Quick Play Sport Kickster Academy Guia De Inicio Rapido

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At Quick Play Sport we think sport is all about taking part. We develop products that
help players and coaches at all levels of sport, perform to the best of their ability.
Our goal is to provide innovative products that make them feel like they can
perform at the highest level.
If you have any queries or suggestions about how we can improve
our products, please get in touch.
© 2012 Quick Play Sport Limited. All Rights Reserved
Designed in the UK and made in China to EU standards
+44 (0) 114 247 2327
Quick Play Sport Ltd. 21 Longacre Close, Holbrook Industrial Est., Sheffield, S20 3FR UK

Resumen de contenidos para Quick Play Sport Kickster Academy

  • Página 1 12’x6’ USER GUIDE At Quick Play Sport we think sport is all about taking part. We develop products that help players and coaches at all levels of sport, perform to the best of their ability. Our goal is to provide innovative products that make them feel like they can perform at the highest level.
  • Página 2 Данное оборудование является портативным; мы Questo è un prodotto trasportabile concepito in maniera tale разработали его с целью быстрой и легкой установки и da poter essere allestito e smontato facilmente e in breve tempo. разборки. Оно не должно быть оставлено в собраном Esso deve essere smontato dopo l'utilizzo, adeguatamente состоянии...
  • Página 3 12’x6’ Dieses Produkt ist tragbar; wir haben es so entworfen, dass Il s'agit d'un produit transportable. Sa conception permet de le es sich schnell und einfach errichten und zusammenlegen lässt. monter et de le démonter rapidement et facilement. Il doit être Nach Gebrauch sollte es nicht stehen gelassen werden sondern démonté...