This User Handbook is copyright of Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd (GMI)
and the information contained within is for use only with the GMI V!SA.
Reproduction, in whole or in part, including utilisation in machines capable of
reproduction or retrieval without written permission of Gas Measurement
Instruments Ltd. is prohibited. Reverse engineering is not permitted.
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this Handbook, but GMI Ltd.
do not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions and their consequences.
Information in this Handbook is subject to change without notice. This Handbook
does not constitute a specification or basis for a contract. Your statutory rights
under law are not affected.
GMI aim to notify customers of relevant changes in the product operation and
maintain this Handbook up to date. In view of the policy of continuous product
improvement there may be operational differences between the latest product
and this Handbook.
This Handbook is an important part of the V!SA product. Please note the
following points:
It should be kept with the instrument for the life of the product
Amendments should be attached to this Handbook
This Handbook should be passed on to any subsequent owner/user of
the instrument
Although every care is taken in the preparation of this Handbook it does
not constitute a specification for the instrument.
Software supplied on EPROM or similar device for use in a particular product,
may only be used in that product and may not be copied without the written
permission of Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd. Reproduction or disassembly
of such embodied programmes or algorithms is prohibited. Ownership of such
software is not transferable and Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd. does not
warrant that the operation of the software will be error free or that the software
will meet the customer's requirements.
When no longer in use, dispose of the instrument carefully and with respect for
the environment. GMI will dispose of the instrument without charge if returned
to the factory.