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Version 1.00| 7/25/2016
User Manual
mydlink™ Wi-Fi Smart Sound Detector
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para D-Link mydlink DCH-S165

  • Página 1 Version 1.00| 7/25/2016 User Manual mydlink™ Wi-Fi Smart Sound Detector DCH-S165...
  • Página 2: Preface

    Preface D-Link reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Manual Revisions Revision Date Description 1.00 July 27, 2016 • Initial Release Trademarks D-Link and the D-Link logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries.
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Introduction ................... 3 Troubleshooting ..............17 Hardware Overview ..............4 Front/Top ................. 4 Technical Specifications ..........18 Side and Bottom ..............5 Regulatory Information ..........19 Wireless Installation Factors ............. 6 Hardware Installation ..............7 Setting Up Your Device ............... 8 D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 4: Product Overview

    Section 1 - Product Overview Product Overview Package Contents DCH-S165 mydlink™ Wi-Fi Smart Sound Detector Quick Installation Card If any of the above items are missing from your package, please contact your reseller. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 5: System Requirements

    • An available power outlet Mobile Requirements • iPhone, iPad, or Android smartphone or tablet • For mydlink app requirements mydlink Requirements refer to: http://www.mydlink.com Please refer to the mobile app’s store page to check whether your device is compatible. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 6: Introduction

    Through its easy-to-use mydlink™ Home app, you can quickly and easily connect the DCH-S165 to an existing network. The setup wizard will even guide you through the setup process, so you can get your home automation devices up and running in no time. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 7: Hardware Overview

    This microphone will detect T3 and T4 alarm sounds. Upon pressing either the Smoke Alarm or CO Alarm test button in the app, an alarm Detection LED will sound and the Detection LED will flash once. This LED will flash intermittently. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 8: Side And Bottom

    Pressing the WPS button for 1 second allows you to connect with Wi-Fi clients using Wi-Fi Protected Setup. Reset Button Pressing the reset button for 10 seconds will reset the DCH-S165 to the factory default settings. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 9: Wireless Installation Factors

    Make sure your 2.4 GHz phone base is as far away from your wireless devices as possible. The base transmits a signal even if the phone in not in use. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 10: Hardware Installation

    15-meter radius of the DCH-S165. To ensure that it detects the siren properly, make sure the environmental background noise is under 75 dB. Smart Plug Internet Router DCH-S165 T3/T4 Smoke Alarm Smartphone with mydlink™ Home app D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 11: Setting Up Your Device

    Add New Device, and follow the instructions. Step 4: When you are asked to scan a QR code, use the code on the Quick Install Card in your package. Congratulations, your DCH-S165 is now ready to use! D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 12: Mydlink™ Home

    You can also perform a factory reset here by tapping Reset. To change the device name or associated icon, tap the name or the icon respectively, and enter the new name or use the menu to select the new icon. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 13: Information

    Displays the product model. Firmware Displays the version of the firmware. Version: MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the device. Time Zone: Displays the time zone of the device. Factory Reset: Tap Reset to perform a factory reset. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 14: My Actions

    2. Type in a name for this action. Tap Done when you’ve finished inputting the name. 3. To select the device you want to use as the trigger for this action, tap + then choose from the list of devices. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 15 Section 3 - Usage 4. Select from the available conditions for this device and tap Next. 5. Tap + to select from the available responders for this device. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 16 7. Check the action settings and tap Done to finish. 8. To delete the rule, simply swipe right on the rule to show the trash icon. Tap on the icon to delete it. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 17: My Places

    Tap next to it to enter a name for the group. Then tap the + icon to add devices. 3. Tick the devices to be included in this group and tap Done. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 18 Section 3 - Usage 4. Your group is now created and will show up in My Places. Tapping each device in the group will take you to their settings. You can tap the icon to activate/deactivate the device. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 19: Connecting To A Wireless Router

    Step 2 - Within 120 seconds, press the WPS button on your wireless device. Step 3 - Allow up to 1 minute to configure. Once the LED light stops blinking and turns solid green, you will be connected and your wireless connection will be secured with WPA2. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 20: Troubleshooting

    DCH-S165 is enabled for remote access, you will be able to control it from anywhere using your iOS or Android device.* * Your sensor device must be connected to your home Wi-Fi network for remote access. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 21: Technical Specifications

    • Status/WPS/Sound detection Weight Operating Temperature • 80 grams (2.82 ounces) • 0 to 40 ˚C (32 to 104 ˚F) Storage Temperature • -20 to 65 ˚C (-4 to 149 ˚F) Frequency range varies depending on local regulations D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 22: Regulatory Information

    Note: The country code selection is for non-USA models only and is not available to all USA models. Per FCC regulations, all WiFi product marketed in the USA must be fixed to USA operational channels only. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 23: Important Notice

    Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements ISED établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 24 Appendix B - Regulatory Statements NCC 警語 : 以下警語適用台灣地區 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。低功率 射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通 信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。 本模組於取得認證後將依規定於模組本體標示審驗合格標籤系統廠商應於平台上標示「本產品內含射頻模 組: <CCAFXXLPXXXXTX>」字樣 D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 25: European Union

    This device is restricted from functioning in Ad-hoc mode while operating in 5 GHz. Ad-hoc mode is direct peer-to-peer communication between two client devices without an Access Point. • Access points will support DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) and TPC (Transmit Power Control) functionality as required when operating in 5 GHz within the EU. D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 26 Spectrum Regulation MHz, Europa (ETSI) max. EIRP Innenbereich max. EIRP Außenbereich Europa 2400 - 2483.5 MHz 100 mW 100 mW 2400 - 2454 MHz 100 mW 100 mW Frankreich 2454 - 2483.5 MHz 100 mW 10 mW D-Link DCH-S165 User Manual...
  • Página 27 D-Link hereby, declares that this <###> is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant English provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Por medio de la presente D-Link declara que el <###> cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras Español [Spanish] disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
  • Página 28 Português [Portuguese] 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian] D-Link izjavlja, da je ta <###> v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak] D-Link týmto vyhlasuje, že <###> spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. D-Link vakuuttaa täten että <###> tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä...
  • Página 29 D-Link designs and builds its products to be as environmentally friendly as possible, by using recyclable, low toxic materials in both products and packaging. D-Link recommends that you always switch off or unplug your D-Link products when they are not in use. By doing so you will help to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Página 30: D-Link Y El Medio Ambiente

    D-Link et l’environnement Chez D-Link, nous sommes conscients de l'impact de nos opérations et produits sur l'environnement et nous engageons à le réduire. Pour limiter cet impact, D-Link conçoit et fabrique ses produits de manière aussi écologique que possible, en utilisant des matériaux recyclables et faiblement toxiques, tant dans ses produits que ses emballages.
  • Página 31: D-Link En Het Milieu

    D-Link zijn producten zo milieuvriendelijk mogelijk, door het gebruik van recycleerbare producten met lage toxiciteit in product en verpakking. D-Link raadt aan om steeds uw D-Link producten uit te schakelen of uit de stekker te halen wanneer u ze niet gebruikt. Door dit te doen bespaart u energie en beperkt u de CO2-emissies.
  • Página 32 D-Link a životní prostředí Ve společnosti D-Link jsme si vědomi vlivu našich provozů a výrobků na životní prostředí a snažíme se o minimalizaci těchto vlivů. Proto své výrobky navrhujeme a vyrábíme tak, aby byly co nejekologičtější, a ve výrobcích i obalech používáme recyklovatelné a nízkotoxické materiály.
  • Página 33 D-Link produkter som er så miljøvennlig som mulig, ved å bruke resirkulerbare, lav-toksiske materialer både i produktene og forpakningen. D-Link anbefaler at du alltid slår av eller frakobler D-Link-produkter når de ikke er i bruk. Ved å gjøre dette hjelper du å spare energi og å redusere CO2-utslipp.
  • Página 34 D-Link sine produkter, så de er så miljøvenlige som muligt, ved at bruge genanvendelige materialer med lavt giftighedsniveau i både produkter og emballage. D-Link anbefaler, at du altid slukker eller frakobler dine D-Link-produkter, når de ikke er i brug. Ved at gøre det bidrager du til at spare energi og reducere CO2-udledningerne.
  • Página 35 D-Link och miljön På D-Link förstår vi och är fast beslutna att minska den påverkan våra verksamheter och produkter kan ha på miljön. För att minska denna påverkan utformar och bygger D-Link sina produkter för att de ska vara så miljövänliga som möjligt, genom att använda återvinningsbara material med låg gifthalt i både produkter och förpackningar.

Tabla de contenido