

    Follow the steps described below to perform your first measurement: Connect the test object "IF Filter" to the Bode 100 using two BNC cables as shown in the figure below. Figure 7-1: Connecting the test object IF Filter to the Bode 100...
  • Página 19 Figure 7-2: Bode Analyzer Suite start screen To find out if your Bode 100 is recognized by the Bode Analyzer Suite, check if the serial number of your Bode 100 is displayed like shown in the figure above (see 1.). If no serial number is displayed,...
  • Página 20 (S11) of the IF filter. Please refer to the Bode 100 User Manual for more information on the Bode 100 and its measurement capabilities. You can view the user manual by clicking Read user manual in the start screen or by clicking the help icon that is available at the top right corner of the Bode Analyzer Suite window.
  • Página 21: Using External Probes

    Getting started Using external probes You can use any probe with Bode 100 that offers a standard BNC connector. The use of probes can have the following advantages: • Reduction of the capacitive loading added by connecting Bode 100 to your circuit.
  • Página 22: Troubleshooting

    Check if the USB cable is properly plugged into the computer and the Bode 100. b. Try disconnecting and re-connecting the USB cable. c. If this does not help, avoid USB hubs and plug Bode 100 directly into an USB port of your computer.
  • Página 23: Multilingual Safety Instructions

    Не прилагайте опасни нива на напрежение >50 VDC или >25 VAC към входовете наBode 100. • Уверете се, че измервателните клещи за напрежение и ток, които използвате с Bode 100, са правилно заземени, в съответствие с инструкциите на производителя. •...
  • Página 24: Dansk - Sikkerhedsanvisninger, Tilsigtet Brug Og Operatørkvalifi Kationer

    Rev. 2 eller højere) altid forbindes med en solid forbindelse på mindst 3,6 mm² i tværsnit og ikke længere end 10 m til jordforbindelsen i laboratoriet. • Vær opmærksom på, at Bode 100 ikke viser, om der er en aktiv eff ekt. Det kan især være kritisk, hvis der er forstærkere forbundet til Bode 100. Tilsigtet brug: •...
  • Página 25: Ελληνικά - Οδηγίες Ασφαλείας, Προβλεπόμενη Χρήση Και Προσόντα Χειριστών

    Bode 100-Geräten der Hardware-Revision 2 oder neuer vorhanden). • Beachten Sie, dass keine Anzeige am Bode 100 darauf hinweist, ob der Ausgang aktiv ist. Dies kann besonders kritisch sein, wenn Verstärker an das Bode 100 angeschlossen sind. Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung: •...
  • Página 26: Español - Instrucciones De Seguridad, Aplicación Prevista Y Cualifi Cación Del Operador

    3,6 mm² y una longitud no superior a 10 m para el terminal de tierra en el laboratorio. • Tenga en cuenta que el Bode 100 no tiene indicación alguna de que la salida esté activa. Esto podría ser especialmente crítico si los amplifi cadores están conectados al Bode 100.
  • Página 27: Suomalainen - Turvallisuusohjeet, Käyttötarkoitus Ja Käyttäjän Pätevyys

    Multilingual Safety Instructions • Pange tähele, et seadmel Bode 100 ei ole näitu, mis osutaks sellele, et väljund oleks aktiivne. Seda on äärmiselt oluline jälgida, kui seade Bode 100 on ühendatud võimenditega. Kasutusotstarve: • seade Bode 100 ja selle lisatarvikud on peamiselt arendatud selleks, et mõõta võimendust/faasi, s- parameetrit ja takistust elektriahelates labori- ja tööstuskeskkonnas.
  • Página 28: Français - Consignes De Sécurité, Utilisation Prévue Et Qualifi Cations Des Opérateurs

    Extra Low Voltage, prema standardu IEC 60950-1). • Ne dovodite na ulaze uređaja Bode 100 opasno visok napon, tj. napon > 50 VDC ili > 25 VAC. • Uvjerite se da su naponske i strujne sonde koje se upotrebljavaju uz Bode 100 ispravno uzemljene u skladu sa smjernicama njihovih proizvođača.
  • Página 29: Magyar - Biztonsági Utasítások, Rendeltetésszerű Használat És Kezelői Szakképesítési Követelmények

    3,6 mm² keresztmetszetű és legfeljebb 10 m hosszúságú tömör vezetékkel csatlakoztassa a laboratórium földeléséhez. • Vegye fi gyelembe, hogy a Bode 100 nem jelzi a kimenet aktív állapotát. Ez különösen akkor lehet kritikus fontosságú, ha a Bode 100 kimenetére erősítők csatlakoznak. Rendeltetésszerű használat: •...
  • Página 30: Lietuvių - Saugos Nurodymai, Numatomasis Naudojimas Ir Operatoriaus Kvalifi Kacija

    Bode 100 Quick Start Guide • Non applicare livelli di tensione pericolosi >50 V CC o >25 V CA agli ingressi di Bode 100. • Le sonde di tensione e di corrente impiegate con Bode 100 vanno collegate a terra in modo corretto, secondo le istruzioni del rispettivo produttore.
  • Página 31: Latvijas - Drošības Instrukcijas, Paredzētā Izmantošana Un Operatora Kvalifi Kācija

    10 m. • Houd er rekening mee dat op de Bode 100 niet wordt aangegeven wanneer de uitvoer actief is. Dit kan vooral van belang zijn indien er versterkers op de Bode 100 zijn aangesloten.
  • Página 32: Polski - Instrukcje Bezpieczeństwa, Przeznaczenie I Kwalifi Kacje Operatora

    Personen die via een training, een cursus, instructies of aanwijzingen bekend worden gemaakt met het gebruik van de Bode 100, moeten continu onder toezicht van een ervaren bediener staan wanneer ze met de apparatuur werken. Het testen met de Bode 100 moet aan de interne veiligheidsinstructies en aanvullende veiligheidsrelevante documenten voldoen.
  • Página 33: Română - Instrucțiuni De Siguranță, Destinația De Utilizare Și Califi Cările Operatorului

    Não aplique níveis de tensão perigosos >50 VDC ou >25 VAC às entradas do Bode 100. • Certifi que-se de que as sondas de tensão e de corrente utilizadas com o Bode 100 estejam devidamente aterradas de acordo com as diretrizes do fabricante.
  • Página 34: Slovenský - Bezpečnostné Pokyny, Určené Použitie A Kvalifi Kácia Obsluhy

    Bode 100 Quick Start Guide • Personalul în curs de instruire, dirijare și educare privind produsul Bode 100 trebuie să se afl e sub supravegherea permanentă a unui operator experimentat când efectuează lucrări cu echipamentul. Testarea cu Bode 100 trebuie să se conformeze instrucțiunilor de siguranță internă, precum și documentației suplimentare relevante.
  • Página 35: Svenska - Säkerhetsinstruktioner, Avsedd Användning Och Användarkvalifi Kationer

    2 eller senare) alltid anslutas med en solid anslutning som har minst 3,6 mm² area och inte längre än 10 m till jordterminalen i laboratoriet. • Tänk på att ingen indikator på Bode 100 visar att utgången är aktiv. Detta kan vara särskilt kritiskt om det har anslutits förstärkare till Bode 100. Avsedd användning: •...
  • Página 36: Support

    Asia-Pacific: +852 3767 5500 Europe / Middle East / Africa: +43 59495 Additionally, you can find the OMICRON Lab Service Center or Sales Partner closest to you at → Contact. OMICRON Lab OMICRON electronics GmbH, Oberes Ried 1, 6833 Klaus, Austria. +43 59495.
  • Página 37 Bode 100 Quick Start Guide English © OMICRON Lab, 2021 Version 3.0 ENU 1006 03 03...

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