exercise Mode
press TOGGLE button to select current hr, tiMEr, tiME.
press and hold SET button to set hr ZonE.
press TIMER button to start/pause/resume the tiMEr. once the
tiMEr is running, the hr Zone alert will be activated.
press and hold HR button to Exit/Quit the EXErcisE mode.
WireleSS data tranSFer
once your heart rate is detected, alpha uses Bluetooth® smart
technology to automatically transmit your continuous heart rate data
wirelessly. For more information on connecting your alpha, please see
the complete user guide at mioglobal.com/AlphaInfo.
iMpOrtant SaFetY inFOrMatiOn
consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.
the alpha watch and usB dongle contain strong magnets that can
affect pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (icDs).
consult your doctor or device manufacturer before using an alpha