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System 59

Resumen de contenidos para De Projectinrichter HAWORTH System 59

  • Página 1 System 59...
  • Página 2 System 59 Hello, We are pleased you have chosen System 59. In order to achieve the optimum ergonomic support, System 59 has to be adjusted to your invidual needs. We hope you will enjoy relaxing on your System 59. Guten Tag! Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für System 59 entschieden haben.
  • Página 3: Seat Height Adjustment

    Seat height adjustment: Adjust your seat height so that you are able to place your feet flat on the floor without feeling any pressure on the underside of your thighs on the front edge of the seat. Sitzhöhen-Einstellung: Stellen Sie die Sitzhöhe so ein, dass Ihre Fußsohlen fest auf dem Boden stehen und Sie an den Oberschenkeln keinen Druck der Sitzvorderkante spüren.
  • Página 4 Tension control / Automatic Weight Control: System 59 automatically adjusts itself to your body weight. Use the slide for fine turning to adjust the backrest counter pressure. Gewichtsregulierung / Automatic Weight Control: System 59 stellt sich automatisch auf Ihr Körpergewicht ein. Zur Feinjustierung betätigen Sie den Schieber, um mehr oder weniger Gegendruck der Rückenlehne einzustellen.
  • Página 5 Forward tilt (optional): By tilting the seating surface, you optimise your pelvic position and simultaneously reduce the pressure on your thighs. This „open seating“ angle encourages circulation and facilitates breathing. To engage the forward tilt, push the indicated lever down until it locks. To return the seat to the original seat angle (approx 3°), pull the lever up and lean back.
  • Página 6 Backrest adjustment: To fix the backrest into one position, lean back until you are comfortable, and then push the indicated lever down until it locks. There are 4 positions to choose from. To release the adjustment, pull the lever back up. The synchronous mechanism is then re-activated. Feststellung der Rückenlehne: Wenn Sie die Rückenlehne in einer Position feststellen möchten, drücken Sie die Taste.
  • Página 7 Seat depth adjustment (optional): A seat depth adjustment (sliding of the seat surface to the front or back) provides better support for different leg lengths. To operate, pull the lever upwards and slide the seat into the required position. Sitztiefen-Verstellung (optional): Für verschieden große Personen kann durch das Einstellen der Sitztiefe (verschieben der Sitzfläche nach hinten oder nach vorne) eine bessere Unterstützung der Oberschenkel erreicht werden.
  • Página 8 Adjustment of 4D armrests: The arm rests can be adjusted in four dimensions. A small button under the cap allows height adjustment so you can set a comfortable level for resting your elbow with your arms bent at 90°. The arm caps pivot and slide forward, back and from side to side to achieve the optimum position for any activity.
  • Página 9 PAL Asymmetric lumbar adjustment: Move the lumbar support up or down with both hands until it fits your body comfortably. The handles turn independently to increase or decrease support on the right or left side. This asymmetric support is one of the key benefits of System 59. PAL Asymmetrische Lumbalverstellung: Schieben Sie die Lumbalstütze mit beiden Händen hoch oder herunter, um sie auf Ihre Körpergröße einzustellen.
  • Página 10 Headrest-Adjustment (option): You can adjust the headrest height as well as tilting it forward or backward until it offers the best support, relieving tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. Kopfstützen-Einstellung (Option): Sie können die Kopfstütze in der Höhe einstellen sowie den Neigungswinkel verändern. Dadurch entlasten Sie Ihre Nacken und Schulter Muskulatur.
  • Página 11 Rodízios: Todos os rodízios que nós usamos estão de acordo com os padrões da norma DIN 12529. As cadeiras são fornecidas com os rodízios adaptados, por defeito, a superfícies macias. Para uma utilização em superfícies duras recomendamos, são recomendados por razões de segurança os rodízios macios e devem ser especificados na altura da encomenda.
  • Página 12 Upholstery care: Manutenção da pele: comforto textiles are comfortable due to their air permeability and absorbant qualities. To maintain the O cuidado é raramente necessário – é sempre aconselhável um produto natural. Limpe o pó regularmente appearance of the upholstery, brush or vacuum occasionally. To remove stains or to brighten up the com um pano macio.
  • Página 13 Warranty: Garantie:D Your new comforto chair is designed in accordance with the latest physiological and ergonomic standards Uw nieuwe comforto-stoel is ontworpen volgens de laatste fysiologische en ergonomische normen en using state of the art technology. Haworth has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001-2008. voldoet aan de nieuwste stand van de techniek.
  • Página 14 Garantía: Záruka: Su nueva silla comforto ha sido diseñada conforme a las más recientes normas fisiológicas y ergonómicas Vaše nová židle comforto byla vyvinuta s ohledem na splnění nejnovějších pracovně-fyziologických a utilizando la última tecnología. Haworth ha sido certificada de acuerdo a la norma DIN EN ISO 9001-2008. ergonomických kritérií...
  • Página 15 System 59...