EN — 2
The focus scale calibration ring can be found under
a detachable cover and provides access to the rings
adjusting the focus scale position.
Only experienced users and Irix customer
service staff should use this function.
Detailed information about the focus scale cali-
bration procedure can be found in the Extended
User Guide.
The focus ring lock lets you lock the focusing ring in
a chosen position.
To lock the focus ring, rotate the focus ring lock
left until you can feel a noticeable resistance.
To unlock it, rotate the focus ring lock all the way
to the right.
Any attempts to forcibly rotate the focus ring
when it remains locked by the focus ring lock
may permanently damage the lens.
The lens is not equipped with any autofocus system.
To focus on a given subject, observe the image
through the viewfinder or on the camera screen,
and adjust it manually by rotating the focus
ring. You can also use the distance scale (in feet
or meters) on the lens body to calculate the
distance to the chosen subject to be captured on
a photograph.
When the ring is set in the "infinity" position, you
will hear a noticeable "click", making it easier to
find the value without looking.
Details regarding the hyperfocal and focus depth
scales can be found in the Extended User Guide.