Deltaplus TC102C Manual De Instrucciones página 2

d'éviter une contrainte excessive, chaque opérateur doit saisir les fentes/poignées aux deux extrémités de la civière, et soulever.
▪TRANSPORT SUR SOL INCLINÉ: Positionner le repose-pied à hauteur suffisante pour éviter le mouvement du patient: Si le patient
à des lésions aux jambes, immobiliser le avec les dispositifs appropriés et ne pas mettre la civière en position verticale.: Sécuriser la
civière avec un sistème de sécurité statique avant de la lever ou de la baisser.
▪TRANSPORT VERTICAL: Positionner le repose-pied à hauteur suffisante pour éviter le mouvement du patient.
lésions aux jambes, immobiliser le avec les dispositifs appropriés et ne pas mettre la civière en position verticale.
patient lors de manœuvres. Limites d'utilisation: ▪Lire la notice d'instruction avant utilisation. Suivre les procédures approuvées par le
Service Médical d'Urgence concernant le retenue et de transport des patients. Ne pas le faire pourrait causer un préjudice grave pour
le patient. Cet appareil est conçu pour être utilisé par 2 personnes en bonne condition physique. Charge maximale: 270 Kg Le patient
doit toujours être immobilisé sur la civière. Ne pas utiliser si le poids du patient n'est pas uniformément réparti. Ne pas dépasser le
poids maximum admissible et suivre le s instructions de maintenance de cette notice. Ne pas laisser le patient sans assistance sur la
civière. L'article ne doit pas être exposé ou rentrer en contact avec des sources de chaleur ou avec des agents inflammables.
sauveteurs doivent satisfaire aux exigences minimales suivantes: avoir la force physique nécessaire à l'utilisation de la civière / être
capable de tenir fermement la civière avec les mains / avoir une bonne condition générale musculaire. ▪CONTRE INDICATIONS ET
EFFETS SECONDAIRES: L'utilisation de ce dispositif, si respectueuse de celle décrite dans cette notice, ne présente pas de contre-
indications ou d'effets secondaires. ▪CONTRÔLES: Avant chaque utilisation: Vérifier que la corde de périmètre soit serrée. Vérifier
que les ceintures de sécurité soient correctement attachées et adaptées pour l'immobilisation du patient. Assurez-vous que le repose-
pied soit en position. S'il ne présente aucun défaut, il convient alors à l'usage pour lequel il est prévu. Nous contacter pour plus de
renseignements ;
Si vous découvrez un défaut, vous devez retourner le produit à son revendeur ou directement à DELTA PLUS
GROUP. Aucune révision périodique n'est exigée pour ce dispositif. Instructions stockage/nettoyage: Stocker et transporter dans son
emballage d'origine et s'assurer qu'il ne puisse pas être écrasé, cogné, chuter ou être endommagé par n'importe quel choc, qu'il ne soit
pas entreposé sous des objets lourds. Stocker au frais, au sec à l'abri de la lumière. Nettoyer les parties exposées avec une éponge et
un détergeant doux, essuyer avec un chiffon doux ou une peau de chamois. Le matelas intérieur peut être nettoyé avec de l'eau et du
savon, et désinfecté avec un désinfectant normal. Ne pas respecter les procédures de nettoyage pourrait entraîner des contaminations
dûes aux sécrétions et liquides corporels. L'entretien correct et régulier garantie une durée de vie optimale. A la mise en service de la
civière, établir un programme d'entretien et de contrôles périodiques, en identifiant une personne qui en sera responsable. EN
be translated (according to regulations) by the dealer, in the language of the country where the equipment is used. This manual must be
read and understood by the user before using the PPE or the rescue device. These instructions for use should be retained throughout
the life of the product. Read the instruction manual before use. Contact us for further information; The serial number as indicated
below can be found on each appliance and must not be removed or covered. In order to facilitate assistance please indicate or
communicate the serial number (SN) or lot number (LOT) on the label.
recommendations of the manufacturer in order to guarantee a suitable installation.
safety, carefully follow the instructions for use, verification, maintenance and storage, described in this leaflet. In case of doubt on the
status of the device (traces of oxidation) or after a fall (deformation), it should not be reused and / or be returned to the manufacturer or
a competent person mandated by them. Do not modify or alter safety-relevant parts! The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any
direct or indirect accident after a modification or use other than that provided in this manual. Who modifies or has modified, prepares or
has prepared medical appliances in such a way that they no longer serve the purpose for which they were intended, or no longer supply
the intended service, must satisfy the valid conditions for the introduction onto the market. Ensure that all the necessary precautions
are taken in order to avoid hazards that can arise as the result of contact with blood or body fluids. The product shall be used only by a
person trained and competent in its safe use. There must be ensured that medical conditions of the user do not affect his safety during
normal use of the equipment or in case of emergency. In case of doubt, consult the doctor. ▪Description of the product: The basket
stretcher is a device designed for the rescue and transport of patients. It can be used in all rescue operations in which it is impossible to
intervene with the standard transport methods and where the patient needs protection from possible side impact. A sling system delivered
with the stretcher. ▪DESCRIPTION: (Lanyard) The Stretcher lifting sling has been designed for rescue operation and is manufactured
from raw material conforming to the requirements of fall arrest standards.
The lanyards are connected to two length adjusting webbing legs to maintain the stretcher in the horizontal position. The four karabiners
lock onto each corner of the stretcher to enable it to be lifted or lowered horizontally. Adjustment of lengths if required can be done by
with the help of the buckle provided on the product.
before attempting any lift. Do a trial lift to check the level of the stretcher before attempting the final lift. Before and during use, we
recommend that you make the necessary provisions for a possible rescue in complete safety. The length of the anchor lines and the
types of equipment available in the workplace area are important factors. Risk assessment and rescue training should, therefore, equally
be taken into account. The device must be checked each time before use so that any function faults and / or damage caused during
transport and/or during storage are detected. Check the state of the lanyard before each use (no cuts in the wires) and make sure that
the markings are readable. The lanyard should not be re-used if you have any doubts on the equipment state or after a fall. Excessive
Rust. The stretcher lifting sling should not be re-used in the event of deformation, damage or doubt. It is forbidden to add or replace
any lanyard component whatsoever. The assembly has a safe working load limit of:270 kg. Before and during use, we recommend
that you make the necessary provisions for a possible rescue in complete safety. The length of the anchor lines and the types of
equipment available in the workplace area are important factors. Risk assessment and rescue training should, therefore, equally be taken
into account. Check the state of the lanyard before each use (no cuts in the wires) and make sure that the markings are readable. The
lanyard should not be re-used if you have any doubts on the equipment state or after a fall. ▪This device can be used for helicopter
transport. The stretcher can be used for HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL displacement. However, whatever the kind of displacement, it's
important to maintain the stretcher in horizontal position. The stretcher is designed to be secured in the helicopter. ▪DONNING AND/
OR ADJUSTMENTS: On receipt of the product: Remove packaging and layout all components so they are clearly visible Check that
all parts indicated on the shipping document are present Check that the product is correctly assembled and that all the rivets are tight
Attach the safety belts by knotting them to the perimeter rope (fig. B, C) The device must be checked each time before use so that any
function faults and / or damage caused during transport and/or during storage are detected. ▪OPERATION: Practice and training should
be done with the stretcher without a patient so that the operators have familiarity with manoeuvring before regular use in emergency
situations.. ▪PATIENT LOADING: Get as close as possible to the patient before loading. Load the trauma patient using the standard
immobilising devices: spine board, vacuum mattress, etc.. ▪FOOTREST: Place the footrest at a sufficient height such that the planar
surface is in contact with the patient's feet in order to prevent the longitudinal displacements. Insert the buckles on the end of the belts
through the button holes/handles on the perimeter of the stretcher. ▪LIFTING THE STRETCHER WITH A PATIENT ON BOARD: Restrain
the patient in the stretcher using the supplied belts. Check that the belts are not too tight. The operators must be positioned at the
ends of the stretcher, one in head area the other by the feet. Using a correct lifting technique which will avoid excessive strain, each
operator should take a strong grasp of the handholds at each end of the basket and lift.
GROUND: Correctly position the footrest so that the patient will not move.: If the patient has leg injuries, immobilise with the correct
device and do not upright the stretcher.: Secure the stretcher with a static safety system before lifting or descending. The patient must
always be assisted during manoeuvres. ▪VERTICAL TRANSPORT: Correctly position the footrest so that the patient will not move.. If
DELTA PLUS GROUP - ZAC La Peyrolière - BP140 - 84405 APT Cedex - France –
Tel: +33 (0) 4 90 74 20 33 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 90 74 32 59 -
It is specially designed for vertical transport of stretchers.
▪OPERATION and PRECAUTIONS: Strap the patient properly to the stretcher
Toujours aider le patient lors de manœuvres.
Follow step by step the instructions and
If in doubt, contact the manufacturer.
Si le patient à des
Toujours aider le
For your
UPDATE 06/12/2017