Idiomas disponibles
  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

This limited warran ty doe s not restrict your statutory rights in any way.
The warranty perio d is 1 y ear from the date of purchase.
You ca n cert ify you r purchase date eith er by the original In voice/ Recei pt, or b y the
registration code.
For Pr oduct Regist ration, please visit us at
Produ ct seria l Number is on pag e 76.
The warranty is limited to the repair of the fau lty audio dev ice.Th e warr anty does not
cover any tra nsport or oth er dire ct/indi rect co sts or any risks associate d with removing/
dismo unting , transporting , and i nstalling the products.
It does not apply:
The warranty will lose it s effec tivene ss if it is misu sed and not used the orig inal device,
such as iPhone/iPod/iP ad released by App le.
to da mage due to inexpertly carried o ut installatio n, incorrect c onnection, o r incorrect
to da mage attribu ted to utilisa tion no t specified in the op erating instructions, to
negl igence or modificat ion, or to the use of parts t hat ha ve not been manufa ctured
or ap prove d by eMoMo.
to da mage due to faulty or uns uitable perip heral d evices.