Página 3
Easy to install You’ll find everything you need to know to install your new Bluewater PRO purifier in this Quick Guide. Or scan the QR code to for a user-friendly online version of the guide. BLUEWATE R PRO QUI CK GUIDE IN STALL...
Página 16
ENG: The installation must comply with applicable local plumbing codes and regulations. FR: L’installation doit respecter les normes et réglementations de plomberie locales applicables ES: La instalación de fontanería debe cumplir con la reglamentación y las normativas locales. PT: A instalação deve cumprir as normas e os regulamentos de canalização locais aplicáveis. IT: L’installazione deve rispettare i codici e le regolamentazioni idrauliche locali vigenti.
Página 17
Bluewater is a SWEDISH Water coMPaNY that PURIFIeS local sources of wateR iNtO purer, freSH drINking water . We’re commItted to reducINg plastics IN our oceans bY elimInating the nEed for singlE-uSe PackagiNg. JOIn US. blUewatErgroup.com BLUEWATER Danderydsgatan 11 114 26 Stockholm Sweden [email protected]...