ENGLISH Content Section 1. Safety precautions before use................5 Section 2. Parts and functions ..................7 Section 3. Operating instructions ..................8 Section How to assemble .................... 9 Section 5. Guidance for ingredients selection ..............12 Section Maintenance ....................14 Section Technical data ....................
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FRANCAIS Table des matières Section 1. Conseils de sécurité ..................31 Section 2. Pièces et fonctions ................... 33 Section Mode d’emploi de l’appareil ................34 Section 4. Assemblage de l’appareil ................. 35 Section 5. Conseils pour sélection d’ingrédients .............. 38 Section Entretien ......................
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ITALIANA Contenuto Sezione 1. Precauzioni per l'uso in sicurezza ............... 57 Sezione Parti e Funzioni ....................59 Sezione 3 . Metodo di operazione ....................60 Sezione Come assemblare ....................61 Sezione 5. Suggerimenti per la selezione degIi ingredienti ..........63 Sezione 6.
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Parts and Functions Komponenten und Funktion Composants et fonctions Piezas y funciones Parti e funzioni Componenten en functies...
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Section I. Precautions for Safety Use When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: Power of 220-240V~50Hz shall be supplied to this product. Please confirm your power supply before use. Be sure to disconnect the power supply before dis-assembly/re- assembly or adjustment to this product.
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s. The food material needs to be cut into proper pieces so as to pass through the inlet to extractor/chopper/grind. Any fruit/vegetable shall have any hard core, seed, skin or shell removed before processing. Proper amount of force shall be used to push the food material in, not excessive but sufficient to have it cut off exactly.
Do not use any steel wool, abrasive cleaning agent or corrosive liquid such as gasoline or acetone to clean this product. This product should be stored in a place that children can't reach. allow persons with unsound extremities and sensation or mental disorders and persons who are short of related experience and knowledge( including children ) to use or play with this product.
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Juice ® To hold and collect the juice extracted by the extractor. Container Pulp To hold and collect any Pulps separated by the Container extractor. To squeeze and make theload food material Plunger contact completely with the auger so as to maximize extracting efficiency.
Section Ill. Method of Operation Prior to first use.Please thoroughly clean any parts in contact with food material. (See Section IV. Maintenance for more details) Button Operation Description: "ON" Appliance is ON state "O" : Appliance is OFF state "R" : Appliance will REVERSE auger.(use when food is blocking or stuck) Tips: In case of Pulp blockage or motor locking.
Section IV. How to assemble Connect Drum@with Housing@: Connect the Drum@with the Housing@ by aligning the" " on Feed chute® with " " on Housing@, push the Drum hard and rotate the Drum anticlockwise until aligning" " Feed chute® with " " on the Housing@. (You will hear "Tick"...
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Place the end cap@) onto the drum@) end and rotate the cap counter- clockwise. Place Juice Cup@ and Pulp Container@under thedrum set. Mount tray onto the upper end of Feed chute@. Connect to power supply and get ready for start (Before power-on, make sure the switch is in Off position.)
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Clean the material and cut it into pieces small sufficiently 'M'Ill can pass through the Feed chute, and place them onto the tray. Note: Any hard core, seed, skin or shell from fruits and vegetables shall be removed in advance. Press down"ON"...
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The extracted juice should be drunk as soon as possible as it will have degraded taste and nutrient content if exposed in the air for a time.) • The Pulps shall not be stored fora long time. Do not touch the power switch with wet hand to avoid electric shock, leakage or fire.
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• WHEATGRASS AND LEAFY GREENS Cut it to strips(less than 10 cm). Wheat grass, kale, cabbage, spinach and pine tree needles are just some of the natural products that can be juiced with the Amzchef juicer. Enjoy the best that nature offers in raw foods of all kinds and juice them for full nutritional benefits.
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Thick skin on fruits such as orange, pineapple and raw beet root instead of thin skin on fruiUvegetable needs to be removed. Seeds in oranges should be removed as well, which may make the juice taste a little bitter. Concentration of juice extracted from apple depends on what type of apple is selected.
80 gram = 55 KJ(7 calorie) Cucumber Vitamin C 280 gram= 120 KJ(29 calorie) Fennel Vitamin C and dietary fiber 300 gram= 145 KJ(35 calorie) Vitamins C and 86, and potassium 125 gram= 355 KJ(85 calorie) Grape Yangtao Vitamin C and potassium 100 gram= 100 KJ(40 calorie) Vitamins C and folic acid and...
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Disassemble this product to wash the components by the following steps: First remove the plunger and tray. Press down and hold the locking button@,and rotate the drum clockwise to remove it. After removing extractor, detach the end cap,juice and auger in turn, &l'W1 all removable components can be washed with water.
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Do not immerse the motor base in water or any other liquid. Do not use water jet to clean the motor base. Section VII. Safety Index Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V ~ Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz Continuous Operating Time...
Section VIII. Trouble Shooting Fault Analysis of cause Fault resolution Phenomenon After turn on the After connecting Re-plug it properly machine, wait for 1s, power supply Replace thesocket and try it will work. It is and turning on again, or contact after normal.
12 months from the date of purchase against manufacturing faults. All Amzchef warranties are automatically kept track of in our system, so there is no need to register your product. For 6month extra free of charge warranty, please register at website www.iamzchef .com or fill in and take picture of bellow Warranty Card...
Due to continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change the product specification without prior notice. Kapitel I. Sicherheitshinweise Bei der Verwendung von elektrischen Geraten sind stets diese grundlegenden Sicherheitshinweise zu beachten: Dieses Produkt muss mit einer Spannung von 220-240V~50Hz versorgt werden.
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Im Fall einer Beschadigung des Kabels wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kundendienst oder senden Sie das Gerat zum Austausch an unser autorisiertes Kundendienstzentrum. Versuchen Sie nicht, das Gerat ohne unsere Genehmigung zu demontieren. Bitte uberprufen Sie vor Gebrauch Netzkabel, Stecker, Saftfilter, Schnecke, Gehause, Fleischwolf und andere Teile und setzen Sie sich im Fall einer Beschadigung sofort mit unserem Kundendienst in Verbindung.
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Wiederanfahren 20 bis 30 Minuten ruhen, um ihn abzukuhlen und die Lebensdauer des Produkts zu verlangern. Dieses Produkt wurde entwickelt, um den Durchsatz zu begrenzen. Wahrend der Verarbeitung von hartem Material wird der Motor blockiert. Wenn die Stromaufnahme hoher als 1,3 A ist, ertont ein Signalton und der Motor unterbricht den Betrieb zum Schutz vor Oberstrom und zur Gewahrleistung der Lebensdauer.
Kapitel II. Komponenten und Funktion Funktion Komponente Anschluss an der Stromversorgung. Netzkabel Haupteinheit, die den Motor und andere Gehause Komponenten enthalt und die Leistung liefert. Ein- Steuerung des Betriebs, wie Vorwarts-/Ruckwartslauf /Ausschalter und Abschaltung Verriegeln des Anbaugerats, um ein unerwartetes Entriegelung Herausfallen aus dem Gehause zu verhindern.
den Saftfilter gemahlen wird. Arbeitet mit der Schnecke, um Lebensmittel zu Saftfilter mahlen und den Saft zu filtern (Obst und Gemuse). Abschlusska Verschluss des Anbaugerats und Schutzkappe. Kapitel Ill. Bedienungshinweise Bitte reinigen Sie vor dem ersten Gebrauch alle Teile, die mit Lebensmitteln in Beruhrung kommen, grundlich (Siehe Kapitel IV.
Tasten ,,ON": Gerat einschalten ,,O": Gerat ausschalten ,,R": Ruckwartslauf Schnecke (bei Blockierung) Hinweis: Bei Blockierung des Motors halten Sie ,,R" fur 3 Sekunden gedruckt, um die Schnecke ruckwarts laufen zu lassen. Dann drucken Sie wieder ,,ON", um den Normalbetrieb fortzusetzen. Hinweis: Nachdem Sie ,,ON"...
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@ ausgerichtet ist(die Trommel rastet horbar ein). Setzen Sie die Schnecke die Tremmel @) ein. Setzen Sie den Saftfilter die Tremmel @) ein.
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Setzen Sie die Abschlusskappe @auf der Tremmel @) an und drehen Sie sie entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn. Stellen Sie den Saftbehalter und den Fruchtfleischbehalter@ unter die Tremmel. Setzen Sie die Ablage oben auf dem ® Einfullschacht auf. Stecken Sie den Netzstecker in eine geeignete Steckdose (versichern Sie sich vor dem Anschluss, dass das Gerat ausgeschaltet ist).
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Reinigen Sie 1hr Obst/Gemuse und schneiden Sie es in Stucke, die durch den Einfullschacht passen, dann legen Sie sie auf die Ablage. Hinweis: Alie harten Kerne, Samen und Schalen mussen vorab von Obst und Gemuse entfernt werden. Drucken Sie ,,ON", um zu starten.
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Nach Beendigung schalten Sie das Gerat aus, wenn kein Saft mehr flie t und ziehen Sie den Netzstecker. Entfernen Sie den Saftbehalter erst dann vom Auslauf wenn die Schnecke zum vollstandigen Stillstand gekommen ist. Der Saft sollte so schnell wie moglich getrunken werden, da er bei langerem Verbleiben an der Luft Geschmack und Nahrstoffgehalt verliert.
In Streifen schneiden (weniger als 10 cm). Weizengras, Grunkohl, Kohl, Spinat und Kiefernnadeln sind nur einige der naturlichen Produkte, die mit dem Amzchef Entsafter entsaftet werden konnen. Genief1en Sie das Beste, was die Natur an Rohkost aller Art zu bieten hat und entsaften Sie sie fur die vollwertigen Nahrstoffe.
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Dicke Schale an Fruchten wie Orangen, Ananas und roher Rote Beete muss entfernt werden. Samen in Orangen sollten ebenfalls entfernt werden, wodurch der Saft anderenfalls etwas bitter schmecken kann. Die Konzentration des aus dem Apfeln gewonnenen Safts hangt davon ab, welche Apfelsorte ausgewahlt wird. Saft aus saftigeren Apfeln ist weniger dick, also wahlen Sie die Apfelsorte je nach gewunschter Saftkonzentration Frisch entsafteter Apfelsaft wird sehr schnell braun, das kann durch Zugabe...
80 g = 55 KJ (7 Kalorien) Gurken Vitamin C 280 g = 120 KJ (29 Kalorien) Fenchel Vitamin C und Ballaststoffe 300 g = 145 KJ (35 Kalorien) Trauben Vitamin C und B6 und Kalium 125 g = 355 KJ (85 Kalorien) Kiwi Vitamin C und Kalium 100 g = 100 KJ (40 Kalorien)
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Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Wegstellen, dass das Produkt sauber und trocken ist. Zerlegen Sie das Produkt, um die Komponenten mit folgenden Schritten abzuwaschen: Entfernen Sie zunachst Presskolben und Ablage. Halten Sie die Entriegelungstaste @ gedruckt und drehen Sie die Trammel im Uhrzeigersinn, um sie zu entfernen.
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Tauchen Sie das Motorgehause nicht in Wasser oder andere Flussigkeiten. Waschen Sie das Motorgehause nicht unter flie endem Wasser ab. Kapitel VII. Technische Oaten Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz :S10...
Kapitel VIII. Storungsbehebung Mogliche Ursachen Losungsvorschlag Problem Nach dem 3. Nach dem Einschalten Gerat korrekt anschlier..en Anschlier..en der des Gerats warten Sie fur Stromversorgung 1. Schlier..en Sie das Gerat 1 Sekunde, es startet und dem dann. Das ist vollig neu an und versuchen Sie Einschalten normal.
Qualitatsstandards hergestellt wurde. Die Herstellergarantie umfasst das Produkt fur einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten ab Kaufdatum gegen Herstellungsfehle.r Alie Amzchef-Garantien werden automatisch in unserem System gespeichert, so dass Sie 1hr Produkt nicht registrieren mussen. Fur eine 6-monatige zusatzliche kostenlose Garantie registrieren Sie sich bitte auf der Website www.iamzchef.com oder fullen Sie das...
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Aufgrund der standigen Produktverbesserung behalten wir uns das Recht var, die Produktspezifikation ohne vorherige Ankundigung zu andern. Section I. Precautions d'utilisation en toute securite3 Quand vous utilisez un appareil electrique, respectez systematiquement un certain nombre de precautions de securite elementaires, parmi lesquelles : Une puissance de 220-240V~50Hz doit etre fournie ce produit.
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Veillez deconnecter l'alimentation avant proceder desassemblage/reassemblage ou au reglage de ce produit. En cas d'endommagement du fil flexible, pour eviter tout risque, contactez notre service clientele ou envoyez-le notre centre de service agree pour le remplacemen,t et n'essayez pas de le demonter sans notre autorisation.
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Ce produit est equipe de puces de protection intelligentes, le faisant s'arreter automatiquement toutes les 20 minutes. Dans ce cas, reposez- le pendant 20 30 minutes avant de le redemarrer afin de refroidir le moteur et prolonger la duree de vie du produit. Ce produit est congu pour limiter le debit.
Section II. Pieces et fonctions Norn du Description de la fonction composant Cable Pour le raccordement l'alimentation electrique. d'alimentation L'unite principale contenant le moteur et d'autres composants, fournissant la puissance de sortie. Commutateur Pour le controle du fonctionnement du produit, ®...
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□ traiter. lntroduisez aliments chargez jusqu'au ® Goulotte tambour. L'un des principaux composants pour extraire le jus, ou le produit alimentaire est charge partir de la goulotte d'alimentation en haut, tandis que le jus et le ® Tambour mare sont decharges de la sortie.
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Utilisation des boutons Description : « ON » : L'appareil est en marche « 0 » : L'appareil est eteint « R » : L'appareil INVERSERA la spirale (a utiliser lorsque les aliments sont bloques ou coinces) Conseils : En cas de blocage du mare ou du blocage du moteur.
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Connectez le tambour @)au boftier@ Connectez le tambour @)au boftier@ en ® alignant le « » de la goulotte « »du boftier @, poussez le tambour et faites-le tourner dans le sens antihoraire jusqu'a l'alignement de « » de la goulotte ®...
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Placez le capuchon @sur l'extremite du tambour @) et tournez le capuchon dans le sens antihoraire. ® Placez la tasse et le recipient mare sous le tambour. Montez le plateau sur l'extremite superieure ®ꞏ de la goulotte Connectez l'alimentation et preparez-vous pour le demarrage.
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□ l'avance. Appuyez sur le bouton « ON » de l'interrupteur pour demarrer Remarque : Laissez la machine fonctionner pendant moins de 10 minutes. Une duree plus longue de fonctionnement continu detruira le moteur. Remarque : Ne touchez pas l'interrupteur d'alimentation avec les mains mouillees pour eviter les decharges electriques, les fuites Press...
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la fin, eteignez l'interrupteur quand aucun jus ne s'ecoule de la sortie et debranchez l'alimentation electrique. Ne retirez pas la tasse de jus de la sortie tant que l'helice en spirale et le filtre jus n'aient cesse completement de tourner. Le jus extrait doit etre bu des que possible, car le gout et la teneur en elements nutritifs se degraderont s'il est expose l'air pendant uncertain temps.)
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L'herbe de ble, le chou kale, le chou, les epinardset les aiguilles de pin ne sont que quelques-uns des produits naturels que l'on peut extraire avec la centrifugeuse Amzchef Profitez du meilleur que la nature offre dans les aliments crus de toutes sortes et pressez-les pour des avantages nutritionnels complets.
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12. Retirez la peau epaisse des fruits tels que !'orange, l'ananas et la racine de betterave crue. Les semences des oranges doivent egalement etre eliminees, car elles peuvent rendre le gout du jus amer. 13. La concentration du jus extrait de la pomme depend du type de pomme selectionne.
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Les ingredients nutritifs typiques contenu dans les fruits/legumes sont indiques ci- dessous Vitamine/Mineral Calories Fruit/Legumes 200 grammes = 150 KJ (72 Pomme Vitamine C calories) 30 grammes = 85 KJ (20 Abricot Fibres alimentaires et potassium calories) Acide folique, fibres alimentaires, 160 grammes= 190 KJ (45 vitamine C et potassium calories)
fibres alimentaires calories) Vitamines C et 83, potassium et 150 grammes= 205 KJ (49 Peche fibres alimentaires calories) 150 grammes = 250 KJ (60 Fibre alimentaire Poire calories) 150 grammes = 245 KJ (59 Vitamine C Ananas calories) La vitamine C, fer, potassium et 125 grammes = 130 KJ (31 Framboise magnesium...
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Appuyez sur le bouton de ® verrouillage et maintenez-le enfonce, puis faites tourner le tambour dans le sens horaire pour retirer. Apres avoir retire l'extracteur, detachez le capuchon d'extremite, le filtre jus et la spirale. Taus les composants amovibles peuvent etre laves avec de l'eau.
Section VII. lndice de securite Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz :510 Continuous Operating minutes Time Interval Time minutes Section VIII. Depannage Phenomene Analyse de cause Resolution du probleme de defaillance avoir 5.
Toutes les garanties d'Amzchef sont automatiquement enregistrees dans notre systeme, ii n'est done pas necessaire d'enregistrer votre produit. Pour une garantie supplementaire gratuite de 6 mois, veuillez vous inscrire sur le site Web www.iamzchef.com ou remplir et prendre en photo l'envoi de la carte de garantie [email protected].
En raison de !'amelioration continue des produits, nous nous reservons le droit de modifier les specifications du produit sans preavis. Secci6n I. Precauciones para el uso seguro Cuando use un aparato electrico, siempre se deben seguir las precauciones de seguridad basicas, incluidas las siguientes:...
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Se debe suministrar una alimentaci6n de 220-240V~50Hz a este producto. Confirme el suministro de alimentaci6n antes de usar. Asegurese de desconectar el suministro de alimentaci6n antes de desarmar/reensamblar o al realizar ajustes a este producto. En caso de que existan danos el cable flexible, para evitar cualquier peligro, p6ngase en contacto con nuestro servicio de atenci6n al cliente o envfelo a un centro de servicio autorizado para la sustituci6n y no intente desmontarlo sin nuestra autorizaci6n.
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El filtro de jugo, la tapa del extractor o el tornillo sinffn pueden adquirir un cierto tinte por el jugo durante la operaci6n, sin embargo, esto es un fen6meno normal y no tiene efectos en la salud. Este producto esta equipado con chips de protecci6n inteligentes detienen el aparato automaticamente cada 20 minutos de operaci6n.
experiencia ni el conocimiento (incluidos ninos) use o jueguen este producto. Este producto es de uso individual o domestico solamente. Este producto es de protecci6n Clase I y la toma de corriente usada para el mismo debe conectarse a tierra correctamente. Secci6n II.
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Alimentaci6n de alimentos enviarlos hacia el tambor Conducto de .:.J alimentaci6n Uno de los principales componentes para extraer jugo, donde el alimento es cargado desde el conducto de Tambor alimentaci6n en la parte superior, mientras se descarga el jugo el bagazo de la salida. Uno de los principales componentes para extraer jugo, donde el Tornillo sinffn...
Operaci6n de bot6n Descripci6n: "ON" : El aparato esta encendido "O" : aparato esta apagado "R" : aparato RETROCEDERA el tornillo sinffn (se usa cuando el alimento esta bloqueado u obstruyendo) Consejos: En caso de que se presente una obstrucci6n par el bagazo o en el motor.
Secci6n IV. Como armarlo Conecte el tambor @) al alojamiento @: Conecte el tambor@) al alojamiento @ alineando " " con el conducto de alimentaci6n ® " " en el alojamiento presione el tambor con fuerza y gfrelo en el sentido antihorario hasta que se alinee con "...
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Coloque la tapa en el extrema del tambor@ y gire la tapa en el sentido antihorario. ® Coloque el contenedor de jugo y el contenedor de bagazo debajo del tambor. Monte la bandeja en el extrema superior del ®ꞏ conducto de alimentaci6n Conecte el suministro de alimentaci6n y preparese para iniciar.
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iniciar Nota: Mantenga la maquina en operaci6n por menos de 10 minutes. El tiempo prolongado danara el motor. Nota: No toque el interrupter de alimentaci6n con las manos humedas Press para evitar descargas electricas, fugas o incendio. Coloque unas piezas de fruta cortada o verduras en el conducto de alimentaci6n, presi6nelas hacia el tambor suavemente con el embolo.
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par un tiempo determinado). • El bagazo no debe almacenarse par un tiempo prolongado. • No toque el interruptor de alimentaci6n con las manos humedas para evitar descargas electricas, fugas o un incendio.
Pasto de trigo, col, repollo, espinacas y agujas de pino son solo algunos productos naturales que puede usar para extraer el jugo con el extractor de jugos Amzchef. Disfrute lo mejor que la naturaleza le ofrece en alimentos crudos de todo tipo y extraiga el jugo y todos sus nutrientes.
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17. La piel gruesa en los frutos coma la naranja, la pina y la remolacha tiene que desecharse. Las semillas de las naranjas deben eliminarse tambien, ya que harfan que el jugo tenga un sabor mas amargo. 18. La concentraci6n del jugo extrafdo de la manzana depende del tipo de manzana seleccionada.
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El nutriente comun contenido en las frutos en las verduras se muestran a continuaci6n: FrutasNer Vitaminas/Minerales Calorfas duras 200 gramos 150 KJ (72 Manzana Vitamina C calorfas) Albaricoqu 30 gramos 85 KJ (20 Fibra dietetica y potasio calorfas) Acido f6Iico, fibra dietetica, 160 gramos 190 KJ (45 Remolacha...
Vitaminas C y B3, potasio 180 gramos 355 KJ (85 Nectarina calorfas) y fibra dietetica Vitaminas C y B3, potasio 150 gramos 205 KJ (49 Durazno calorfas) y fibra dietetica 150 gramos 250 KJ (60 Pera Fibra dietetica calorfas) 150 gramos 245 KJ (59 Pina Vitamina C...
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Primera quite el embolo y la bandeja. Mantenga presionado el bot6n de bloqueo @ y gire el tambor en sentido horario para quitarlo. Despues de quitar el extractor, quite la tapa final, la malla de jugo y el tornillo sinffn en uso, todos las componentes extrafbles deben lavarse con agua.
Secci6n VII. indice de seguridad Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz ::;10 Continuous Operating minutes Time Interval Time minutes Secci6n VIII. Soluci6n de problemas Analisis de causa...
de funcionar. entre la clavija soporte de posventa al toma de corriente. correo electr6nico: info@iamzchef .com Al iniciar el Si este fen6meno ocurre con USO, motor genera un frecuencia, envfelo a nuestro Es un fen6meno normal olor desagradable centro de servicio autorizado mas cercano a usted para su inspecci6n.
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12 meses a partir de la fecha de compra contra fallas de fabricaci6n. Todas las garantfas de Amzchef se mantienen automaticamente en nuestro sistema, por lo que no es necesario registrar su producto. Por 6 meses de garantfa adicional sin cargo, regfstrese en el sitio web www.iamzchef.com o complete y tome una foto de la siguiente tarjeta de...
Debido a la mejora continua del producto, nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar las especificaciones del producto sin previo aviso. Sezione I. Precauzioni per l'uso in sicurezza Quando si utilizza l'apparecchi elettrici, necessario sempre seguire le precauzioni di sicurezza di base, incluse le seguenti: 1.
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questo metodo non possibile, spegnere ii motore e smontare lo spremiagrumi per rimuovere ii cibo rimanente. 8. II materiale alimentare deve essere tagliato in pezzi adeguati in modo da passare attraverso l'ingresso per estrattore /chopper/ macinare. Qualsiasi frutto / verdura deve essere rimosso dal nucleo duro, dal seme, dalla pelle o dal guscio prima della lavorazione necessario utilizzare una quantita di forza adeguata per spingere ii materiale alimentare, non in modo eccessivo ma sufficiente per farlo...
15. Qualsiasi parte a contatto con ii materiale alimentare pulita, sicura e affidabile nel rispetto dei relativi codici di igiene alimentare. 16. Per evitare rischi di shock elettrico, non mettere la base del motore in acqua o altri liquidi. 17. Non usare lana d'acciaio, detergenti abrasivi o liquidi corrosivi come benzina o acetone per pulire questo prodotto.
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Per bloccare l'estrattore per impedire ii rilascio inaspettato fuori dall'alloggiamento. Per ® Pulsante scaricare l'estrattore dall'alloggiamento, premere blocco e tenere premuto questo pulsante. Succo Per contenere e raccogliere ii succo estratto dall'estrattore. Contenitore Polpa Per tenere e raccogliere qualsiasi pasta ®...
Sezione Ill. Metodo di operazione Prima del primo utilizzo, pulire accuratamente tutte le parti a contatto con ii materiale alimentare. (Vedi Sezione IV. Manutenzione per maggiori dettagli) Funzionamento a pulsante Descrizione: "ON": !'appliance nello stato ON "O": l'apparecchio spento "R": l'apparecchio sara coclea REVERSE (utilizzare quando ii cibo bloccato o bloccato) Suggerimenti: In caso di blocco della polpa o blocco...
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Collega ii Drum @) con l'alloggiamento@: Collega ii tamburo @) all'alloggiamento @ allineando ii " " sull'albero di alimentazione ® con " " sull'alloggiamento@, spinge ii tamburo con forza e ruota ii tamburo in senso antiorario fino ad allineare " " sullo scivolo di alimentazione®...
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Posiziona ii cappuccio terminale sul tamburo@) terminare e ruotare ii tappo in senso antiorario. Colloca ii contenitore per ii succo e ii contenitore della polpa sotto ii set di batteria. Monta ii vassoio sull'estremita superiore del canale di alimentazione® Connettiti all'alimentazione e preparati per l'avvio (Prima dell'accensione,...
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Nata: qualsiasi nucleo duro, seme, pelle o guscio di frutta e verdura deve essere rimosso in anticipo. Premere ii pulsante "ON" sull'interruttore per iniziare Press Nata: mantenere la macchina in funzione per meno di 10 minuti. lavoro a lungo termine distruggera ii motore.
Al termine, spegne l'interruttore quando nessun succo esce dalla presa e scollegare l'alimentazione. Non rimuovere la Juice Cup dalla presa finche l'elica a spirale e ii filtro del succo non hanno completamente ruotato. II succo estratto deve essere bevuto ii piu presto possibile in quanta avra un gusto e un contenuto di sostanze nutritive degradati se esposto nel aria per volta.)
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Amzchef. Goditi ii meglio che la natura offre in cibi crudi di tutti i tipi e spremili per ottenere tutti i benefici nutrizionali.
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Caloria Frutta / verdura Vitamine / minerali Mela Vitamina C 200 g = 150 KJ (72 calorie) Albicocca Fibra alimentare e potassio 30 g = 85 KJ calorie) Acido folico, fibra alimentare, Barbabietola 160 g = 190 KJ(45 calorie) vitamina C e potassio Mirtillo Vitamina C 125 g = 295 KJ(70 calorie)
Non immergere la base del motore in acqua o altri liquidi. Non usare un getto d'acqua per pulire la base del motore. Sezione VII. lndice di sicurezza Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz...
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Time minutes Interval Time minutes Sezione VIII. Risoluzione dei Problemi Fenomeno di Analisi della causa Risoluzione del guasto guasto Dopo aver Dopo accendere la Ricollegarlo correttamente collegato macchina, aspetta 1s, 1. Sostituisci ii socket e l'alimentazione funzionera. normale. riprova oppure contatta l'e- e acceso Dopo 1s, non mail di supporto alla...
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La garanzia del produttore copre ii prodotto per un periodo di 12 mesi dalla data di acquisto contra i difetti di fabbricazione. Tutte le garanzie Amzchef sono automaticamente tenute sotto controllo nel nostro sistema, quindi non necessario registrare ii prodotto.
Certificato di garanzia Articolo: Modell nome prop ietario: Indiri zzo ------------------------- Tel : Data acquisto: Nome e tm vendi t ore: Indirizzo: ----------------------------------------------- Tel: WIili lare qucsta invia r:lo nt ro di acquis t.o. pn,'glidi tabella via t;!IHil. g ioi:rr...
2. Verwijder het netsnoer van het stopcontact alvorens monteren of uit elkaar halen. 3. In geval van schade aan het netsnoer, contacteer de klantendienst van AMZchef voor vervanging of herstelling door onze erkende diensten. Herstelling door niet erkende personen vernietigt de garantie. In geval van beschadigde onderdelen, neem eveneens contact met onze klantendienst.
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9. Schakel het toestel uit na gebruik, verwijder netsnoer uit het stopcontact, haal onderdelen elkaar voor schoonmaak. Apparaat nooit onderdompelen in water of andere vloeistoffen.
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Do not use any steel wool, abrasive cleaning agent or corrosive liquid such as gasoline or acetone to clean this product. This product should be stored in a place that children can't reach. allow persons with unsound extremities and sensation or mental disorders and persons who are short of related experience and knowledge( including children ) to use or play with this product.
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Juice ® To hold and collect the juice extracted by the extractor. Container Pulp To hold and collect any Pulps separated by the Container extractor. To squeeze and make theload food material Plunger contact completely with the auger so as to maximize extracting efficiency.
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Section Ill. Method of Operation Prior to first use.Please thoroughly clean any parts in contact with food material. (See Section IV. Maintenance for more details) Button Operation Description: "ON" Appliance is ON state "O" : Appliance is OFF state "R" : Appliance will REVERSE auger.(use when food is blocking or stuck) Tips: In case of Pulp blockage or motor locking.
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Section IV. How to assemble Connect Drum@with Housing@: Connect the Drum@with the Housing@ by aligning the" " on Feed chute® with " " on Housing@, push the Drum hard and rotate the Drum anticlockwise until aligning" " Feed chute® with " " on the Housing@. (You will hear "Tick"...
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Place the end cap@) onto the drum@) end and rotate the cap counter- clockwise. Place Juice Cup@ and Pulp Container@under thedrum set. Mount tray onto the upper end of Feed chute@. Connect to power supply and get ready for start (Before power-on, make sure the switch is in Off position.)
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Clean the material and cut it into pieces small sufficiently 'M'Ill can pass through the Feed chute, and place them onto the tray. Note: Any hard core, seed, skin or shell from fruits and vegetables shall be removed in advance. Press down"ON"...
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The extracted juice should be drunk as soon as possible as it will have degraded taste and nutrient content if exposed in the air for a time.) • The Pulps shall not be stored fora long time. Do not touch the power switch with wet hand to avoid electric shock, leakage or fire.
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• WHEATGRASS AND LEAFY GREENS Cut it to strips(less than 10 cm). Wheat grass, kale, cabbage, spinach and pine tree needles are just some of the natural products that can be juiced with the Amzchef juicer. Enjoy the best that nature offers in raw foods of all kinds and juice them for full nutritional benefits.
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Thick skin on fruits such as orange, pineapple and raw beet root instead of thin skin on fruiUvegetable needs to be removed. Seeds in oranges should be removed as well, which may make the juice taste a little bitter. Concentration of juice extracted from apple depends on what type of apple is selected.
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80 gram = 55 KJ(7 calorie) Cucumber Vitamin C 280 gram= 120 KJ(29 calorie) Fennel Vitamin C and dietary fiber 300 gram= 145 KJ(35 calorie) Vitamins C and 86, and potassium 125 gram= 355 KJ(85 calorie) Grape Yangtao Vitamin C and potassium 100 gram= 100 KJ(40 calorie) Vitamins C and folic acid and...
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Disassemble this product to wash the components by the following steps: First remove the plunger and tray. Press down and hold the locking button@,and rotate the drum clockwise to remove it. After removing extractor, detach the end cap,juice and auger in turn, &l'W1 all removable components can be washed with water.
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Do not immerse the motor base in water or any other liquid. Do not use water jet to clean the motor base. Section VII. Safety Index Product Name Slow Juicer Model ZM1501 Rated Voltage 220V-240V ~ Rated Power 150W Rated Frequency 50Hz Continuous Operating Time...
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Section VIII. Trouble Shooting Fault Analysis of cause Fault resolution Phenomenon After turn on the After connecting Re-plug it properly machine, wait for 1s, power supply Replace thesocket and try it will work. It is and turning on again, or contact after normal.
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12 months from the date of purchase against manufacturing faults. All Amzchef warranties are automatically kept track of in our system, so there is no need to register your product. For 6month extra free of charge warranty, please register at website www.iamzchef .com or fill in and take picture of bellow Warranty Card...
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Due to continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change the product specification without prior notice.