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Art. 27405
Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi
13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy
Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273
www.gessi.com - [email protected]
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Resumen de contenidos para Gessi RETTANGOLO 27405

  • Página 1 THERMOSTATIC PROGRAM PROGRAMME THERMOSTATIQUE PROGRAMA TERMOSTÁTICO RETTANGOLO Art. 27405 Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 www.gessi.com - [email protected]...
  • Página 2 Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products. ► W orkingpressureshouldnotbelowerthan0,5bar(7,25psi)andnotbehigherthan 5 bar (72 Psi). In case of higher working pressure use a pressure reducer valve.
  • Página 3: Attention - Avertissement

    Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieure à5bar(72Psi).Encasdepressionsdeserviceplushautesutiliserunesoupape de réduction de la pression.
  • Página 4: Cuidado - Advertencia

    A continuación Les proporcionamos los datos técnicos relativos a la instalación de los productos de grifería Gessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5 bar(72Psi).Encasodepresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvulade reducción de la presión.
  • Página 5 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Fig. 1 “Suggested height” to be determined by the end user. “Hauteur conseillée” à vérifieravecleparticulier lors de la pause. “Complexión sugerida” a determinar por el usuariofinal.
  • Página 6 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the product, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes. Foreign bodies can enter the product through the rinsed pipes or the general water plant and could damage the washers/ring washers.Sofiltersshouldbeinstalledalsoonthegeneralsystem.
  • Página 7 PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Fig. 2 Package content: Contenu de l’emballage: Contenido del embalaje: 1 - Shower head 1 - Pomme 1 - Rociador 2 - Shower head support 2 - Support pomme 2 - Soporte rociador 3-Wallfastening 3 - Fixation murale 3-Fijaciónalapared 4 - Handshower...
  • Página 8 ToolS For inSTAllATion - ouTilS néCeSSAireS Pour l’inSTAllATion - HerrAmienTA neCeSAriA PArA lA inSTAlACión Fig. 3 9/16” [14 mm] 1/8” [3 mm] 1-3/16” [30 mm] 5/16" D. [8mm]...
  • Página 9 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 3/16" [5mm] 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT Cold...
  • Página 10: Instalación

    INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN inSTAllATion Before starting make sure the water network is off. Theinstallationofthisarticleneeds1/2”NPTfemalethreadedfeedingpipesplacedata3/16”[5mm] distance from the finished wall. Furthermore check the correct disposition of the lines. Warning!Thewrongconnectionofinletdevicesdisruptsproperoperationoftemperatureadjustment cartridge. inSTAllATion Avant de commencer s’assurer que l’alimentation du réseau de distribution est coupée. L’installationdecetarticlenécessitedestuyauxd’alimentationfiletésfemelles1/2”NPT,positionnésà unedistancede3/16”[5mm]delaparoifinie.Vérifieraussiladispositioncorrectedeslignes.
  • Página 11 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 8 Fig. 9 1-3/16” [30 mm] 9/16” [14 mm] 1-3/16” [30 mm] Fig. 10...
  • Página 12 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN mixer Body inSTAllATion Screw the eccentrics to the feeding pipes by means of hemp or Teflon in order to guarantee the tightness on the threads (the final center distance between the two eccentrics shall be of around 5- 7/8”[150mm]).
  • Página 13 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 1-15/16" [50mm] 5/16" D. [8mm]...
  • Página 14: Horadación Para La Fijación A La Pared

    INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN WAll inSTAllATion HoleS Usethedrillingjigasshowninthepicturetoindividuatethepointswheretomakethedrillsforthewall mounting. To do this, it is important that the covering rings of the body of the item are well laid against thewall,inordertoobtainmaximumaccuracyfromthedrillingjig. Remove the piercing jig and make holes deep at least 1-15/16”[50mm] with a drill 5/16”D.[8mm] to insert the plugs supplied.
  • Página 15 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 17 Fig. 18 1/8” [3 mm]...
  • Página 16 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN inSTAllATion oF loWer exTenSion Find all the components for the fastening and apply the plate to the wall with holes coinciding with those of the plugs. Fasten with the special screws supplied. Pre-install on the lower extension the remaining components of wall fastening.
  • Página 17 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 19 Fig. 20 1/8” [3 mm] WAll FASTeninG AdJuSTmenT Wallfasteningwasconceivedsotoallowtheinstallertocompensatethedistancebetweenthefinished wallandtheshowercolumn.Toadjustthefasteninginsertthescrewinoneofthethreeholesonthe support of the extension and slightly tighten it. The buttonhole on the wall connection allows the sliding ofalluntilreachingtherequireddistance.Ifatfirstattempttheoptimalconditionisnotachievedloosen the screw and insert it in the previous and/or successive hole and follow the above description. réGlAGe de lA FixATion À...
  • Página 18 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 21 Fig. 22 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 23 Fig. 24 1/8” [3 mm]...
  • Página 19 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN inSTAllATion oF loWer exTenSion Checkwithalevelshowercolumn’sperfectalignment(seeparagraph“Wallfasteningadjustment”in the maintenance section) and tighten the screw to stop its position. Thenfindtheperfectlyverticalpositionoftheextensionwiththehelpofthelevelandtightenstrongly the fastening screws. inSTAllATion rAllonGe inFérieure Vérifieraumoyend’unniveaul’alignementparfaitdelacolonnedouche(voirleparagraphe“Réglage delafixationàparoi”danslasectiondédiéeàl’installation)etserrerlavispourbloquersaposition. Définirensuitelapositionparfaitementverticaledelarallongeens’aidantduniveauetserreravecforce lesvisdefixation. inSTAlACión AlArGAderA inFerior Verifiquenconlaayudadeunnivellaperfectaalineacióndelacolumnaducha(veanpárrafo“Ajuste delafijaciónalapared”enlaseccióndedicadaalainstalación)ycierreneltornilloparabloquearsu posición. Identifiquensucesivamentelaposiciónperfectamenteverticaldelaalargaderaycierrenconfuerza lostornillosdefijación.
  • Página 20 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 25 Fig. 26 inSTAllATion oF loWer exTenSion Important!Checkthatthetemperaturecontrolhandleturnsfluidly.Ifitistoohardrepeatthealignment operations described in the installation of the lower extension. Thenletroundflangeslidedowntothewall. inSTAllATion rAllonGe inFérieure Important!Vérifierquelelevierdecontrôledelatempératuretourneavecdouceur.Danslecasoùil serait trop dur répéter les opérations d’alignement décrites dans l’installation de la rallonge inférieure. Enfinpousserlarosacecontrelaparoi. inSTAlACión AlArGAderA inFerior ¡Importante!Verifiquenquelamanetaparaelcontroldelatemperaturagiredemanerafluida.Enel...
  • Página 21 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 1/8” [3 mm] 1/8” [3 mm]...
  • Página 22 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN SHoWer HeAd SuPPorT inSTAllATion Find all the components for the fastening and apply the plate to the wall with holes coinciding with those of the plugs. Fasten with the special screws supplied. Pre-install on shower head support the remaining components of wall fastening.
  • Página 23 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 33 Fig. 34 1/8” [3 mm] WAll FASTeninG AdJuSTmenT Wallfasteningwasconceivedsotoallowtheinstallertocompensatethedistancebetweenthefinished wallandtheshowercolumn.Toadjustthefasteninginsertthescrewinoneofthethreeholesonthe support of the extension and slightly tighten it. The buttonhole on the wall connection allows the sliding ofalluntilreachingtherequireddistance.Ifatfirstattempttheoptimalconditionisnotachievedloosen the screw and insert it in the previous and/or successive hole and follow the above description. réGlAGe de lA FixATion À...
  • Página 24 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 35 Fig. 36 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 37 Fig. 38 1/8” [3 mm]...
  • Página 25 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN SHoWer HeAd SuPPorT inSTAllATion Important!Checkthatsupplyhandleturnsfluidly.Ifitistoohardrepeatthealignmentoperationsde- scribed in the installation of the shower head support. Thenletroundflangeslidedowntothewall. inSTAllATion du SuPPorT de lA Pomme Important!Vérifierquelelevierdecontrôledudébittourneavecdouceur.Aucasoùilseraittropdur répéter les opérations d’alignement décrites dans l’installation du support de la pomme. Enfinpousserlarosacecontrelaparoi. inSTAlACión SoPorTe Florón ¡Importante!Verifiquenquelamanetaparalaerogacióngiredemanerafluida.Enelcasodeque fuera demasiado dura repitan las operaciones de alineación descritas en la instalación de la alargadera...
  • Página 26 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 39 Fig. 40 inSTAllATion oF loWer exTenSion Important!Checkthatsupplyhandleturnsfluidly.Ifitistoohardrepeatthealignmentoperationsde- scribed in the installation of the shower head support. Thenletroundflangeslidedowntothewall. inSTAllATion rAllonGe inFérieure Important!Vérifierquelelevierdecontrôledudébittourneavecdouceur.Aucasoùilseraittropdur répéter les opérations d’alignement décrites dans l’installation du support de la pomme. Enfinpousserlarosacecontrelaparoi. inSTAlACión AlArGAderA inFerior ¡Importante!Verifiquenquelamanetaparalaerogacióngiredemanerafluida.Enelcasodeque...
  • Página 27 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 41 Fig. 42 Fig. 43...
  • Página 28 INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN inSTAllATion oF SHoWer HeAd And HAnd SHoWer Remove adhesive strip that protects the gasket inserted in the upper connection of the shower head andfastenittoitssupportscrewingstronglytheringnut(inthisoperationa7/8”[22mm]wrenchcan be useful). Connecttheendofthehosewithashortercap(fixed)totheoutletofthewaterinletandtheendwith the longer cap (rotating) to the hand shower. inSTAllATion Pomme eT douCHeTTe Retirerlabandeadhésivequiprotègelejointinséréàl’intérieurduraccordsupérieurdelapommeet fixercelle-cisursonpropresupportenvissantavecforcelabague(onpeuts’aiderpourcetteopération...
  • Página 29 USE - USAGE - USO Fig. 44 Fig. 45 38° C Fig. 46 38° C < Fig. 47 PUSH 38° C > Fig. 48 Fig. 49...
  • Página 30 USE - USAGE - USO -Turningthehandle90°degreestotherighttoallowthedistributionsworkingatfullflow. - I fthehandleisinstandingposition,thewaterisdistributedat38°C(see“thermostaticcartridgeadju- stment”).Todecreasethetemperature,justturnrightthehandle.Toincreasethetemperatureover 38°Cjustturnleftthehandlewhilepushingthesafety-button. - The diverter device allow the switching of the water outlet from the head-shower to the hand-shower. Whilethewaterisrunningfromhead-shower,liftoffthediverterknobtowardsoutuntilthewaterwont exit from the hand-shower. To restore the starting conditions is enough to stop the distribution and the knob will come back to the relax position.
  • Página 31: Spare Parts

    SPARE PARTS - PIÈCES DE RECHANGE - PIEZAS DE REPUESTO Art. 27405 Spare parts: 1-Temperatureadjustmenthandle 2 - Thermostatic cartridge 3-Flowrateadjustmenthandle 4 - Head valve 5 - Flexible hose 6 - Handshower 7-Wallfastening 8- E ccentricwithgasketsandround plate 9 - Internal filter Pièces de rechange: 1 - Poignée réglage température 2 - Cartouche thermostatique...
  • Página 32 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 1/8” [3 mm] 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 5 Fig. 6 1-3/16” [30 mm]...
  • Página 33: Sustitución De La Montura

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO HeAd vAlve rePlACemenT Before this operation make sure that water network is off.  D isassembletheshowerheadfromitssupportunscrewingtheringnut(inthisoperationa7/8”[22mm] wrenchcanbeuseful).Taketheroundflangeawayfromthewall.Loosenthescrewsthatfastenthe shower column to the wall. Loosen the fastening screw of the handle. Remove from the body the upper part of the thermostatic single-lever.
  • Página 34 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 7 Fig. 8 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 9 Fig. 10 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 11 Fig. 12 1” [25 mm]...
  • Página 35: Substitution De La Cartouche Thermostatique

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO rePlACinG THe THermoSTATiC CArTridGe Before this operation make sure the water network is off. Taketheroundflangeawayfromthewall.Loosenthescrewsthatfastentheshowercolumntothe wall. Remove from the body the lower part of the thermostatic single-lever. Loosen the fastening screw of the handle and remove it from the thermostatic cartridge. Remove the plastic dial ring and unscrew the ring nut that fastens the thermostatic cartridge to the body.
  • Página 36 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 13 Fig. 14 38°C Fig. 15 Fig. 16 38°C 1/8” [3 mm] Fig. 17 Fig. 18 1/8” 38°C [3 mm]...
  • Página 37 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO TemPerATure AdJuSTmenT For THe THermoSTAT HeAdSHoWerS Fig. 13-14 The safety block of the external thermostat mixer has been adjusted in the company at atemperatureof38+/-1°C.Aftertheinstallationoftheproductitissuitabletocheckthisvalue.In order to do so it is necessary to keep the adjustment knob of the temperature in position of 38°C, startthedistributionrotatingtheknobwhichadjuststheflowandmeasurethetemperatureoftheout- coming water flow with a simple thermometer.
  • Página 38 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO conseillons l’installation de réducteurs de pression) - Pression conseillée 3 bar Fonctionnement -soitavecdeschauffe-bainàgazqu’électriquesàaccumulation, - installations centralisées, - chaudières murales, - filtres en acier inox pour le traitement des impuretés. Attention: consulter le plombier pour le choix du dispositif de réchauffement de l’eau le plus approprié.
  • Página 39 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 19 Fig. 20 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 21 Fig. 22 7/8” [23 mm] Fig. 23...
  • Página 40: Sustitución Del Desviador

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO diverTer rePlACemenT  U nscrewthedowelswhichfixthehand-showerholderblockbymeansofanAllenwrenchandliftoff the same block from its support. Loosen the diverter support, being care to do not damage the O-rings. Compact and hold the diverter device into the seat, in order to can easily unscrew the knob. Leavethedamageddiverterdeviceandreplaceitbyreversingtheprocedure.Attention:thelip-washer shown in the picture could get stuck in the bottom during the extractio.
  • Página 41 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 24 Fig. 25 1/4” [6 mm] Fig. 26 FilTerS CleAninG And/or SuBSTiTuTion Iflittlewaterissuppliedbythemixeritisappropriatetochecktheconditionsoffilterspositionedon the wall connections behind the body of shower column. Before this operation make sure that water network is off. Loosentheconnectionsonwhichfiltersarepositioned.Keeponwithcleaningoperationsusingrun- ning water to remove impurities. Verify that also the seats were clean from impurities or limestone. Finally,followingtheoppositesequence,placefiltersintheirseatsandcheckthatallworksproperly.
  • Página 42 MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO de toutes impuretées ou calcaire. Enfin,ensuivantlaprocédureinverse,mettrelesfiltresdansleurspropreslogementsetvérifierque tout fonctionne correctement. nB.Aucasoùl’onobserveraitunendommagementdesfiltresilestpossibled’endemanderlasubsti- tutionetdeprocéderàleurremplacement limPiezA y/o SuSTiTuCión de loS FilTroS Enelcasodequeocurraunaerogaciónescasadeaguaprocedentedelmezcladoresprecisoverifi- carlascondicionesdelosfiltros,alojadosenlosracoresdeparedpordetrásdelcuerpodelacolum- na ducha. Antes de efectuar dicha operación asegúrense que el agua de la red hídrica esté cerrada. Destornillenlosracoressobreloscualesestánalojadoslosfiltros.Efectúenlasoperacionesde limpieza utilizando agua corriente para eliminar las impurezas.
  • Página 43: Product Cleaning

    MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO ProduCT CleAninG Water contains limestone in different qualities, which remains kept on the surfaces of the product, leaving deposits after the water has been evaporated. It is possible to prevent the forming of limestone deposits and to keep your product clean by drying it always with a soft cloth immediately after use. DETERGENTS,SOLVENTS,CHEMICALAGENTS,ABRASIVESPONGES,WIREWOOL,ALCOHOL, ETC.
  • Página 44 ET39747 - R1...

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