Legal Compliance; Warnings And Safety Precautions; Limited Warranty - Orion Echo Manual De Instrucciones

ULtrAsOnIc LEVEL trAnsMIttEr & cOntrOLLEr 24V dc POWEr Measuring
distance 24m (ideal conditions), Thread 4" DIN 259 Delrin® POM-C EN 10204,
Operating temperature –20c tO 80c, IP68, Operating pressure 1bar, Modbus rs485

15. legal compliance

cE conformance
EN 61000-6-4:2001 Generic emission standard. Industrial environment.
EN 61000-6-2:2005 Generic immunity standard. Industrial environment.
EN 61010-1:2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control and laboratory use.

16. Warnings and safety Precautions

the level probe should be installed as described in the product manual and the
applicable standards IEc 1000-5-1, IEc 1000-5-2, IEc 1131-4. during installation,
the source supplying power to the device should be isolated as specified in the
En60204-1 safety of Machinery standard, should be grounded from only one side
and both power inputs should be protected with type t 1 A fuses and matters
such as fitting appropriate voltage protective varistors at the fuse outlets should
be considered. It is the sole responsibility of the user to closely adhere to these
installation instructions and take all necessary set of measures accordingly. the
user shall be liable for any damage and loss that may occur as a result of faulty
mounting or installation or use of the device for originally unintended purposes or
in consequence of failure on the part of the user to take the necessary set of safety
measures. It should not be used alone at a check point where human lives can be
endangered. At check points where a high level of safety is required, multiple check
points should be provided with mounting of more than one switch at the same
measurement level. the manufacturer is not responsible for casualties and damage
that may occur as a result of erroneous detections.

17. limited Warranty

this product is under our warranty for 2 years, insofar as it is used under such
conditions as described in this product manual and provided that it is sent to our
service center. this warranty shall not cover any such faults as scratches, crushes,
bending or breaks that may occur as a result of mechanical coercions. the user has
to make connections with the sleeve using cables with appropriate cross sections,
seal the lid in such a manner that tightness is ensured and align the cable direction
 Orion Echo Ultrasonic Level Probe

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