Channel Master CM-3400XPIPS Guia De Inicio Rapido

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Power over Coax Adapter
Instruction Sheet
Hoja de instrucciones del Adaptador
de alimentación por cable coaxial /
Fiche d'instructions de Adaptateur
Power over Coax
Instalación / Installation
1. Locate the output port on your
Distribution Amplifier marked with both
"PWR IN" and "RF OUT". Note the correct
optional power port(s) for Channel
Master Distribution Amps (CM-3410,
3412, 3414 and 3418) are circled in Fig
A. You will not use the "PWR IN" ports
marked with an "X" in Fig A
2. Using coaxial cable connect the power
supply's output marked "To AMP "
Figure A
"PWR IN" / "RF OUT "
* Los puertos de alimentación opcionales marcados con un
círculo están marcados como "PWR IN" / "RF OUT " / * Les ports
d'alimentation optionnels encerclés sont marqués "PWR IN" / "RF OUT"
Product Return Policy and Warranty
WARRANTY PERIOD: 90-day warranty applies to all Channel
Master Products (Some products have extended term warranty
periods). DEALERS & CONSUMERS: Dealers and consumers can
return any In-Warranty Channel Master product to the Warranty
department for repair or replacement.
the consumer or dealer must call Technical Service and request
an RMA number in order to return the product.
product must have the RMA number visible on the box and must
include the bill of sale showing the unit is within the warranty
period. If the unit is found to be defective under our Warranty
Policy Channel Master will repair or replace the item at no charge.
Products outside of the warranty period should not be returned to
Channel Master with the exception of any product requested by
Technical Support to be assessed for quality assurance purposes.
Technical Service:
WARRANTY GENERAL TERMS: 1.1 Subject to the provisions of
© 2020 Channel Master, LLC. Channel Master is a registered trademark. Specifications subject to change. All rights reserved. © 2020 Channel Master. Channel Master es una marca registrada. Especificaciones sujetas a cambio. Todos los derechos reservados. © Channel Master,
2020. Channel Master est une marque déposée. Les caractéristiques peuvent être modifiées sans préavis. Tous droits réservés. Pub CM3400XPIPS.IS.202002
and the amplifiers optional power port
marked "PWR IN"/"RF OUT". (See Fig A
and Fig B)
3. Using a separate coaxial cable connect
the power supply's output port marked
"TO TV " to your TV or Set Top Boxes
"Antenna" or "RF" input. (See Fig B and
Fig C)
4. Plug your Power over Coax Adapter into
an AC voltage source.
Installation is now complete. Perform
a RESCAN for channels on all active
outputs connecting to TVs or Set Top
(The Power over Coax Adapter is compatible
with these Channel Master Amplifier
Models: CM-3410, CM-3412, CM-3414,
CM-3418, CM-7777v3, CM-7778v3 and
1. Localice el puerto de salida en su amplificador de
distribución marcado con "PWR IN" y "RF OUT". Tenga
en cuenta que los puertos de alimentación opcionales
correctos para los amplificadores de distribución de
canal maestro (CM-3410, 3412, 3414 y 3418) están
encerrados en un círculo en la figura A. No utilizará los
puertos "PWR IN" marcados con una "X" en la figura A
2. Con un cable coaxial, conecte la salida de la fuente de
alimentación marcada "TO AMP
alimentación opcional de los amplificadores marcado
"PWR IN" / "RF OUT". (Ver Fig. A y Fig. B)
3. Usando un cable coaxial separado, conecte el puerto de
salida de la fuente de alimentación marcado "TO TV
Figure B
this Warranty, CHANNEL MASTER warrants that the equipment
and software described in Paragraph 1.2 will conform to our
specifications in all material respect and that the equipment will be
free from material defects in materials and workmanship during the
Limited Warranty period. 1.2 This Warranty applies to all original
For In-Warranty service
purchases by Customers of CHANNEL MASTER ("Equipment").
The warranties set forth herein are not transferable.
The returned
Effective period of this Warranty will start on the date of purchase
of the Equipment or the date of installation by a CHANNEL MASTER
approved technician and will end, for the Equipment, ninety (90)
days later (for all component parts and system upgrades), unless
otherwise expressed or provided herein (in each case the "Warranty
Equipment malfunctions or fails in normal use within the applicable
Warranty Period: (a) the Customer shall notify CHANNEL MASTER
within thirty (30) days of the problem. (b) CHANNEL MASTER will,
a su TV o decodificador "Antena" o entrada "RF". (Ver
Fig. B y Fig. C)
4. Enchufe su adaptador de alimentación por cable coaxial
a una fuente de voltaje de CA.
La instalación ya está completa. Realice una RESCAN para
canales en todas las salidas activas que se conectan a
televisores o decodificadores.
(El adaptador Power over Coax es compatible con estos
modelos de amplificador maestro de canal: CM-3410,
CM-3412, CM-3414, CM-3418, CM-7777v3, CM-7778v3
y CM-7778HD).
1. Localisez le port de sortie de votre amplificateur de
distribution marqué à la fois par "PWR IN" et "RF OUT".
Notez que le ou les ports d'alimentation en option
corrects pour les amplificateurs de distribution maître
de canal (CM-3410, 3412, 3414 et 3418) sont encerclés
sur la figure A. Vous n'utiliserez pas les ports "PWR IN"
marqués d'un "X" sur la figure A
2. À l'aide d'un câble coaxial, connectez la sortie de
l'alimentation marquée "To AMP
d'alimentation en option des amplificateurs marqué
"PWR IN" / "RF OUT". (Voir Fig A et Fig B)
3. À l'aide d'un câble coaxial séparé, connectez le port de
sortie du bloc d'alimentation marqué "TO TV
téléviseur ou aux décodeurs "Antenna" ou "RF". (Voir Fig
B et Fig C)
4. Branchez votre adaptateur Power over Coax sur une
source de tension CA.
L'installation est maintenant terminée. Effectuez un
RESCAN pour les canaux sur toutes les sorties actives
" y el puerto de
connectées aux téléviseurs ou aux décodeurs.
(L'adaptateur Power over Coax est compatible avec ces
modèles d'amplificateur maître de canal: CM-3410,
CM-3412, CM-3414, CM-3418, CM-7777v3, CM-7778v3
et CM-7778HD.)
Figure C
at its option, either resolve the problem over the telephone or provide
the customer with a Return Authorization ("RMA") Number and the
address to which the customer may ship the defective item; (c) If
the problem can not be resolved over the telephone, the Customer
shall attach a label showing the RMA number to each returned item,
and include a description of the problem. The Customer shall, at
his or her own cost, properly pack the item to be returned, mark the
RMA# on the outside of the box, prepay the insurance and shipping
charges, and ship the item to the specified CHANNEL MASTER
location. (d) Unauthorized return of any equipment, whether in or
out of warranty, will be subject to a handling charge, in addition to all
repair and all transportation charges. (e) CHANNEL MASTER will,
at its sole option, repair or replace the returned item. If replaced,
the replacement item may be new or refurbished; if refurbished
it will be equivalent in operation to new Equipment. If a returned
item is replaced by CHANNEL MASTER, the Customer agrees that
the returned item will become the property of CHANNEL MASTER.
" et le port
" à votre

Resumen de contenidos para Channel Master CM-3400XPIPS

  • Página 1 © 2020 Channel Master, LLC. Channel Master is a registered trademark. Specifications subject to change. All rights reserved. © 2020 Channel Master. Channel Master es una marca registrada. Especificaciones sujetas a cambio. Todos los derechos reservados. © Channel Master,...
  • Página 2 MASTER an expediting fee. 2.2 Equipment which is repaired or y todos los gastos de transporte. (e) CHANNEL MASTER, a su entera REPRISE DE L’ÉQUIPEMENT SOUS GARANTIE : 2.1 Lorsqu’un replaced by CHANNEL MASTER under this Warranty will be covered discreción, reparar o reemplazar el artículo devuelto.