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App contro l Savings Smart Heat & Cold My Budget Stick & Go control Temperature & Cordless Geolocation humidity Schedule Statistics Weather Forecast...
ESPAÑOL Tan sencillo como... 1. Descarga la momit de las pilas del momit Comprobación Cool App y sigue los Cool (c). 10. Retira la película pasos para configurarlo. protectora de la 6. Asigna un nombre al pegatina que se 2. Registra tus datos.
ENGLISH Simple as... 1. Download the or enter the serial Testing: momit Cool App and number on the inside 10. Remove the follow the setup steps. of the momit Cool protective film sticker battery cover (c). located on the back 2.
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ITALIANO Tan facile come… 1. Scarica l`applicazione di serie che si trova Test d’installazione: di momit cool e segui nella parte interna 10. Rimuovi la pellicola i passi. del coperchio delle protettiva che si trova batterie (c). nella parte posteriore di 2.
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DEUTSCH So einfach geht es: 1. Laden Sie die momit Sie die Seriennummer Funktionstest: Cool App herunter ein, die Sie auf der und befolgen Sie die Innenseite des 10. Entfernen Sie den Einrichtungsschritte. Batteriedeckels Ihres Schutzfilmaufkleber momit Cool finden (c).
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FRANCAIS Aussi simple que ça… 1. Téléchargez l’App momit Cool: d’ e nregistrement de momit Cool et suivez l’ A pp momit Cool. les étapes de la 5. Scannez le code Vérification: configuration. QR ou renseignez manuellement le numéro 2. Remplissez les 10.
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한국어 간단한 실행.. 1. momit Cool 앱을 커버 안쪽에 테스트: 다운로드하고 설정 있는 일련번호를 10. momit Cool 뒷쪽에 단계를 따릅니다. 입력합니다. (c) 있는 보호용 필름 2. 정보를 입력합니다. 6. 장치명을 스티커를 제거하고 지정합니다. 이를 에어컨의 게이트웨이: 적외선 센서 근처에 설치...
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Package includes a momit Cool Pod and a momit Gateway* to connect it to the Internet. *momit Gateway can connect up to 20 devices.
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Package includes a momit Cool Pod. It’s perfect when you already have a momit Gateway or more than one A/C at home. *momit Gateway can connect up to 20 devices.
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CONTACT For further information or any concerns, contact us at: e-mail: [email protected] www.momit.com ®Green momit 2016...