Idiomas disponibles
  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

  • ESPAÑOL, página 3

Enlaces rápidos

S1. Set/recall button
S2. Start/lap button
S3. Mode button
S4. Light/stop/reset button
The watch has four display modes:
and TIMER.
To change from one display mode to
another, press S3 button once.
NOTE: In any setting mode, when there
is no button pressed for approximately
150 seconds, the watch will automati-
cally save the entered data and exit the
setting procedure.
To display FOREIGN TIME mode, press
and hold S2 button when HOME TIME
mode is displayed. The mode descrip-
tion (T2) will be displayed and blink
for approximately 5 seconds before
switching to FOREIGN TIME mode. To
change back to HOME TIME mode,
press and hold S2 button again.
1. Press S3 button to select HOME
2. Press and hold S1 button, the
message "HOLD TO SET" will
be displayed for approximately 3
seconds and the time zone setting
will blink.
4. Press S2 or S4 button to toggle
between HOME TIME (TIME 1) and
5. Press S3 button, the hour digits will
blink. Press S2 button to increase
or S4 button to decrease the value.
Holding down the button will speed
up the process.
6. Press S3 button, the minute
digits will blink. Press S2 button to
increase or S4 button to decrease
the value. Holding down the button
will speed up the process.
7. Press S3 button, the second digits
will blink. Press S2 or S4 button to
reset the second digits to zero.
8. Press S3 button, the day (of the
week) will blink. Press S2 or S4
button to cycle forward or backward
through the 7 days.
9. Press S3 button, the month digits
will blink. Press S2 button to in-
crease or S4 button to decrease the
value. Holding down the button will
speed up the process.
10. Press S3 button, the date digits will
blink. Press S2 button to increase
or S4 button to decrease the value.
Holding down the button will speed
up the process.
11. Press S3 button, the hour format
setting will blink. Press S2 or S4
button to toggle between 12-hour
and 24-hour format. The A.M. (A) or
P.M. (P) indicator may be displayed
to indicate the time period 12:00
A.M. – 11:59 A.M. or 12:00 P.M. –
11:59 P.M. respectively in 12-hour
12. Press S3 button, the calendar
format setting will blink. Press
S2 or S4 button to toggle between
month-date (MM-DD) and date-
month (DD-MM) format.
13. Press S3 button, the hourly chime
(CHIME) setting will blink. Press
S2 or S4 button to toggle between
ON and OFF for the hourly chime
14. Press S3 button, the "BEEP" setting
will blink. The "BEEP" option will
cause the watch to beep anytime a
button is pressed. Press S2 or S4
button to toggle between ON and
OFF for the beep setting.
15. When finished making all the set-
tings, press S1 button to confirm.
NOTE: The hourly chime and beep
settings will apply to both HOME TIME
mode and FOREIGN TIME mode.
1. Press S3 button to select ALARM
2. Press S1 button, the message "SET"
will be displayed and the hour
digits will blink. Press S2 button to
increase or S4 button to decrease
the value. Holding down the button
will speed up the process.
3. Press S3 button, the minute digits
will blink. Press S2 button to in-
crease or S4 button to decrease the
value. Holding down the button will
speed up the process.
4. Press S3 button, the A.M. (AM) or
P.M. (PM) indicator will blink. Press
S2 or S4 button to toggle between
A.M. and P.M.
5. Press S3 button, the alarm frequen-
cy setting will blink. Press S2 or S4
button to cycle forward or backward
through daily (DAILY), weekdays
only (WKDAYS) and weekends only
6. When finished making all the set-
tings, press S1 button to confirm.
NOTE: The A.M. / P.M. setting is avail-
able only when 12-hour format is se-
lected for the HOME TIME / FOREIGN
TIME mode currently displayed.
NOTE: The alarm will automatically be
activated after being set.
In ALARM mode, press S2 button to
toggle between ON and OFF for the
alarm. When the alarm is ON, the
alarm indicator
A 20-second alarm tune will be emitted
at the designated time when the alarm
is activated. To stop the tune, press
any button.
If the alarm tune is done without any
user interruption, the watch will au-
tomatically enter a snooze mode. The
alarm will go off again after 5 minutes
but for only once.
1. Press S3 button to select CHRONO-
GRAPH mode.
2. The chronograph will then be dis-
played in its current state – stopped,
running, or reset.
3. To resume a stopped counting, press
S2 button to resume from where
it left off.
4. To start a new counting, reset the
chronograph to zero first.
Press S4 button to stop counting,
then press and hold S4 button. The
message "HOLD TO RESET" will be
displayed for approximately 2 sec-
onds and the counter will be reset to
For changing the chronograph display
1. Make sure the chronograph is in the
reset state and there is no previous
lap record.
2. Press S1 button, the message
"FORMAT" will be displayed for
approximately 2 seconds and the
will appear.

Resumen de contenidos para Freestyle SHARK THRESHER

  • Página 1 ENGLISH SHARK THRESHER the value. Holding down the button 4. Press S3 button, the A.M. (AM) or P.M. (PM) indicator will blink. Press will speed up the process. 7. Press S3 button, the second digits S2 or S4 button to toggle between will blink.
  • Página 2: To Set The Timer

    99 laps before start counting from lap 1 again. However, only the first 50 lap records will be stored and available for To reduce carbon foot print, these Freestyle instructions are printed with checking in recall function. soy inks on recycled paper.
  • Página 3 ESPAÑOL SHARK THRESHER dígitos. Mantenga pulsado el botón 2. Pulse el botón S1. Verá la palabra para acelerar el proceso. “SET” y los dígitos de la hora parpadearán. Pulse el botón S2 o S4 5. Pulse el botón S3. Los dígitos de los minutos parpadearán.
  • Página 4 Para reducir la huella del carbono, vuelta se verá intermitentemente. 4. Pulse el botón S3. Los dígitos de las instrucciones de Freestyle se han imprimido con tinta de soja en papel los segundos parpadearán. Pulse reciclado.
  • Página 5 DEUTSCH SHARK THRESHER die Anzeige schneller vorlaufen zu Option sind sowohl im ORTSZEIT- und lassen. FREMDZEIT-Modus möglich. 5. Betätigen Sie die Taste S3, worauf EINSTELLUNG DER ALARMZEIT die Minutenanzeige zu blinken beginnt. Zur Erhöhung der Mi- 1. Wählen Sie mit der Taste S3, den nutenziffer drücken Sie die Taste...
  • Página 6 1. Drücken Sie Taste S2 um mit der Sie die Taste S2, zur Reduzierung Messung zu beginnen. die Taste S4. Halten Sie die Taste Diese Freestyle-Gebrauchsanweisung 2. Während der Chronograph läuft gedrückt, um die Anzeige schneller wurde mit Tinte auf Sojabasis auf drücken Sie die Taste S2, um eine...
  • Página 7 FRANÇAIS SHARK THRESHER sur le bouton S4 pour réduire les Maintenez le bouton enfoncé pour heures. Maintenez le bouton en- accélérer la procédure. foncé pour accélérer la procédure. 3. Appuyez sur le bouton S3, les 6. Appuyez une fois sur le bouton S3, chiffres des minutes clignoteront.
  • Página 8: Utilisation Du Minuteur

    5. Appuyez sur le bouton S3, le réglage Freestyle sont imprimées avec des soient enregistrés. “Action-at-End” (Action à la fin) cli- encres de soja sur du papier recyclé.
  • Página 9 ITALIANO SHARK THRESHER tasto S2 per aumentare il valore o COME IMPOSTARE L’ORARIO DI SVEGLIA: il tasto S4 per diminuirlo. Premere a lungo il tasto farà avanzare la 1. Premere il tasto S3 per selezionare progressione più velocemente. la modalità ALARM.
  • Página 10 1. Premere il tasto S2 per iniziare il il tasto S4 per diminuirlo. Premere Per ridurre l’impatto ambientale, conteggio. queste istruzioni Freestyle sono a lungo il tasto farà avanzare la stampate con inchiostri di soia su 2. Mentre il cronografo è in funzione, progressione più...
  • Página 11 PORTUGUÊS SHARK THRESHER 2. Prima o botão S1, a mensagem o diminuir. Se mantiver o botão “CONFIGURAR” será visualizada e premido acelerará o processo. os dígitos das horas piscarão. Prima 5. Prima o botão S3, os dígitos dos o botão S2 para aumentar o valor minutos piscarão.
  • Página 12 Para reduzir a emissão de carbono, O tempo total e parcial da volta estas instruções Freestyle foram 3. Prima o botão S3, os dígitos dos impressas com tinta de soja em papel registada serão visualizados e o minutos piscarão.
  • Página 13 日本語 SHARK THRESHER 5. S3ボタンを押します。 分桁が点滅 3. S3ボタンを押します。 分桁が点滅 します。 S2ボタンを押すと数字が します。 S2ボタンを押すと数字が 増え、 S4ボタンを押すと数字が減 増え、 S4ボタンを押すと数字が減 ります。 ボタンを長押しすると早く ります。 ボタンを長押しすると早く 進みます。 進みます。 6. S3ボタンを押します。 秒桁が点滅 4. S3ボタンを押すと、 A.M. (AM) ま します。 S2あるいはS4ボタンを押 たは P.M. (PM) の表示が点滅しま して秒刻を0にリセッ トします。 す。 S2あるいはS4ボタンを押すと...
  • Página 14 ります。 ボタンを長押しすると早く 進みます。 ォッチは同時にカウントを継続し 4. S3ボタンを押します。 秒桁が点滅 ています。 約10秒後に現在のラップタイムと します。 S2ボタンを押すと数字が スプリッ トタイムが表示されます。 増え、 S4ボタンを押すと数字が減 3. 全てのラップの登録が終わるま ります。 ボタンを長押しすると早く で、 先ほどのステップを繰り返して 進みます。 ください。 5. S3ボタンを押すと、 終了アクショ 4. 測定をストップするにはS4ボタン ン (Action-at-End) の設定が点滅 カーボンフッ ト プリントの減少を目的と してFreestyleの取扱説明書は大豆イ を押します。 します。 S2あるいはS4ボタンを押 ンキとリサイ クル紙を使用しています...