Akitio Thunder3 Quad Manual Del Usuario

Akitio Thunder3 Quad Manual Del Usuario

Enlaces rápidos

AKiTiO Thunder3 Quad
Setup guide - Setup-Anleitung - Guía de con guración - Guide d'installation
安裝手冊 - 安装手册 - 설치 안내서 - セットアップガイド
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© 2016 by AKiTiO - All Rights Reserved
AKiTiO assumes no responsibility for any errors or di erences between the product you may have and the one mentioned in this document and reserves the right to
make changes in the speci cations and/or design of this product without prior notice. The diagrams contained in this document are for reference and may not fully
represent the real product. AKiTiO assumes no responsibility for any loss of data or les.
California, USA
PN: E15-573Z1AA001
April 29, 2016 - v1.0
Thunderbolt connectivity
Thunderbolt™ 3 (USB-C)
The second Thunderbolt 3 port supports Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1 (10 Gbps), and DisplayPort devices.
Der zweite Thunderbolt 3 Anschluss unterstützt Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1 (10Gbps) und DisplayPort Geräte.
El segundo puerto Thunderbolt 3 admite dispositivos DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 3 y USB 3.1 (10 Gbps).
Le deuxième port Thunderbolt 3 prend en charge les appareils Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1 (10 Gbit/s) et DisplayPort.
第二個 Thunderbolt 3 連接埠,可串接 Thunderbolt 3 裝置、USB 3.1 (10 Gbps) 裝置或是具有
第二个 Thunderbolt 3 连接端口,可串接 Thunderbolt 3 装置、USB 3.1 (10 Gbps) 装置或是具有
두번째 Thunderbolt 3 포트는 Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1(10Gbps) 및 디스플레이 포트 장치를
2つ目のサンダーボルトポートはThunderbolt 3やUSB3.1 (10Gbps)及びDisplayPortをサポートします。
Display 1
Thunderbolt 3
USB-C cable
Thunderbolt™ 3
AKiTiO Thunder3 Quad
Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Thunderbolt™ 3
USB 3.1 Gen 2
Display 2

Resumen de contenidos para Akitio Thunder3 Quad

  • Página 1 Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. AKiTiO assumes no responsibility for any errors or di erences between the product you may have and the one mentioned in this document and reserves the right to make changes in the speci cations and/or design of this product without prior notice.
  • Página 2 Front View - Frontansicht - Vista frontal - Vue de face Rear View - Rückansicht - Vista posterior - Vue arrière 正面 - 正面 - 정면도 - フロントビュー 背面 - 背面 - 배면도 - リアビュー DC 12V (+12V/12.5A) Orange = Power ON Power (ON/OFF) Blue = Power ON / Link established Orange = Strom eingeschaltet...
  • Página 3 Step 1...
  • Página 4 Step 2 Step 3 3.5-Inch Hard Disk Drives...
  • Página 5 Step 4 Step 5 2.5-Inch Hard Disk Drives...
  • Página 6 Step 6...
  • Página 7 Si l'appareil Thunderbolt n'est pas reconnu sur Windows, téléchargez et installez le pilote correspondant depuis le site Web AKiTiO. 如果您的 Windows 系統無法識別迅雷設備,請從 AKiTiO 網站上,下載並安裝相對應的驅動程式。 如果您的 Windows 系统无法识别雷电设备,请从 AKiTiO 网站上,下载并安装相对应的驱动程序。 Thunderbolt 장치가 Windows에서 인식되지 않으면, AKiTiO 웹사이트에서 해당 드라이버를 다운로드하여 설치하십시오. もし、Windows PCから本製品を認識できない場合はAKiTiOのウェブサイトのサポートから該当するドライバーをダウンロードしてイ ンストールして下さいませ。...
  • Página 8 Press and hold the power button for 3 seconds to turn o the device. The AKiTiO Thunder3 Quad has to be turned on in order for the other devices in the Drücken und halten Sie den Ein-/Aus-Schalter für 3 Sekunden, um das Gerät daisy-chain to be recognized.