Gracias por adquirir nuestro producto APPTPV03. Por favor, lea detenidamente las instrucciones de este manual. Le recordamos que el uso correcto podrá mejorar el rendimiento y la velocidad del terminal. El funcionamiento de este equipo en un área residencial puede causar interferencias, en tal caso, el usuario deberá...
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Fuente de alimentación Adaptador 12V 5A OS soportado Windows 7, 8.X, 10, Linux Certificados CE/RoHS Instalación de sistema operativo Este producto es profesional y necesita de la instalación de un sistema operativo. La instalación en un equipo sin sistema operativo precargado puede ser de mayor dificultad para usuarios medios e incluso avanzados.
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Thank you for choosing appTPV03 Approx POS terminal. Please always read thoroughly all the ins- tructions and documents delivered with the product before you do anything about it. The company reminds you that the proper use will improve the use affect and authentication speed. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures to correct the interference.
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Operation temperature -10º to 60ºC Environmental Relative humidity 0% to 95% non-condensing Power Supply 12V 5A power adapter OS Support Windows 7, 8.X, 10, Linux Certifications CE/RoHS Operating system installation This product is highly professionalized equipment. The installation of an OS into a machine without any preloaded OS could be a major difficulty for average user or obstacle by possibly unintentional negligence even for PC veterans to accomplish such a task.
Importado por / Imported by: APPROX IBERIA S. L. CIF: B-91202499 APPROX TPV Tlf.: 954 323 886 Email: [email protected] El contenido de esta guía está sujeto a errores tipográficos The content of this guide is subject to typographical errors