émail. Essuyez ensuite à l’aide d’un chiffon humide et votre colorare con gesso bianco l’intera superficie in gesso smaltato. tableau est prêt à l’emploi. Quindi pulire con un panno umido e la lavagna sarà pronta all’uso. Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 3
We make communication visible DG8x35 M8x30 M8x55 M8x25 M6x45 M8x20 M8x100 M8x40 M6x16 M5x16 M5x8 optional M5x8 2.5mm optional DG8x35 M5x10 3.2m M6x20 0.55m Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 4
MOUNTING INSTRUCTION Electrical Height Adjustable Board Stand M8x30 DG8x35 M8x25 M8x30 Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 5
We make communication visible option 1 option 2 M8x20 M6x45 Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 6
MOUNTING INSTRUCTION Electrical Height Adjustable Board Stand M8x40 M8x20 optional M6x16 M8x55 M8x100 Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 7
We make communication visible M5x8 M5x16 100% M5x8 Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 8
MOUNTING INSTRUCTION Electrical Height Adjustable Board Stand optional M5x10 M6x20 Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 9
We make communication visible 20mm Legamaster International B.V., Lochem - The Netherlands, www.e-legamaster.com...
Página 10
7240 AC Lochem tel.: (+31) (0)573-713000 We ma ke c o m m u n i c a t i o n v i s i b l e fax.: (+31) (0)573-713001 email: [email protected] internet: www.e-legamaster.com Legamaster, brand of the edding group...